來源:haywardwi.com , 發表時間: Wednesday, December 5, 2012 11:00 am
翻譯:邁克爾傑克遜-音悅Tai飯團 / nellsky
2012年11月30日,美國一家LCO賭場商務酒店中心將150萬美元的頭獎授予Hayward市的獲得者Tami DeMarr。
“祝賀Tami在LCO賭場贏得大獎,“LCO賭場商務酒店中心首席執行官Lee Harden說。“這次大獎還有兩件非常酷的事發生。今天正好是她雙胞胎兒子的生日,同時今天是邁克爾·傑克遜《顫慄》專輯發行30周年的紀念日。我們為她感到無比開心。”

by Sawyer County Record Sawyer County Record
A local resident, Tami DeMarr, won $1.5 million Friday Nov. 30 while playing a participation game at the Lac Courte Oreilles Casino. DeMarr said she was down to her last $3 when she hit it big, winning $1,527,006.18. She said she plans to buy a handicap van for her daughter.
LCO Casino Chief Executive Officer Lee Harden said that DeMarr hit on a Michael Jackson participation game, a Balley proprietary machine. “The cool thing about it was that it was 30 years to the day of the release of Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ album. We couldn’t be more excited for Tami. This is the kind of change we were looking for on the floor, as far as having more exciting machines. We just got 400 brand new chairs here on the floor, and it really changes the face of the experience,” Harden said.