Gentle Soul
作者: Bonnie Lamrock , 美國

我記得2002年,那時歌迷會在紐約慶祝 , Michael在偉伯斯特會堂臺上發表演詞 , 我在台下仰視他 , 幸運地 , 他們准我進入” 媒體雅座” 正好就在他的腳下 , 在台的底部 , 我感覺在夢中 .
他真的好美麗 , 不單止他的外表美 , 還有他心靈 . 我可以說的當他向歌迷說他們對他是很重要的 , 當歌迷尖叫 , 他會微笑和咯咯的笑 , 他繼續說 , 他知道我們真的愛他 – 在我的心裡我知道 .
我非常幸運在我生命裡見過Michael Jackson現場三次和他在洛衫磯45周年生日會中工作 .
我永遠不會忘記那些回憶 .
他是一個很溫柔的人 --- 天真單純和友善 .

Story About The Times I saw Michael Jackson
by Bonnie Lamrock /
One of the lucky ones......
Hi, My name is Bonnie and I run the MJ web site:
I've been running it for 8 years now, but before I started my web site, I
worked for one of the largest excellent MJ sites in the UK....MJWN. They're an amazing club and I was
honored to be working there.
After a few months of working there is when I began to realize
that I wanted to start my own site, I enjoyed every aspect of running a
Michael Jackson web site.....and I knew that's what I wanted to do....but my
boss told me she had a surprise, (which she could not tell me yet) and
that she would recommend that I stick around for a little while longer, so I
Not 2 weeks later she announced that we would all be 'working' at
Michael Jackson's 45th Birthday party in LA!
would also be assisting in the planning of some of the ideas for the party
with the creators, MJFC.
I had remembered MJFC from when I went to the MJ Fan Celebration
in 2002 in New York, (Webster Hall)...(they created that party at Webster Hall
as well!) That's one of the very first times I saw Michael!
We all had so much fun thinking of ideas for Michael's 45th
Birthday party,,,,,and then the day came for us all to meet in LA...I was
finally meeting my boss and my team mates from MJWN. I traveled all the way
across the country and they came all the way from the UK, all for the love of
Michael. :-)
We were instructed to wear specially made red jacket's with the
birthday party logo on it....and later, we got to keep them. I still have that
jacket tucked away to this very day. Here's a picture of my
jacket: (Scroll down when you get there to see other shots of it)
I had many different jobs that day....I sold T-Shirts in the front
lobby, I filmed a little, and then we realized that we were late in bringing
the fan art backstage.....Michael was about to come on stage and make his
speech....we had to rush and bring the art back stage as fast as we could.
I remember on my 3rd trip back stage the security told me to stop
and wait. There were a lot of security. I stood there and waited and that's
when I saw Michael walking past..........I almost fainted. It was all so
quick....but I'll never forget it. Below are some links of my video of
Michael's Birthday Party on youtube.....I took some footage and my daughter
took footage when I was working.
There is also footage of the time I saw Michael in New York at the
30th Fan celebration at Webster Hall. I was given a press pass by MJFC and got
to film at the foot of the stage,,,so close to Michael,,,but I was still being
pushed around by the media so even though I was close to MJ, the footage is
really shakey.
The last footage is when I went to see him in Gary Indiana in
2003. That's the worst footage because the fans we're all screaming and
pushing each other.....I don't blame them. :-)
Thanks for listening......I hope you enjoy my video footage below.
I know how blessed I was to have been able to be that close to Michael and I
will truly miss him forever as I know you will too.
Love Always,
Bonnie Lamrock /