


來源:MJJCN.COM / 綜合   編譯:ilmj1314

2012627邁克爾傑克遜(Michael Jackson)去世三周年之際,各路明星紛紛發微薄悼念,昨天早上10:45,推特上的前三名熱門話題都與傑克遜有關。

傑克遜家族成員也紛紛發推特表達思念之情。傑克遜14歲的女兒帕里斯傑克遜(Paris Jackson)寫到安息,邁克爾傑克遜,爸爸你永遠活在我心中,我愛你。

碧昂斯(Beyonce):當我剛剛出道,我的第一任製作人常常讓我聽邁克爾傑克遜演繹現場版的《誰人愛你》(Who’s Loving You)。他會讓我一遍又一遍的看上幾個小時。


美國嘻哈歌手維茲卡裏法(Wiz Khalifa):三年前的今天,世界失去了一位傳奇。安息,邁克爾傑克遜。你的音樂將永存。感謝你所做的一切!

英國嘻哈歌手麥茲布萊特(Mz Bratt):安息,音樂傳奇!邁克爾傑克遜。

斯派克李(Spike Lee):今天是6252009年,邁克爾傑克遜的肉體死去。萬能的上帝保佑他。SHAMON


裏克迪斯(Rick Dees):很難相信,3年前的今天我們失去了一位天賜的禮物邁克爾傑克遜,他的音樂獎永存。

傑克遜(TJ Jackson):深深的懷念你的愛和教導。我將永遠銘記和珍視你給我生活帶來的東西,我愛你,邁克爾叔叔。

鮑勃布朗(Bobby Brown):3年前的今天,邁克爾傑克遜先生離開了我們……向最偉大的音樂家致敬!安息。

傑法傑克遜(Jaafar jackson:安息。

歐默巴提(Omer Bhatti):3年了,仍然不能相信。我每天都在努力讓你感到驕傲。愛你,無限的思念。安息,邁克爾傑克遜,最偉大的藝術家。

但丁聖地牙哥(Dante Santiago):這一天,我們思念偉大的邁克爾傑克遜。

盧達克裏斯 Ludacris ):通過他的音樂,邁克爾傑克遜將永生。安息。

昆西鐘斯(Quincy Jones):想念Smelly

羅德尼傑金(Rodney Jerkins):致我的朋友和導師。你給予我們感情、熱情、音樂、愛和我們走下去的靈感。安息。我和@DanteSantiagoMJ同在。我想念這位朋友和導師。


賈斯丁比伯(Justin Bieber):安息,最偉大的藝術家,安息,國王,安息,邁克爾傑克遜。你將永遠被銘記。

戴倫海斯(Darren Hayes):我多次寫博客紀念邁克爾傑克遜,追隨我的人知道他的音樂在我成長中有多麼重要。這源於我在1987年看過他的演唱會,那一瞬間,我意識到我想成為表演家,所以他的離世對我個人來說是非常讓人悲痛的。我寫了一首名為《光芒四射》(Glorious)的歌曲致敬邁克爾傑克遜。這是我想用來紀念他的方式:充滿歡樂和生氣。我選擇銘記他的神奇和耀眼的能量。一個閃過的鏡頭劃過我的腦海,一個迷你電影出現在我頭腦,我在真棒Bad)巡演中看到他在舞臺。在這部電影中,我記得198711月在布里斯班娛樂中心的舞臺上,當他在舞臺上騰空一踢時,感到從他指尖和腳趾中發出的無形的一股電流。我記得那種腎上腺素的浪潮如何席捲了整個場館,以及我的內心,就像一陣霓虹龍捲風。

Darren hayes GLORIOUS (mj blog)
It's no secret I'm a Michael Jackson fan. *Many people know that he was a huge inspiration to me growing up. Many also know that part of my connection to the song 'Black Out The Sun' is that, although I didn't write the song about M.J - I recorded it the day he passed away and I hear that emotion in the vocal every time I listen to it. *What not many people know is that I did write a song about Michael after he died. *It's called Glorious and it's a bonus track on the special and collector's editions of the new album.
Given that the news is presently focused on the darker side of his passing - I thought I'd publish the lyrics to the song I wrote in celebration of the light he brought to my life. *Here are the lyrics to Glorious.
You will never get older and you will never feel pain
Or fill the room with laughter like you used to
And I won't hear you speaking or others call your name
In spite of this the world will still continue
And you will always remain in my heart forever young
Sun and wind won't change you and you'll escape the hands of time
And now your beauty won't betray you and your future's paved with gold
But in my mind you are suspended and you will be forever young
I'm a little bit hopeful that we all carry on
But part of me still thinks we're all just stardust*
And from the highest mountain I went to make a sound
I thought that if I called out you would answer
But no one did
And you will always remain in my heart forever young
Sun and wind won't change you and you'll escape the hands of time
And now your beauty won't betray you and your future's paved with gold
But in my mind you are suspended and you will be forever young
I know the rules of the game
For every sunset the light has to fade
But baby a light like yours was so glorious

