加拿大花滑名將Elladj Balde再次冰上逆天炫舞致敬邁克爾傑克遜!在“冰上之王2016”的花滑比賽中伴隨MJ的音樂起舞!
Kings on Ice 2016 Tribute to Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson – the music legend who belonged to one of the most talented musicians for many decades. Even after he passed away his music is still alive in so many forms and mutations. Therefore there it is no surprise that many Figure skaters have chosen Michael’s music for their performances during the years. Let’s take a look on those special ones that will live on alongside Michael Jackson’s legacy.

Elladj Baldé in Tribute to Michael Jackson. Choreography by: Elladj Baldé. Photo by: Darial Sneed.
Elladj Balde skates to Michael’s music at an Ice Gala in Oberstdorf, Germany. He is a Canadian figure skater who has represented his country in many competitions.
In a superb display of ice dancing, and with Michael’s music to guide him, Elladj Balde skates in the style of Michael Jackson, at a 2013 Ice Gala in Oberstdorf, Germany. His interpretation of Michael’s dynamic music is riveting!
Balde Skates To MJ’s Music