從全國各地前來參加活動的藝術家們提交了自己的作品。週五這些作品將在Sunrise藝術活動中心展出,同時現場DJ TLyfe也會放送MJ的音樂旋律。屆時還會提供星巴克咖啡和從勞德代爾堡的糕點作坊運來的美味蛋糕。
Sunrise的發言人克裏斯汀·普費(Christine Pfeffer)女士說,這個主意來自於一位員工的意外發現。因為該市的創意咖啡集市第五期跟文化中心致敬MJ的兩次活動剛好趕在了同一時間。作為對MJ歌曲“鏡中人(Man in The Mirror)的致敬,佛羅裏達州的藝術家們被邀請以油漆、木炭、攝影和油墨等各種混合介質創作的自畫像類作品參與這項活動。
“我們試圖用一種非字面的方式來緬懷邁克爾”普費說,“一些人藝術家傾向於用文字的方式而另一些人則喜歡更有表現力的方式。”畫廊的館長朱莉·弗萊格(Julie Flaig)說,“我們的活動吸引了來自各界不同年齡層的藝術家們。”
King of Pop commemorated in Sunrise self-portrait display August 10, 2011|By CHRISTIANA LILLY clilly@tribune.com
To honor Michael Jackson's birthday this month, Sunrise asked artists to take a look in the mirror and portray what they saw through art.
Artists from around the county submitted their own self-portraits and, this Friday, the Sunrise Civic Center Art Gallery will showcase those works while DJ TLyfe spins Jackson-themed tunes. There will also be Starbucks coffee and gourmet cupcakes from the Fort Lauderdale-based Cupcake Gloria.
The idea came about after staff discovered that the city's fifth Creative Coffeehouse series coincided with the Civic Center 's two tributes to the King of Pop, said Sunrise spokeswoman Christine Pfeffer.
As a tribute to Jackson 's song "Man in the Mirror," Florida artists were invited to turn in self-portraits fashioned from various mixed media like paint, charcoal, photography and ink.
" Michael Jackson - the Man in the Mirror ", by Dave O'Brien
. Sweet Michael Jackson Artwork: by Jeannette Ulrich