

澳大利亞咖啡館人質劫持事件 MJ的歌在悼念現場播放

來源   作者:Keen


1215日,澳大利亞咖啡館人質劫持事件震驚全球,此後,成千上萬束鮮花被放置在馬丁廣場(Martin Place)上,以紀念的遇難者。共有兩名人質在此次事件中遇難。流行音樂之王邁克爾傑克遜的《治癒世界》在廣場上播出,讓人熱淚盈眶。
‘Heal The World’ Played At Siege Site In Sydney
A man brings a small sound system playing Michael Jackson’s ‘Heal The World’ to the site where the cafe siege took place in Sydney, Australia last week.
Seventeen people were taken hostage when a man stormed into the popular Lindt Chocolate Cafe in Sydney’s Martin Place shortly before 10.00 am last Monday morning. Five of the hostages managed to run free later that afternoon, but there were injured and 2 people died during the 16-hour siege.
The 34 year old cafe manager killed in the dramatic final moments of the siege was shot while trying to grab the gunman’s weapon, sources say, and a 38 year old Sydney lawyer died in the early hours of Tuesday.
The man, identified on Twitter as “Josh from Parramatta” brought a small sound system to the area outside the Lindt Cafe in Martin Place on Wednesday. He played the song at the site where flowers were being placed as a memorial to the two people who were killed in the siege.
Michael may not be with us physically any more, but his powerful messages of love and peace in his songs live on and continue to bring comfort and hope to a world where no one seems safe from acts of violence and terrorism.

シドニー人質事件現場に「Heal The World

オーストラリア・シドニーで先週発生したカフェの人質事件の現場で、小さなサウンドシステムを持ち込んだ男性がマイケル・ジャクソンの「Heal The World」を流した。



ツイッターで「Josh from Parramatta」と名乗る男性は、水曜日にマーティンプレースのリンツ・ショコラ・カフェの現場に小さなサウンドシステムを持ち込んだ。彼はこの事件で死亡した2人を悼む花束が置かれた場所で、マイケル・ジャクソンの「Heal The World」を流した。


