2010年10月9日 - 不久前,在倫敦O2體育館舉辦演唱會的傳奇吉他大師卡洛斯·桑塔納(Carlos Santana)在現場向“流行音樂之王”邁克爾·傑克遜(Michael Jackson)致敬。
桑塔納是世界偉大的吉他手,他的《超自然》(Supernatural)專輯曾斬獲9項格萊美獎,個人獲得其中8項,打平了邁克爾·傑克遜《顫栗》(Thriller)專輯的記錄。兩人後來在《無敵》(Invincible)合作了《無論怎樣》(Whatever Happens)一曲,傳為佳話。而桑塔納這次開演唱會的地方,正是傑克遜曾經計劃舉辦50場演出的地方,可惜出師未捷身先死。

Guitar great, Carlos Santana has been dedicating his concerts to "the Archangel Michael Jackson."
The Mexican-born, San Francisco-based guitar legend has had a Top 10 album in every decade since the 1960s, sold more than 80 million records, is an inductee of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and is the only artist to ever tie Jackson 's record Grammy win of eight in one night. He also collaborated with the King of Pop in 2001 for Jackson 's "Invincible" CD, performing on the track 'Whatever Happens.'
Santana is currently on tour promoting his "Guitar Heaven" CD, which was released last month.
Someone made a thread here recently by sharing a video footage of Carlos Santana's beautiful rendition of "She's Out Of My Life", just a tearjerker and what made me crack was at the very end when he said "I love you Michael!".
Carlos certainly had so much love and respect for Michael both professionally and personally, and through these concerts, he is certainly exuding his admiration for Michael through the best linguistic medium of all - music.
