




和MJ一起在恩西諾地區上學的女同學,曾“救下”了MJ在1972-73年間扔掉的畫作。這是MJ大約在14、15歲時畫的素描,當時他在課堂上畫素描畫完之後便把它們揉成一團扔掉了。因女同學很喜歡MJ畫的卓別林,在征得MJ同意後收藏了畫作,還讓MJ簽了名。第二幅圖是導師Rose Fine女士,MJ很尊敬和熱愛她。(Michael 真的是多才多藝)

Rose Fine, a Jewish woman who was my beloved childhood tutor and who traveled with me and my brothers when we were all in the Jackson Five.

Rose Fine, 我童年時最親愛的老師,當我和哥哥們在Jackson 5時,一起巡迴旅行。

MJ: After the show I would run into Rose’s  room. We’d read and have warm milk and I needed that so badly. She would always say to me, “The door’s open”, and she would leave her door open.


You think she saw you as her son?


MJ: She called me her son…


Did she show you unconditional love?


MJ: Yes.


So you think unconditional love can be shown even by two people who are not related by blood?


MJ: Oh my God, yes, of course. I think I learned it through her and I have seen it and I have experienced it. It doesn’t matter with blood or race or creed or color. Love is love and it breaks all boundaries and you just see it right away. I see it in the children’s eyes. When I see children, I see helpless little puppies. They are so sweet. How could anybody hurt them?


Rose Fine, although she wasn’t your biological mother, was able to show you a lot of motherly affection?

Rose Fine, 雖然她不是你的親生母親,但給了你許多母愛?

MJ: And boy did I need it. I was never with my mother when I was little, very seldom, and I had a wonderful mother. I see her as an angel, and I was always gone, always on tour, doing back-to-back concerts, all over America , overseas, clubs, just always gone. Rose was with us all the way from the very first professional tour of the Jackson 5 until I was eighteen.

我非常需要那些,我小時候很少和母親在一起,我有一個特別好的母親,我把她看作天使,但我經常離家,總在不停巡演,走遍了美國各地、海外、俱樂部,總是離家。Rose Fine與我們一路從最初的Jackson 5巡迴時,直到我十八歲。

And she would teach you during the day?


MJ: Aha.


Regular subjects? Mathematics? English? She taught all the five of you together?

常規的科目? 數學?英文?她一起教你們5個?

MJ: Yes, together, three hours. She taught Janet, all of them.


MJ: Rose died this year, Janet and myself, we paid for her nurse and her hospital care, or if her television broke down or the electricity, or there was anything wrong with the house, we would cover the bills. Now her husband is sick, so I am taking care of him, and because we felt she is our mother and you take care of your mother…


You really felt like that?


MJ: Absolutely. She was more than a tutor and I was so angry at myself that when she died I was far, far away. I couldn’t get there.

 it hurt when I came to the door to see her and I went, “Mrs. Fine, it’s Michael”, and she would go, “You are not Michael”… That hurts so much. Growing old is not always pretty. It’s sad.

令人難過的是,我去探望她,說“Fine夫人,我是Michael”,她說“不要說你是Michael,你不是Michael” …老去並不完全是美好的事。這很傷感。

寫家庭作業…Janet,Randy和Rose Fine.

