2012年12月3日 - 邁克爾·傑克遜(Michael Jackson)經典服裝拍賣已落下帷幕。著名歌星Lady Gaga豪擲重金買走55件流行音樂之王的衣物。
周日,Lady Gaga在推特上發文表示,她在朱利安拍賣行上買走了55件傑克遜藏品,並表示要本著“對傑克遜、他的勇敢和他全世界的歌迷的愛和精神,儲藏並專業地照料好”它們。
拍賣行老闆達倫·朱利安(Darren Julien)說,傑克遜在“真棒”(Bad)巡演裏穿過的外套,拍賣出來24萬美元。兩幅傑克遜的水晶手套,分別賣出了10萬美元,其他夾克和演出服裝也賣出了類似的價位。
這次拍賣會上的主要拍賣物品,來自傑克遜多年御用服裝師鄧尼斯·湯普金斯(Dennis Tompkins)和邁克爾·布希(Michael Bush)的收藏。此次拍賣會共賣出超過500萬美元,部分收益將捐給美國導盲犬協會和拉斯維加斯的納森·阿黛爾森救濟所。

Lady Gaga Buys Michael Jackson Stage Costumes at Auction
Jacket from 'Bad' tour, gloves go for hundreds of thousands of dollars
December 3, 2012
Lady Gaga spent hundreds of thousands of dollars at an auction over the weekend to buy 55 items once owned by Michael Jackson, including the jacket he wore on the Bad tour, The Associated Press reports.
Gaga said she bought the items in the spirit of preservation, tweeting, "The 55 pieces I collected today will be archived & expertly cared for in the spirit & love of Michael Jackson, his bravery, & fans worldwide."
An auctioneer said the jacket that Jackson wore on the Bad tour brought $240,000, while a pair of crystal-encrusted gloves sold for more than $100,000 each. The auction, featuring items from the collection of Jackson 's longtime costume designers, Dennis Tompkins and Michael Bush, raised more than $5 million. Some proceeds will benefit Guide Dogs of America and Nathan Adelson Hospice of Las Vegas .