2013年5月21日 - 當《60分鐘》(60 Minutes)節目的蘿拉•羅根(Lara Logan)和製片人約翰•哈姆林(John Hamlin)參觀存放邁克爾•傑克遜(Michael Jackson)私人物品的秘密倉庫時,他們發現了一堆雕像、街機遊戲和鑲飾了水晶的服裝,但最吸引人的還是一張簡單的手寫紙條。


“MJ將是我的新名字,再也不是邁克爾•傑克遜。我要一個全新的角色、全新的形象。我應該成為一個完全不同的人。人們不該再把我當成那個唱《ABC》(或)《我要你回來》(I Want You Back)的孩子,我該是一個不可思議的新演員/歌手/舞者,震驚世界。我不做採訪,我會魔力四射。我會成為完美主義者、研究者、教練、大師。我會比所有偉大演員合為一體還棒。”
羅根說這封信是她和檔案保管員凱倫•蘭福德(Karen Langford)一起參觀時發現的最私人物品。
羅根說這封信是她和檔案保管員凱倫•蘭福德(Karen Langford)一起參觀時發現的最私人物品。
60 Minutes Overtime - MJ's manifesto, penned in 1979 (CBS)
When 60 Minutes' Lara Logan and producer John Hamlin toured a secret warehouse where Michael Jackson's personal effects are stored, they found a surreal collection of statues, arcade games, and crystal-encrusted clothing-- but the most fascinating item they found was a simple handwritten note.
"At the age of 21, he wrote a manifesto," explains Hamlin, "scribbled to himself on the back of a tour itinerary in 1979 that described his mission statement for what he wanted to become." The document is folded and worn, and it appears to be hand-written by Jackson in ballpoint pen during a moment of inspiration.
The document reads:
"MJ will be my new name. No more Michael Jackson. I want a whole new character, a whole new look. I should be a tottally [sic] different person. People should never think of me as the kid who sang "ABC," [or] "I Want You Back." I should be a new, incredible actor/singer/dancer that will shock the world. I will do no interviews. I will be magic. I will be a perfectionist, a researcher, a trainer, a masterer [sic]. I will be better than every great actor roped into one."
Logan, who reported on Michael Jackson's estate for 60 Minutes this week, said the letter was the most personal find in the vast warehouse of belongings she toured with archivist Karen Langford.
"One of the things that I discovered is that it was very hard to get a sense of who Michael Jackson was by the end of his life," says Logan. "Because under this siege of accusations and stardom, the real Michael Jackson kind of disappeared. I was hungry for a sense of who Michael Jackson was as a person, and what could be more personal than something he wrote like that when he was so young."
In the note, Jackson also expressed a desire to improve himself by studying the work of great entertainers. In the margin of the document he added this promise: "I will study and look back on the whole world of entertainment and perfect it, take it steps further from where the greats left off."
Hamlin, a music industry producer as well as a 60 Minutes producer, says about the letter: "It's not unusual for young artists, musicians, actors, to daydream about how big a star they wanna become, but for someone to write it down at age 21 and actually execute it almost to the T is remarkable. He set his goals, and he did exactly what he said on the back of that piece of paper."