

Russell Crowe透露被Michael Jackson用電話惡作劇!



影帝羅素克洛(Russell Crowe)表示,之前大約有兩至三年,MJ都會打電話到他住的飯店裡頭;更神奇的是,不論他入住時用什麼名字登記,MJ都有辦法找到他!
羅素說:「他會打過來開一些莫名其妙的玩笑,像是『哈囉,請問牆壁 ﹝Wall, 是一個姓氏、也和英文『牆壁』同音同字﹞先生在嗎?牆壁太太在嗎?都沒有任何姓牆壁的人在?那是誰撐住天花板的?哈哈哈』。」

羅素表示,2009年左右時發現,MJ會用一些奇怪或很用力的聲音說:「這是個緊急事件,先生你得快點離開這座建築物!」,然後羅素問:「請問你是哪位?」 MJ則回答說:「別擔心啦,我開玩笑的,我是Michael。」

Michael Jackson Reportedly Prank Called Russell Crowe For Three Years

Though Russell Crowe hinted at Michael Jackson's penchant for prank calls back in 2013, he recently opened up his vault a bit more for the Guardian. Currently on the promo circuit forThe Water Diviner (which he directed), Crowe claims that MJ somehow found out the fake name he used for hotels and repeatedly used that to his comedic advantage.
Sadly, MJ's choice of puns left much to be desired. According to Crowe, the King of Pop was particularly fond of the Leave it to Beaver-era favorite wherein the prankster asks for both a Mr. and Mrs. Wall, then asks about walls more generally, before arriving gracefully at the punchline — "What's holding the roof up?"
Crowe was apparently less than enthused, notably adding that he had actually "never met him, never shook his hand," a hand which might very well have been wearing a shocking buzzer. For scientific purposes, we've theorized how one of these phone calls might have unfolded below.
*phone rings*
Russell, wearing a 30 Odd Foot of Grunts t-shirt: "Hello?"
MJ, snickering: "Is Mr. Wall there?"
Russell, standing: "WHO?"
MJ, still snickering: "Is Mrs. Wall there?"
Russell, pacing the room: "NO."
MJ, full-on laughing: "Are there any walls there?"
Russell: (sigh)
MJ: "What's holding the roof up?" *hangs up*
Russell: *throws phone*

