2009年12月6日 - 羅恩·範德維爾牧師(Ron Vanderwell)傳佈了關於拯救的福音,邁克爾·傑克遜(Michael Jackson)曾經唱過它。
前個週末,薩克拉曼多(加州首府)的牧師把工作的重心轉向這位去世的流行歌星,他曾經唱過“我們一定要把拯救帶回來”(We must bring salvation back),來幫助他傳遞這周日的福音。

他們選了傑克遜的一些歌曲:《Billie Jean》、《Beat It》、《Man In The Mirror》和《I'll Be There》,它有著這樣的歌詞:
“You and I must make a pact,We must bring salvation back,Where there is love, I'll be there." (你我必須在一起,我們要把拯救帶回來。愛在何處,我就在何處)
“他的語言表達出了我們每個人對更好的事情的渴望,”範德維爾說。他把自己講義的標題取為“就是這樣嗎”(Is This It?),這是根據傑克遜的音樂電影《就是這樣》(This Is It)而來的。他想要展示傑克遜是一個有天賦和才華但是被麻煩纏身的藝術家。

Dominican Republic church where Michael Jackson married Lisa Marie Presley ...
Buzz up!By Jennifer Garza
Saturday, Nov. 28, 2009
The Rev. Ron Vanderwell preaches about salvation. Michael Jackson sang about it.
This weekend, the Sacramento pastor will turn to the work of the late pop star, who once sang "we must bring salvation back," to help him deliver his Sunday message.
Vanderwell will feature Jackson 's words, music and videos during the 90-minute worship service at his church, The Gathering.
"We'll show how his songs have the hope the Bible offers," the pastor said.
Vanderwell believes the service, which he is calling "The Gospel According to Michael Jackson," is a unique way to reach his congregation.
The 10 a .m. service – the church meets at the Regal Cinemas in the Natomas Marketplace in Sacramento – is open to the public.
Vanderwell enjoys all kinds of music, including Jackson 's. "One of many styles I liked," he said. And he was moved by the outpouring of affection for Jackson after he died June 25.
"He sang about love and justice and relationships, and this connected with people," the pastor said.
Vanderwell and other church officials later planned a four-week series of sermons based on pop music and wanted to include Jackson .
The first in the series, "The Gospel According to the Beatles" last week, featured a prop of a yellow submarine on stage. Following the Jackson-themed services will be U2 on Dec. 6 and Metallica on Dec. 13. The church held its first Metallica series about five years ago. "And everyone loved it," Vanderwell said.
The pastor said that this nontraditional approach to worship may not appeal to everyone. But he said that many of the 100 or so regular attendees appreciate the church's efforts.
"Many of our members have not had a good church experience in established churches and are open to new ways to looking for God," Vanderwell said.
Sometimes that means looking in the work of artists, he said. The pastor said church leaders picked certain songs because they had universal themes.
Some of the Jackson songs they selected are: "Billie Jean," "Beat It" "Man in the Mirror" and "I'll Be There," which includes these lyrics:
"You and I must make a pact
We must bring salvation back
Where there is love, I'll be there."
"His words reflect the ache every one of us has for something better," Vanderwell said. He has titled his sermon "Is This It?" a reference to "This Is It," Jackson's concert film. He wants to show that Jackson was a gifted but troubled artist.
The pastor said he will not gloss over the negative aspects of Jackson 's life.
"He wrestled with a lot of demons," Vanderwell said. "I think the point of the message is that there is more to being whole than having a sequined glove."
