在最新一期《JET》雜誌上,Michael Jackson打破沉默,向前不久才逝世的法國世界級默劇大師Marcel Marceau(馬塞·馬素)致敬。許多人還記得Marcel Marceau是Jackson的偶像之一,以及兩人的親密關係,以至於讓有些人還錯誤地認為流行之王的著名“太空步”是從Marceau那裏學來。
無論如何,Marceau依然是他的偶像之一。Jackson說,“他是個偉大的人。在《Off The Wall》時代之前,我就常常去看Marcel Marceau的表演,”Jackson微笑著說道,“我常常悄悄溜進觀眾席裏,看他怎麼樣重新定義地心引力,仿佛他在空中行走一樣。”
Circus act...Michael Jackson, pictured with mime artist Marcel Marceau in 1995, is to be honoured with a Cirque du Soleil show.
Marcel Marceau(馬塞·馬素)在舞臺上表演了50年。他的臉皮和肢體語言,在無聲中道盡了所有的人類的情緒和情感。雖然師從著名默劇家Etienne Decroux,但對這個法國猶太人來說,他還是受卓別林影響最深。
Michael Jackson和Marcel Marceau在1995年曾構思並合作了一台演出項目。但由於Michael生病,這個項目最終流產。
Michael Jackson breaks silence, remembers mime Marcel Marceau
by Joy T. Bennett 2007-10-15
When France 's renowned mime Marcel Marceau died last month at age 84, many fans remembered his close connection with Michael Jackson, a Marceau admirer, even erroneously attributing the King of Pop's signature Moonwalk dance step to the mime's influence.In a JET exclusive interview, Jackson shared how much in awe he was of the performer, how "he would defy the laws of gravity." The two developed a friendship over the last several decades.
However, while he "learned a lot" from Marceau, Jackson said that his Moonwalk step, popularized in 1983, was instead inspired by "watching the great rhythmic, wonderful Black children dance around the world."
Nevertheless, Marceau was one of his inspirations, Jackson said in his first magazine interview in nearly a decade. "He was a great guy. I used to go see Marcel Marceau all of the time, before Off The Wall," he said, with a smile. "I used to sneak in and sit in the audience and watch how he would defy the laws of gravity, like he was stepping on air."
Jackson said that he would later use some of the mime's magical movements in his own dance routines. "I would take some of those things and include it into rhythm and dance when I moved," he said.
Marceau died in the southwestern France town of Cahors on Sept. 22. He had retired from the stage in 2005.
- Marceau Speaking :
- "Michael Jackson could have been a great mime. We can see when we watch him that miming is both something that has influenced him and something he craves for.
Michael Jackson and mime artist Marcel Marceau perform in Paris