

《名利場》雜誌100周年慶 MJ為最佳封面!

中文來源  作者:Keen

《名利場》雜誌100周年慶,邁克爾傑克遜1989年的封面獲選史上最佳封面!!!!!!總共有7.3萬多人為這封面投下一票。這張照片由傳奇攝影師Annie Leibovitz拍攝。《名利場》感歎:考慮到流行之王面臨的競爭對手是無數好萊塢巨星,這個票選結果值得慶祝!!

12:00 AM, November 22 2013

Michael Jackson Voted Best Vanity Fair Cover Star of All Time

After months of voting, readers have selected their favorite Vanity Fair cover of all time: our December 1989 issue featuring Michael Jackson, shot by contributing photographer Annie Leibovitz.

The King of Pop faced some stiff competition. The winning issue was up against covers from over a century, ranging from portraits of classic Hollywood icons, Jazz Age illustrations, heartthrobs, and such pop queens as Lady Gaga. Robert Pattinson’s Cajun-inspired April 2011 cover came in at second place, bolstered by a zealous group of dedicated Twihards.

Other popular covers included Kristen Stewart in couture on our July 2012 issue, a sultry Marilyn Monroe on our October 2008 cover, David Duchovny’s June 1998 cover, and Audrey Hepburn’s May 2013 issue.

