來源:MJJCN.com / forbes.com 編譯:Badthriller

2012年11月1日 - 人死不代表就不能發微博。看看邁克爾•傑克遜(Michael Jackson),過去12個月裏賺了1億4000萬美元的他在微博上有88萬4000個粉絲,共發了572條微博,比如“夠飆就轉發#誰飆(RETWEET if you’re bad! #whosbad)”。
邁克爾•傑克遜是最受歡迎已故名人,他的YouTube頻道吸引了10億點擊率,最受歡迎的視頻當屬傑克遜1983年和導演約翰•蘭迪斯(John Landis)拍的短篇電影《顫慄》(Thriller)。
傑克遜的團隊還使用網路行銷了傑克遜的新專案,比如經典專輯《飆》(Bad)的《飆25》(Bad25)紀念套裝。與這個紀念套裝相匹配的是導演斯派克•李(Spike Lee)拍攝的同名紀錄片,它將於感恩節晚上在ABC電視臺播出。
在世明星需要使用社交網路與粉絲保持聯繫。賈斯汀•比伯(Justin Bieber)、金•卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)和“嘎嘎女神”(Lady Gaga)已經告訴你如果和粉絲成為朋友會有多大的影響力。
“幾年前,已故明星出現在社交網路上基本不可能。”Starcount資料總監丹尼爾•迪爾洛夫(Daniel Dearlove)說,“這些帳號可以成為已故明星粉絲的交流社區。”在圖派克•沙庫爾(Tupac Shakur)的Facebook頁面上,有粉絲提交的沙庫爾壁紙。這個頁面上最近分享了一副英國伯明罕人阿卜杜勒•卡什姆(Abdul Kashem)畫的沙庫爾臉的壁紙,這吸引了1000次分享和57個評論。
名單上的音樂家成績不俗,因為粉絲可以通過歌迷網站看錄影、聽音樂。排在傑克遜和沙庫爾中間的是鮑勃•馬利(Bob Marley)。多虧他的遺產管理委員會,這位雷鬼傳奇現在又活躍在人們的視線裏了,以馬利為品牌的飲品、耳機、揚聲器、皮包正在熱銷中。
約翰•列儂(John Lennon)排名第四,他的YouTube頻道已被流覽2190萬次。大野洋子(Yoko Ono)最近發佈了一個視頻,感謝歌迷對列儂的奉獻。歌迷還能在網上看列儂的音樂錄影。
排名第五的是“貓王”艾維斯•普雷斯利(Elvis Presley)。為數眾多的熱情歌迷可以在他的Facebook頁面上讀到關於他新音樂的新聞。而且“貓王”出現在了席琳•迪翁(Celine Dion)新專輯歌曲《如果我能夢想》(If I Can Dream)的合唱裏。
1、Michael Jackson
2、Bob Marley
3、Tupac Shakur
4、John Lennon
5、Elvis Presley
6、Whitney Houston
7、Marilyn Monroe
8、Jimi Hendrix
9、Notorious B.I.G.
10、Albert Einstein

2012年11月1日 - 人死不代表就不能發微博。看看邁克爾•傑克遜(Michael Jackson),過去12個月裏賺了1億4000萬美元的他在微博上有88萬4000個粉絲,共發了572條微博,比如“夠飆就轉發#誰飆(RETWEET if you’re bad! #whosbad)”。
邁克爾•傑克遜是最受歡迎已故名人,他的YouTube頻道吸引了10億點擊率,最受歡迎的視頻當屬傑克遜1983年和導演約翰•蘭迪斯(John Landis)拍的短篇電影《顫慄》(Thriller)。
傑克遜的團隊還使用網路行銷了傑克遜的新專案,比如經典專輯《飆》(Bad)的《飆25》(Bad25)紀念套裝。與這個紀念套裝相匹配的是導演斯派克•李(Spike Lee)拍攝的同名紀錄片,它將於感恩節晚上在ABC電視臺播出。
在世明星需要使用社交網路與粉絲保持聯繫。賈斯汀•比伯(Justin Bieber)、金•卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)和“嘎嘎女神”(Lady Gaga)已經告訴你如果和粉絲成為朋友會有多大的影響力。
“幾年前,已故明星出現在社交網路上基本不可能。”Starcount資料總監丹尼爾•迪爾洛夫(Daniel Dearlove)說,“這些帳號可以成為已故明星粉絲的交流社區。”在圖派克•沙庫爾(Tupac Shakur)的Facebook頁面上,有粉絲提交的沙庫爾壁紙。這個頁面上最近分享了一副英國伯明罕人阿卜杜勒•卡什姆(Abdul Kashem)畫的沙庫爾臉的壁紙,這吸引了1000次分享和57個評論。
名單上的音樂家成績不俗,因為粉絲可以通過歌迷網站看錄影、聽音樂。排在傑克遜和沙庫爾中間的是鮑勃•馬利(Bob Marley)。多虧他的遺產管理委員會,這位雷鬼傳奇現在又活躍在人們的視線裏了,以馬利為品牌的飲品、耳機、揚聲器、皮包正在熱銷中。
約翰•列儂(John Lennon)排名第四,他的YouTube頻道已被流覽2190萬次。大野洋子(Yoko Ono)最近發佈了一個視頻,感謝歌迷對列儂的奉獻。歌迷還能在網上看列儂的音樂錄影。
排名第五的是“貓王”艾維斯•普雷斯利(Elvis Presley)。為數眾多的熱情歌迷可以在他的Facebook頁面上讀到關於他新音樂的新聞。而且“貓王”出現在了席琳•迪翁(Celine Dion)新專輯歌曲《如果我能夢想》(If I Can Dream)的合唱裏。
1、Michael Jackson
2、Bob Marley
3、Tupac Shakur
4、John Lennon
5、Elvis Presley
6、Whitney Houston
7、Marilyn Monroe
8、Jimi Hendrix
9、Notorious B.I.G.
10、Albert Einstein
Just because a celebrity is dead doesn’t mean he can’t tweet. Just look at Michael Jackson. The pop star (who earned $140 million in the last 12 months) has 884,000 followers on Twitter, where he has sent out 572 tweets, including, “RETWEET if you’re bad! #whosbad.”
Obviously it’s not Michael Jackson sending out these tweets. The singer passed away in 2009 at the age of 50.
Just because a celebrity is dead doesn’t mean he can’t tweet. Just look at Michael Jackson. The pop star (who earned $140 million in the last 12 months) has 884,000 followers on Twitter, where he has sent out 572 tweets, including, “RETWEET if you’re bad! #whosbad.”
Obviously it’s not Michael Jackson sending out these tweets. The singer passed away in 2009 at the age of 50.
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But the people who manage the estates of dead celebrities have realized that if you want to keep your star relevant, it helps to have a social-networking presence. A surprising number of the stars we looked at for this year’s top-earning dead celebrities list have active online social lives.
Full List: Most Social Dead Celebrities
We turned to Starcount, a Singapore-based firm that tracks social networks, to help compile a list of the dead celebrities with the biggest social networking footprints. Starcount tracks 11 social networks around that world. Of course Twitter and Facebook are in there but they also look at sites like Renren and Orkut.
Michael Jackson tops our list of the Most Social Dead Celebrities. Jackson ’s biggest presence is on YouTube, where his channel has attracted 1 billion hits. The most popular video on the site is for “Thriller“, the short film Jackson made in 1983 with director John Landis.
But Jackson ’s team also uses the site to promote new Jackson projects like Bad25, a reissue of Jackson ’s iconic Bad album. The release will coincide with a documentary about the album from director Spike Lee which will air on ABC Thanksgiving night.
Living stars need to use social networks to keep in touch with fans. Stars like Justin Bieber, Kim Kardashian and Lady Gaga have shown how powerful it can be to have fans feel like they are friends with a celebrity.
It’s a slightly different story for dead celebrities. It would be extremely weird if a dead celebrity replied to a fan’s tweet or Facebook posting. Instead, the estates use the sites mostly to keep fans up to date on any new products and to give fans a place to interact.
“A few years ago, it was rare for deceased stars to have official presences on social networks,” says Daniel Dearlove, head of data at Starcount. “The accounts can serve as communities for fans of the dead star.”
On Tupac Shakur’s Facebook page, for example, there are images of Shakur murals from around the world submitted by fans. The site recently shared a photo by Abdul Kashem of a mural in Birmingham , England , of Shakur’s face. It attracted 1,000 shares and 57 comments.
Shakur ranks third on our list of the Most Social Dead Celebrities. Like many of the musicians on our list, Shakur is most active on YouTube where his channel attracts more than 100,000 hits per day. The channel has been viewed 39 million times.
Musicians do well on our list because fans can watch their videos and listen to their music through their fan sites. Ranking second in between Jackson and Shakur is Bob Marley. The reggae singer is having a resurgence thanks to a marketing push from his estate, which now sells a Marley-branded “relaxation” drink, as well as Marley headphones, speakers and bags.
The singer has 41 million fans on Facebook and is the most popular reggae star, living or dead, on social networks, according to Starcount.
John Lennon ranks fourth on our list. The singer’s YouTube channel has been viewed 21.9 million times. Yoko Ono recently put up a video thanking fans for their devotion to Lennon on what would have been his 70th birthday. Fans can also watch videos of Lennon’s music on the site.
Rounding out the top five is Elvis Presley. The King has legions of passionate fans who can read about his new music on his Facebook page. And no, that’s not a mistake. Presley is featured in a duet of “If I Can Dream” with Celine Dion on the Canadian singer’s latest album, which hits stores this week.