“我一直認為那首歌應該讓孩子來唱。當我最終在製作人喬治•杜克(George Duke)的版本上聽到孩子們的歌聲時,差點哭出來。這是我聽過最好的版本。”
—— 邁克爾•傑克遜(Michael Jackson),摘自自傳《月球漫步》(Moonwalker)

—— 邁克爾•傑克遜(Michael Jackson),摘自自傳《月球漫步》(Moonwalker)

文/ 桑尼•梅倫德里斯(Sonny Melendrez)翻譯:Badthriller
1985年3月的一個清晨,當電臺的鬧鐘炸開時,我被一個兒童純淨的歌聲喚醒,他在唱:“天下一家,我們都是上帝的孩子。(We are the world. We are the children.)”恍惚之中,我記得自己產生了一個清晰的念頭:一個兒童版的世界聖歌《天下一家》(We Are The World)。
於是我從床上一躍而起,打電話給我的製作人。那天下午,我在自己的“KMGG電臺秀”(KMGG Radio show)上分享了自己的想法:把洛杉磯最有才華的孩子聚集起來,讓他們有機會為幫助埃塞俄比亞挨餓的人們籌款的慈善組織“美國援非樂隊”(USA For Africa)盡一份力。
1985年3月的一個清晨,當電臺的鬧鐘炸開時,我被一個兒童純淨的歌聲喚醒,他在唱:“天下一家,我們都是上帝的孩子。(We are the world. We are the children.)”恍惚之中,我記得自己產生了一個清晰的念頭:一個兒童版的世界聖歌《天下一家》(We Are The World)。
於是我從床上一躍而起,打電話給我的製作人。那天下午,我在自己的“KMGG電臺秀”(KMGG Radio show)上分享了自己的想法:把洛杉磯最有才華的孩子聚集起來,讓他們有機會為幫助埃塞俄比亞挨餓的人們籌款的慈善組織“美國援非樂隊”(USA For Africa)盡一份力。
“全世界的孩子”(The Children of the World)這個項目因此誕生。
當和萊昂納爾•裏奇(Lionel Richie)一起寫下這首歌曲的邁克爾•傑克遜聽說這個項目時,立刻送上祝福,甚至建議他有才華的侄女布利特妮•傑克遜(Brittny Jackson)和瓦倫西亞•傑克遜(Valencia Jackson)來試音。她們試了,而且出現在了歌曲中。
幾周過後,在包括我朋友、娛樂圈人士羅格•尼爾(Roger Neal)在內的無數志願者的幫助下,我們在南加州的好幾個地方共試音了超過1500名兒童。每份努力都是為了讓每個從5歲到17歲的孩子感受到他們參與試音的重要意義,每個人都得到了一紙證明和一件T恤作為紀念。
我聯繫到了獲獎製作人喬治•杜克,問他有沒有興趣加入。他不僅同意了,而且還帶來傳奇音樂家斯坦利•克拉克(Stanley Clarke)、菲力浦•貝利(Phillip Bailey)和“旅行樂隊”(Journey)的史蒂夫•史密斯(Steve Smith)為歌曲伴奏。
我親自打電話通知了50個被選中的孩子(你能想像他們有多熱情),在音樂人瑪莎•伍德哈爾(Martha Woodhull)的指揮下,合唱團用好幾周時間排練他們的部分。
“全世界的孩子”(The Children of the World)這個項目因此誕生。
當和萊昂納爾•裏奇(Lionel Richie)一起寫下這首歌曲的邁克爾•傑克遜聽說這個項目時,立刻送上祝福,甚至建議他有才華的侄女布利特妮•傑克遜(Brittny Jackson)和瓦倫西亞•傑克遜(Valencia Jackson)來試音。她們試了,而且出現在了歌曲中。
幾周過後,在包括我朋友、娛樂圈人士羅格•尼爾(Roger Neal)在內的無數志願者的幫助下,我們在南加州的好幾個地方共試音了超過1500名兒童。每份努力都是為了讓每個從5歲到17歲的孩子感受到他們參與試音的重要意義,每個人都得到了一紙證明和一件T恤作為紀念。
我聯繫到了獲獎製作人喬治•杜克,問他有沒有興趣加入。他不僅同意了,而且還帶來傳奇音樂家斯坦利•克拉克(Stanley Clarke)、菲力浦•貝利(Phillip Bailey)和“旅行樂隊”(Journey)的史蒂夫•史密斯(Steve Smith)為歌曲伴奏。
我親自打電話通知了50個被選中的孩子(你能想像他們有多熱情),在音樂人瑪莎•伍德哈爾(Martha Woodhull)的指揮下,合唱團用好幾周時間排練他們的部分。
除了這些才華橫溢的聲音,我們還增加了另一組童星。所有人都被平等對待,無論他們是誰,有過什麼成績,這也是《天下一家》原班底所採用的策略。這組童星中包括,德魯•巴里摩爾(Drew Barrymore)、丹妮爾•布裏瑟布瓦(Danielle Brisebois)、艾麗莎•米蘭諾(Alyssa Milano)、丹尼•平托羅(Danny Pintauro)等。
1985年4月27日,史上最棒的一支兒童合唱團誕生,他們走進好萊塢的西湖錄音室(Westlake Studios),錄製了兒童版的《天下一家》。
演唱每個音符的過程都被拍了下來,做成了歌曲的MV。我一直在想著剩下的1400多個沒有入選的孩子,建議在錄影裏也加入他們。我們在洛杉磯的格利菲斯公園(Griffith Park)完成了拍攝,世界上每種類型的孩子都在幾百個年輕歌手身上體現了出來,其中包括那些眼盲、耳聾和殘疾兒童。我們想要展現出,只要談到奉獻,就沒有障礙,每個人都能參與。

第二年,我們得知自己的歌曲獲得了一項格萊美獎(Grammy)的提名。透過電臺(在有網路前)的力量,在數以千計富有愛心、願意奉獻的可愛人們的努力下,邁克爾•傑克遜送給世界的話語“我們能創造光輝燦爛的明天,就讓我們開始奉獻”(We are the one's who make a brighter day, so let's start giving)通過“全世界的孩子”擁有了新的生命和意義。
他們不僅奉獻去幫助挨餓的兄弟姐妹,也向“世界之子”(a child of the world)邁克爾•傑克遜獻上了特殊的致敬。
The Children of The World Project
We Are The World
"I had thought that song should be sung by children.
When I finally heard children singing it on producer
George Duke's version, I almost cried.
It's the best version I've heard."
- Michael Jackson (Moonwalker)
As my radio alarm clock went off one morning in March of 1985 I was awakened by the pure voice of a child singing the words, "We are the world. We are the children." In my groggy state, I remember thinking to myself that I wish I had thought of that obvious idea: A children's version
of the worldwide anthem - We Are The World.
Then, as I gained consciousness, I realized that the "child" I had heard was, in fact, Michael Jackson and what I was listening to was the original recording.
I sprang out of bed and called my producer. That afternoon, on my KMGG Radio show, I shared my vision of gathering the most talented children in Los Angeles and giving them the opportunity to do their part for the charity created to benefit those starving in Ethiopia - USA For Africa.
The response was overwhelming to say the least, with hundreds of parents and kids calling and wanting to be a part of the idea.
The Children of the World Project was born.
When Michael Jackson, who had penned the song with Lionel Ritchie, heard about the project he immediately gave it his blessing and even suggested his talented nieces, Brittny and Valencia Jackson, audition as well. They did and appeared on the recording
After several weeks and with the help of countless volunteers, including my friend and entertainment professional, Roger Neal, we had auditioned over 1500 children in various locations throughout Southern California . Every effort was made to make each child, ages 5 to 17, feel special about what and why they were auditioning. Everyone was presented a certificate and t-shirt commemorating their participation.
I contacted award winning producer, George Duke and asked if he join us. He not only accepted, but brought in legendary musicians, Stanley Clarke, Phillip Bailey, and Journey's Steve Smith among to play on the track.
After personally calling every one of the 50 who were chosen (and you can imagine their enthusiastic reactions), under the direction of musical pro Martha Woodhull, the choir then spent several weeks rehearsing their parts.
Sonny records with Stacy Ferguson AKA Fergie
In addition to these incredibly talented voices, we added another group of child stars with the understanding that everyone would be treated equally, regardless of their name or credits. This had been the same policy adopted by the original cast of We Are The World. This group included, Drew Barrymore, Danielle Brisebois, Alyssa Milano, Danny Pintauro, and others.
Then, on April 27, 1985, one of the finest children's choirs ever assembled walked into the Westlake Studios in Hollywood and recorded "the chlidren's version" of We Are The World.
Every note was also filmed for a video of the song. I couldn't stop thinking about the 1400+ kids who had not made the group and suggested that part of the video include them all. It was agreed we finished our filming at LA's Griffith Park where every child in the world imaginable was represented by hundreds of young singers including those who where blind, deaf, or otherwise handicapped. We wanted to show that when it comes to giving, there are no barriers. Everyone can participate.
Keep in mind that our production in the studio and on location, not to mention the countless of hours of planning, would have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Yet, every need was filled by donations, equipment, and scores of industry production specialists.
It is, to this day, my proudest charitable and professional endeavor.
The following year we were notified that our version of the song had been nominated for a Grammy. Through the power of radio (before the Internet) and the effort thousands of caring, giving, and loving human beings, the words that Michael Jackson, gave to the world - "We are the one's who make a brighter day, so let's start giving" took on new life and meaning by
The Children of the World.
They not only gave to help their starving brothers and sisters, they also paid a special tribute to "a child of the world" - Michael Jackson.