


來源   作者:Keen

#MJ軼事#邁克爾傑克遜還小的時候,就已經稟賦藝術天才,這是他在1972-73年期間,他大約十四五歲時創作的素描作品——喜劇大師卓別林和他的老師Rose Fine。不過他畫完就揉做一團當垃圾扔掉了。當時和他一起在恩西諾地區上學的女同學撿到,讓他簽名後收藏,現在估價兩萬美元


ANTIQUES ROADSHOW - Appraisal of Michael Jackson Drawings

A woman who went to school with Michael Jackson in Encino, salvaged some drawings he threw away in 1972-73.  She brings them in to Antiques Roadshow  for an appraisal. Michael was aprox 14 or 15 years old when he sketched the pictures. She said he would sketch pictures in class and then just ball them up and throw them away. She really like his Chaplin sketch and asked him if she could have it. It wasn't signed so at the urging of her father she took it back the next day and asked him to sign it. We know he had a great respect and felt an affinity with Charlie Chaplin over the years, which James Supp, the appraiser, discusses as well. I believe the tutor they discusses in the 2nd drawing is Michael's tutor Ms. Rose Fine, who he also respected and loved. The appraiser said that after discussing the sketches with his colleagues, he felt they could be worth aprox 8 to 10 Thousand dollars each at auction.

A total value of $16,000.00 to $20,000.00 

In Anaheim Hour 1, James Supp appraises these Michael Jackson drawings, ca. 1973.

