來源:mjjcn.com 翻譯:Sara Lee

1992年2月在 < Daily Express > 的採訪中,當被問及在MV 中與MJ 那著名的一吻時,片中女主著名模特Iman 回憶道:我們先後一共拍了三遍那場吻戲,而且要是依著Michael 的性子,恐怕現在我們還在那兒重拍那一段呢!他拍戲真的很投入,後來我還跟他開玩笑說“ 嗨,我知道你是花錢雇我來幹這個的,可我是有夫之婦啊 ”。他覺得這個玩笑很好玩兒。Michael 人很害羞,但卻很有幽默感。拍攝短片時,他對拍攝過程的各個方面都很感興趣而且也很瞭解,這一點真的讓我很吃驚。

Sara: 我猜MJ 之所以一再重拍那場吻戲,純粹是他那完美主義的老毛病又犯了,不是真想吃人家豆腐啊,哈哈。。。估計當時在場的人都明白,就是不好說(他有時很固執的,大家沒覺得嗎?!),所以這時Iman 用這樣半開玩笑的方式暗示他,我覺得其實還是蠻聰明的XD
Isabel says: was it like to kiss Michael Jackson?
Iman: I don't remember kissing him. We barely touched lips, if you play the video very slowly, you will see that. I swear. LOL

1992年2月在 < Daily Express > 的採訪中,當被問及在MV 中與MJ 那著名的一吻時,片中女主著名模特Iman 回憶道:我們先後一共拍了三遍那場吻戲,而且要是依著Michael 的性子,恐怕現在我們還在那兒重拍那一段呢!他拍戲真的很投入,後來我還跟他開玩笑說“ 嗨,我知道你是花錢雇我來幹這個的,可我是有夫之婦啊 ”。他覺得這個玩笑很好玩兒。Michael 人很害羞,但卻很有幽默感。拍攝短片時,他對拍攝過程的各個方面都很感興趣而且也很瞭解,這一點真的讓我很吃驚。

Sara: 我猜MJ 之所以一再重拍那場吻戲,純粹是他那完美主義的老毛病又犯了,不是真想吃人家豆腐啊,哈哈。。。估計當時在場的人都明白,就是不好說(他有時很固執的,大家沒覺得嗎?!),所以這時Iman 用這樣半開玩笑的方式暗示他,我覺得其實還是蠻聰明的XD
Isabel says: was it like to kiss Michael Jackson?
Iman: I don't remember kissing him. We barely touched lips, if you play the video very slowly, you will see that. I swear. LOL
Daily Express, February 20th 1992

Those full and luscious lips of Iman's have certainly been doing a lot of kissing lately: She gives Michael Jackson his first screen kiss in his latest extravagant £2.5 million video Remember The Time.
"We had to act out the kissing scene on Remember The Time three times and if Michael had anything to do with it, we would still be filming it," she said, shrieking with laughter.

Those full and luscious lips of Iman's have certainly been doing a lot of kissing lately: She gives Michael Jackson his first screen kiss in his latest extravagant £2.5 million video Remember The Time.
"We had to act out the kissing scene on Remember The Time three times and if Michael had anything to do with it, we would still be filming it," she said, shrieking with laughter.
"He really got into it. I told him: 'You know you're paying me to do this! You know I'm an engaged woman!' He thought that was very funny."
"He's a shy man but he has a great sense of humour. He mingled with everyone on the shoot and I was amazed how easy he was to be with."