


來源  作者:Keen


流行音樂之王邁克爾傑克遜新專輯#XSCAPE#的試聽會上,@索尼音樂娛樂 / Epic 唱片公司給傑克遜遺產管理委員會頒發了一個巨型認證銘牌,紀念天王的經典巨作《顫慄》(Thriller)全球賣出超過一億張唱片!!!銘牌上記錄了這張歷史最暢銷專輯的成就:37周美國榜冠軍、超過53個國家的排行冠軍、7Top 10金曲、8項格萊美獎,傳奇還在繼續……

Thriller sells more than 100 million copies! Biggest selling album of ALL time!

On April 8th, 2014 a select group of music execs, press, radio, TV, and representatives of the Jackson estate gathered in New York for a first listen to Michael Jackson’s new album, XSCAPE. During the party, Epic Records Chairman and CEO, L.A. Reid presented the Jackson estate with a Jewel Box Platinum custom designed plaque in honor of Thriller selling more than 100 million copies and holding the title for biggest selling album of all time!

XSCAPE, an album of all new music, written by MJ and Rodney “Darkchild” Jerkins, is set to be released May 13, 2014.

