

Michael’s jewelry gifts to Elizabeth Taylor to be auctioned

中文來源 作者:Sara Lee

13 Dec 2011

最近,克利斯蒂拍賣行(Christie's)在紐約舉辦了伊莉莎白泰勒珍品收藏的拍賣活動,這次的拍賣以她生前收藏的珠寶首飾為主,另外還包括400多件造價不菲的正式禮服及其他貴重物品。拍賣活動持續了四天,總收入超過了1.5億美元,其中珠寶首飾這一部分的入項約為1.16億美元。這次拍賣中,也包括了以下幾件MJ 以前送給伊莉莎白的首飾和紀念物品:


The necklace was a gift from Michael Jackson


關於這套首飾的來歷,伊莉莎白在她寫的那本關於她的那些珠寶首飾的書 中也提到過:
那還是2000年,一次她與MJ 一起去參加克利斯蒂主辦的一個拍賣會,當時還是伊莉莎白先看到了這套首飾(原屬於某歐洲男爵夫人),她指給MJ看並開玩笑地說:那兩個猴子太可愛了,它們在一起的樣子是不是很像咱們倆?!,結果那天拍賣會上,MJ 就拍下了這套首飾並把它作為象徵他們之間友情的禮物送給了伊莉莎白。

另外,這次拍賣中,還有下面這張MJ送給伊莉莎白泰勒的大幅照片(上面有他的親筆題字),最後也以146,500美元的價格賣出(Sara: 天,一張題字照片竟與前面提到的那幾件珠寶首飾的價位差不多!是不是因為這次的珍寶是那個像中人呢?!:P)。照片最初的估價是兩千至三千美元 (不會吧?這個估價也實在太低啦!)。這張照片是MJ 出版單曲
< Liberian Girl >
時拍的,他在照片上的題字如下:“ To My True Love Elizabeth, I love you forever, Michael Jackson ”

Items owned and worn by Elizabeth Taylor including jewerly given to her by Richard Burton and Michael Jackson, and the wig she wore for 1963′s Cleopatra are going up for the bidding at at least four separate auctions.
Eighty earrings, necklaces, pendants and rings will be up for the bidding at Christie’s auction house in New York City starting Tuesday. Items sold at the four-day auction could total as high as $30 million. Among the items is the Elizabeth Taylor Diamond, a 33.19-carat diamond ring bequeathed to the late actress by ex-husband Richard Burton. It’s expected to fetch between $2.5 million and $3.5 million.
A diamond bracelet given to her by her close friend Michael Jackson is estimated to sell for $30,000 to $50,000.
An exhibition featuring items from the auction opened at Christie’s on Dec. 3 and ends Friday. Tickets to view the exhibit cost $30, and 25,000 have been sold. The exhibition was previously on display in Dubai , Geneva , Hong Kong, London , Los Angeles and Paris .

