翻譯:patrickwayne 來源:MJJCN.com
這麼多年我都把邁克爾·傑克遜(Michael Jackson)劃歸為這一範疇(與普通人不同的生活方式)。雖然我一如既往的愛著他的音樂,也認為他是一個偉大的表演者。但把這些都撇在一邊,我也一直像常人(意指對MJ生活上方式存在意見的人)一樣看待MJ,直到我看了這部電影之後,這部從MJ為倫敦演唱會做彩排的拍攝視頻中剪輯而來的電影《就是這樣》(This Is It)。
他是否準備在倫敦上演奇跡?你最好下注相信。他在《就是這樣》中的彩排——一些在他生前數周拍攝的視頻剪輯——表明他仍然熟稔自己的每一首歌,每一個歌詞。他出寶刀未老仍能向以前那樣移動,他也一如既往的獲得同事的愛與敬佩。他是邁克爾·傑克遜,是King Of Pop,並且顯然,他還是那樣令人震撼。
在彩排中有一個場景,MJ鼓勵一位年輕的女吉他手 Orianthi Panagaris,表演一段Solo,並對她說:“這正是你發光的時刻。”這是對MJ無私天性的一個無聲證明。
我為Jackson家族感到難過,特別是幾位孩子,但我同樣為那群將與MJ同臺表演的表演者難過——就像Orianthi Panagaris那些人。(意指他們失去了這個機會)
戈登·羅賓遜是羅賓遜傳媒公司(Robinson Media)的主席。
Gordon Robinson: New film makes it vividly clear -- Michael Jackson died
a great entertainer
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Have you ever found yourself judging a person just because he or she might be different from you? Maybe it was because they don’t dress like you or look the way you do. They might not talk the way we talk. Perhaps they just don’t fit into one’s own stereotype. Their hair might be too long, or they might have a tattoo or body piercings. Or possibly they’ve done things to themselves that we wouldn’t ever think of doing.
For too many years, I put Michael Jackson in that category. I always liked his music and thought of him as a great performer. But putting all that aside, I still thought of him as so many others do — that is, until I saw the newly released documentary, This Is It, drawn from rehearsals he was doing for his planned London tour.
I was in my office the day the news story broke about an ambulance pulling up to Michael Jackson’s California mansion. At first, when I learned about the story on the Internet, I was unmoved. Strange stories about Michael Jackson were all too common. The idea that he might have actually died never crossed my mind.
Later that evening, I learned the terrible news of his death. I immediately asked myself why I didn’t see this coming when I first heard about that ambulance. Fortunately, we don’t all go about life expecting the worst.
It’s obvious that he suffered from a lot of pain. Whether it was physical pain caused by an accident or mental trauma caused by the stress and anxiety of being the greatest entertainer this planet has ever seen, complete with all the accolades associated with that distinction, his actions certainly revealed his pain.
His death was untimely as he was about to embark on a London tour that included 50 sold-out performances. After his death, speculation swelled about whether he was ready for such an exhaustive undertaking.
I listened and read all the stories that the news media quickly released. Reports spread rapidly about his drug addiction and speculation that he was not capable of performing so many grueling shows. Before actually seeing the movie, I guessed the reports were accurate.
Was he going to perform a miracle in London ? You bet he was! His rehearsals in This Is It — cobbled together from footage shot just a few weeks before his death — showed he still knew the words to every song as well as all the notes. He showed he still had the moves and garnered love and respect from fellow performers. He was Michael Jackson, the King of Pop and clearly in charge.
In one scene during rehearsals, Michael encourages a young female guitarist named Orianthi Panagaris, performing a solo, to continue because “this is your time to shine.” It was one more quiet demonstration of his unselfish nature.
I feel bad for the Jackson family, especially his young children, but also for those dozens of performers about to take the stage alongside Michael — people like Orianthi.So if you are one of those people like me, someone who enjoyed Michael Jackson’s music but thought of him in a less than favorable light, I recommend you see this movie so that, perchance, like me, you can set aside any stereotype differences and remember him for what he really was — the greatest entertainer of our lifetime.
If there was ever an opportunity for this to happen — This Is It!
Gordon Robinson is president of Robinson Media,