


2007-10-08    文:Roberto Croci
中文來源 翻譯:Tara


容許我先來介紹一下我自己,女士們,先生們,我是那個講故事的人,我的任務是逐步向您說明《L'Uomo Vogue》是怎樣魔法般的請到Michael Jackson(流行之王)拍照的,多虧Bruce Weber(巫師)以及時尚編輯Rushka Bergman(公主)的努力,所有的一切都是為了全世界最成功也是最暢銷的專輯——Thriller》的25周年發行紀念。)

14。從洛杉磯到紐約。我就從這開始吧。看門人打開了門時,Rushka Bergman——披著一頭墨色的緞發、戴著一副60年代的老式眼鏡——,走出門來歡迎我,用她濃重的東歐口音問候道:你好嗎,親愛的?我要知道在我抵達四季酒店之前都發生了什麼,這離見到Michael Jackson只有幾分鐘了。

22Rushka和她的代理商Marek敘談,建議說為Michael Jackson拍攝照片,以配合《Thriller》專輯發行25周年紀念。她給Jackson的代理人Raymone K. Bain去了一封信。讓我們來看看接下來會發生什麼。

2。在百老匯安琪利卡劇院的正右方。電話響了。是Raymone打來確認照片拍攝事宜。哦,我的上帝,美夢真的成真了。”Michael Jackson9141516日三天都有空。

5Weber,盡管他接下來的6個月都被定滿,卻能很幸運地為我們在那三天騰出時間。我很緊張。對我來說,他就像神一樣,接下來我想到,誰能比他更瞭解時尚攝影呢?這足夠讓我平靜下來。由時尚編輯來安排攝影師、發型師、化妝師,物色人才以及為拍攝做計劃,有時這比造型本身更加重要。像我這種熟悉馬克思和恩格斯的人,這卻是最容易的。Michael喜愛《L'Uomo Vogue》的造型——優雅,時尚,白襯衣,黑外套。他的最愛是Roberto Cavalli,他們是很好的朋友……但我喜歡去混搭,我的工作是把我的想法表達出來。”Rushka說道。

Michael with stylist Rushka Bergman

914,四季酒店。拍攝前一天,Rushka有些緊張但卻全神貫注。我們叫了輛計程車,帶在一起的,是20架子的衣服。我們什麼都有,除了皮草,Michael不喜歡它們。我們穿越酒店,每個人都定住了腳步。我們甚至通過了珠寶安全檢查,有價值兩百萬美元的鑽石啊!這是我第一次見到Michael。他很性感。我的心狂跳著。在我完成這一切後,他對我說:Rushka,我喜歡你選的每樣東西,請,幫我穿戴吧。”Michael穿的是小號,他簡直就像一個模特。迪奧(Dior)和他結合的很完美,其他的也只需要最少的裁剪。現在輪到我上了。我必須要讓Michael Jackson、雜志、Weber和設計師們滿意,又不犧牲掉我的風格和選擇。”Rushka說。當她回到公寓的時候,她的注意力還集中在拍攝的造型上。直到上了床,……還是很難入睡。一整夜,我都不斷驚醒,無數的想法沖進我的腦海。早上8點,我終於想定,起身就去了拍攝現場。
915,上午10點,拍攝現場。當Kabuki開始化妝,Bruce正在為其他一切事宜做準備的時候,Rushka開始分列衣物:外套、褲子、飾物、鞋。第一個造型最終被選為了封面造型:Dior Homme的西裝,Prada的鞋子,每一樣都是黑色!還有Jacob & Co.的項鏈。雖然只是項完全的合作關系,我把衣服給他,他穿上它們。我告訴他這是我能拿到的最好的。”Rushka說。下午3點。莫札特的音樂在背景中播放。一股活力彌漫在拍攝現場的四周。每個人都集中精力,同時也很開心……只要他們的活力是真實的,那麼一切都會發生,無論你等待多久。遲早,這個神奇的時刻會擊中你。就當我們開始播放《Thriller》的時候,大家都開始跳舞……忽然間……他走了進來,


Michael Jackson


·傑克遜中國網 by Tara 2007108

 (September2007 Photos By Bruce Weber )


L'Uomo Vogue - October 2007 issue featuring the King Of Pop, Michael Jackson.


by Brace Weber
by Roberto Croci

«I love you», whispered the King to his future Queen, ending the long day events with such beautiful wisdom. Only then, the villagers started celebrating, dancing and shouting hundreds of cheers everywhere in the kingdom of Vogueland . The mighty King had finally found his companion: a beautiful, courageous and magical princess, who, after a long journey saw, all her dreams come true. Even the wizard was respectful and all thumbs up for the king's choice, so much than with few words, he had sealed her fate: "A star is born".
Let me introduce myself, ladies and gentlemen, I am the storyteller, and my assignment is to show you step by step L'Uomo Vogue's magical quest in photographing Michael Jackson (The King of Pop), thanks to Bruce Weber (the wizard) and fashion editor Rushka Bergman (the princess), all of it for the 25th Anniversary of the release of "Thriller", the most successful and most sold album in the entire world.

September 14th 2007. From L.A. to New York , here I am. The doorman opens the door and Rushka Bergman - long satin jet-black hair, with 60's old vintage glasses - walks out welcoming me with a strong east European accent: «How are you darling?». I want to know all that happened before my arrival to the Four Seasons Hotel, few minutes away from Michael Jackson. On august 22nd, Rushka talks to her agent, Marek, suggesting him the photo shoot with Michael Jackson, in lime for the 25th anniversary release of "Thriller". She prepares a letter for Jackson 's agent, Raymone K. Bain. We will see what happens next.
September 2nd. Broadway, right in front of the Angelika Theater . The phone rings. It's Raymone confirming the photo shoot. «Oh my god! Dreams do come true. Michael Jackson will be available on the 14,15,16 of September.

September 5th. Fortunately for us, Weber, booked solid for the next 6 months, is available for those three days. «I was nervous. He is like a god to me, then I thought, who better than him knows fashion photography. It was enough to calm me down». It's up to the fashion editor to line up the photographer, hair&make up, talent & plan the shoot. Sometimes it is more important than the styling itself. «For someone like me, who knows Engels and Marx by heart, this is the easy part. Michael loves the Uomo Vogue look, elegant, classy, white shirts, black jackets. His favorite is Roberto Cavalli, they are great friends... but I like to mix & match and it is my job to speak my mind», says Rushka.
September 6th-13th. Everybody is confirmed. «I was on the phone the whole week. I got 300 looks from 62 designers, 178 pairs of shoes. Michael loves a military coat, Burberry's. l've got clothes from every designer in the world, Paris , London , New York , Milan . No one said no to us. I even got some incredible sequins shirts that weigh 8 pounds! The King of Pop had the best clothes in the planet!»

. September 14th, the Four Season Hotel. The day before the shoot, Rushka is nervous but focused. We are riding a cab. With us, 20 racks of clothes. We got everything, except fur, Michael doesn't like them. We walk through the hotel, everybody stands still. We even passed the jeweler security checks, $ 2 million worth of diamonds! «I see Michael for the very first lime. He's sexy. My heart is beating. After I finished, he says to me: Rushka I like everything you chose, please, help me getting dressed». Michael wears a small size, like a model. Dior is the perfect fit for him. All the others required minimum fitting. «Now it's my turn. l've got to satisfy Michael Jackson, the magazine, Weber, the designers, all without compromising my style, my choices», says Rushka. Once back in her apartment she will focus on the looks for the shoot. But once in bed... it was hard to sleep «all night, I kept waking up. Millions of thoughts in my head. At 8 a .m. I got tip and went to the set». September 15th, 10 am, on the set. While Kabuki applies the make up and Bruce prepares everything else, Rushka starts dividing the clothes: jackets, pants, accessories, shoes. The first look is ultimately the cover look: Dior Homme suit, Prada shoes: everything black! Jacob & Co. necklaces. «It was a complete partnership while, I just gave some clothes and he put them on. I told him that this was the best I could get», says Rushka. 3 p.m. «Mozart music in the background. A positive energy carne over the set, everyone was focused but happy at the same time. It's like when you have lots of people who are trying to make something happen... if their energy is true, it will happened, don't matter how long you wait for it. Sooner or later, the magic moment hits you. That's when we put on "Thriller", everybody started to dance and then... all of a sudden... he carne in.

 Michael Jackson stepped in front of the camera, looked at us and dance showing off the moves that made him famous! It was miracle magic. After that, he never stopped. Professional, genius, he was him who look us by hand through the whole shoot. He let us in his world. And while Jackson was dancing, Bruce was shooting away. Another genius!». 10 p.m. «After 5 looks and hundreds of pictures, we finished the shoot. He got up and carne to me: "I love you baby", he said. Then he shook my hand and thanked everybody, and I mean everybody. We applauded him for what looked like an eternity».
September 16th. The day after Rushka feels like a different person. «I felt I learned something, like something happened in my life, something I can never forget. Like I knew what I was gonna do for the rest of my life not bad for a day's work».



滿滿兩卡車的衣服。178雙鞋。價值兩百萬美元的珠寶。914紐約四季酒店。Michael Jackson創下了一道風景。

Thriller》發行25周年,這張歷史上最暢銷的專輯,《時尚男裝》(L'Uomo Vogue)雜志決定要拍攝這個人物:一個倍受爭議的名流,一個遁世的巨星。在過去15-20年以來,我們都只在偷拍的照片上看到他,但他卻很久沒有答應專門擺造型拍照了。但是為了《時尚男裝》,為了像Bruce Weber這樣的攝影大師,Michael願意破一次例。在時尚編輯Rushka Bergman迷人目光的注視下,這位流行巨星選擇了經典的風尚:黑色的上衣和白色的襯衫。

(邁克爾·傑克遜中國網 by Keen 2007106 )

