日期:2009-08-07 來源:MJJCN.com 作者:Keen

The picture shows a copy of a photo from the Stasi document of Michael Jackson's visit in West-Berlin in 1988, photographed i
據法新社報道,流行樂天王邁克爾·傑克遜(Michael Jackson)的陳年秘辛,又添一樁,東德秘密員警檔最近披露,1988年傑克遜到西德開唱,當時柏林圍墻還沒倒塌,東德歌迷想看無法看,差點引發暴動,邁克爾·傑克遜還因此被寫入東德秘警的機密檔案,可以想見當時這位天王的魅力。
BERLIN (Reuters) - Communist East Germany 's secret police saw Michael Jackson as a security threat, fearing his 1988 concert next to the Berlin Wall would spark protests

At a time of rising discontent in East Germany, the Stasi was worried youngsters would try to crash through security barriers to listen to the concert on the other side of the wall which had separated East and West Berlin since 1961.
"They were concerned dissident youths would call for the Wall to fall," Steffen Mayer, a spokesman for the government agency that looks after the Stasi archives, told Reuters.
"This was seen as a potential security threat given the amount of foreign media that would be present."
The Berlin Wall, which symbolized the division between the West and the Communist world fell little over a year later, in an era of change triggered by reforms of Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev.
The Stasi had planned to broadcast the concert with a two minute delay in an East Berlin stadium to keep people away from the area. A tape of an old Jackson concert would be held on standby in case there were any problems.
But the plan was never carried out, Mayer said. Instead authorities forcefully dispersed anyone who tried to get close to the wall on June 19.
A month after the recently deceased pop icon's concert in front of the Brandenburg Gate, in West Berlin , Bruce Springsteen performed in front of 160,000 East Germans - the biggest concert in the Communist country's history.
East Germany welcomed him as a "hero of the working class," but Springsteen instead fueled widespread dissatisfaction with the words: "I came to play rock 'n' roll for you East Berliners in the hope that one day all the barriers will be torn down."

The picture shows a copy of a photo from the Stasi document of Michael Jackson's visit in West-Berlin in 1988, photographed in Berlin , Thursday, July 30, 2009. A 1988 Michael Jackson concert in West Berlin prompted security concerns for East Germany 's Stasi secret police, according to historical files published Thursday. (AP Photo/Franka Bruns)
Continue reading on Examiner.com East Germany: A kid's eye view - National Germany Headlines | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/article/east-germany-a-kid-s-eye-view#ixzz1sjkOUsOE
Continue reading on Examiner.com East Germany: A kid's eye view - National Germany Headlines | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/article/east-germany-a-kid-s-eye-view#ixzz1sjkOUsOE
A copy of the Stasi documents of Michael Jackson's visit to West-Berlin in 1988, photographed in Berlin , Thursday, July 30, 2
"They were concerned dissident youths would call for the Wall to fall," Steffen Mayer, a spokesman for the government agency that looks after the Stasi archives, told Reuters.
"This was seen as a potential security threat given the amount of foreign media that would be present."
The Berlin Wall, which symbolized the division between the West and the Communist world fell little over a year later, in an era of change triggered by reforms of Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev.
The Stasi had planned to broadcast the concert with a two minute delay in an East Berlin stadium to keep people away from the area. A tape of an old Jackson concert would be held on standby in case there were any problems.
But the plan was never carried out, Mayer said. Instead authorities forcefully dispersed anyone who tried to get close to the wall on June 19.
A month after the recently deceased pop icon's concert in front of the Brandenburg Gate, in West Berlin , Bruce Springsteen performed in front of 160,000 East Germans - the biggest concert in the Communist country's history.
East Germany welcomed him as a "hero of the working class," but Springsteen instead fueled widespread dissatisfaction with the words: "I came to play rock 'n' roll for you East Berliners in the hope that one day all the barriers will be torn down."
