2014年12月31日 - 邁克爾·傑克遜(Michael Jackson)前經紀人弗蘭克·迪裡奧(Frank Dileo)承諾的回憶錄《迪裡奧:我要說清楚》(DiLeo: I Am Going to Set the Record Straight)預計將在今年秋季出版,書中將揭露那些試圖控制邁克爾的人。
迪裡奧於2011年因病去世,他在上世紀80年代擔任傑克遜的經紀人,並在傑克遜去世前重新回歸傑克遜身邊擔任舊職。這本書由他的長期商業夥伴、經紀人、製作人馬克·拉米卡(Mark Lamica)根據迪裡奧生前留下的私人日記、錄音和錄影編寫而成。
書中揭露了傑克遜整容的一大原因是不想讓自己看起來像父親約瑟夫·傑克遜(Joseph Jackson)。
“邁克爾看到爸爸一出現就受不了。當他在‘飆’巡演(Bad Tour)期間露面時,邁克爾嚇得心驚肉跳。”
書中還有傑克遜和唱片公司的協定細節、和柯洛尼投資集團(Colony Capital)關於夢幻莊園(Neverland)的協議、“就是這樣”(This Is It)演唱會的協議以及傑克遜最後幾個月的艱難歲月。

Michael Jackson’s late former manager, Frank DiLeo, is coming out with a bombshell, beyond-the-grave book promising the truth about everyone who manipulated Michael — plus revelations that the star underwent dramatic plastic surgery because he couldn’t bear to look like his father.
DiLeo, who passed away in 2011, was with the superstar during the 1980s and again just before he died in 2009. The book, “DiLeo: I Am Going to Set the Record Straight,” is being put together by his longtime business partner, manager and producer Mark Lamica, using DiLeo’s personal journals and audio and video recordings.
The book reveals that Jackson went through all that painful surgery and skin bleaching because he couldn’t stand looking like his dad, Joseph Jackson, who Michael said abused him as a child.
Lamica told Page Six of the reason for Michael’s surgery: “Michael told Frank in a phone conversation that he couldn’t bear to see his father’s face when he looked in the mirror. Frank had told him that he needed to stop changing his face, because he was becoming unrecognizable to his fans.
“Michael was emotional and told Frank, ‘I gotta cut him away, I’ve got to remove him. I still see Joseph when I look in the mirror, I have got to cut him away.’”
Lamica added, “Michael couldn’t be near his father. When he would show up during the ‘Bad’ tour, Michael would have panic attacks.”
Lamica, who is in talks with two publishers for a fall release, said DiLeo — who played gangster Tuddy Cicero in “Goodfellas” — had asked him to put the book out if anything happened to him.
He died following complications from heart surgery at age 63.
The book also promises to name and shame all of those who ripped off and used Michael, including some big names in the music business.
It will include details of his dealings with his record label, his Neverland Ranch deal with Colony Capital, plus a shocking mob hit on Michael that was stopped by DiLeo.
It will also lift the lid on the deal for his “This Is It” tour and the final difficult months of Michael’s life.