紀念史上最偉大的天才表演者,流行音樂之王邁克爾•傑克遜(Michael Jackson)!
本周我們又失去了另一位偉人。邁克爾•傑克遜(Michael Jackson)是傳奇,是符號,也是一位元滿心善意的美麗人類。我的心為失去朋友而悲傷,我心中的哀傷與痛苦無言以表。邁克爾是我成長的偶像,也是我的朋友。有幸遇到他、瞭解他,甚至與他一起工作是神對我極度的眷顧。在邁克爾•傑克遜的影響下,我發現了自我和自身所擁有的才華。他是有史以來最偉大的藝人,再也不會有第二個邁克爾。他用音樂打動了全世界許許多多人,他是許許多多的人靈感之源。我仍然難以相信他已經離去。
布蘭登•Q•亞當斯(Brandon Q. Adams)
本周我們又失去了另一位偉人。邁克爾•傑克遜(Michael Jackson)是傳奇,是符號,也是一位元滿心善意的美麗人類。我的心為失去朋友而悲傷,我心中的哀傷與痛苦無言以表。邁克爾是我成長的偶像,也是我的朋友。有幸遇到他、瞭解他,甚至與他一起工作是神對我極度的眷顧。在邁克爾•傑克遜的影響下,我發現了自我和自身所擁有的才華。他是有史以來最偉大的藝人,再也不會有第二個邁克爾。他用音樂打動了全世界許許多多人,他是許許多多的人靈感之源。我仍然難以相信他已經離去。
布蘭登•Q•亞當斯(Brandon Q. Adams)

Brandon Q Adams Remembers Michael
This was just after the day Michael died. I thought this was sweet so I decided to post this. Brandon starred in Moonwalker along with Kellie Parker and Sean Lennon. He wrote this on his website:
A Note for the Greatest Talent Performer of all history Michael Jackson.. The King of Pop!
June 26, 2009
The loss of another great one has come upon us this week. Michael Jackson was a legend, a icon, and just an all around good hearted beautiful human being. My heart is very sad with the lost of my friend, there is no words that can express the grief and the pain that I'm feeling in my heart right now. Michael was my idol growing up and he was also my friend. I feel extremely blessed to have had the oppurtunity to meet him, get to know him, and even work with him. I discovered who I was and the talents that I possess as an individual thru the influence of Michael Jackson. He was thee greatest entertainer of all time, there will never be another Michael. He has reached so many people with his music all over the world. He was an inspiration for so many out there. I still cant believe he's gone.
Still to this day, no matter where I go, no matter how many other project's I've been involved with, everyone from my friends, to family, my peers, have always said the same thing to me, and that is that I was the luckiest kid in the world to have met and worked with the legendary king of pop Michael Jackson. Those memories I will forever Cherish and treasure.
I also want to take the opportunity to send my condolences and sorrow to all of Michael's family, friends, and fans all over the world. I know this is a very sad moment for all of us. I will keep my friend MJ in my prayers and will look forward to one day reuniting with him. We all know he's in a better place.
Michael thank you for giving me those priceless memories and allowing me to be part of your history and life.
I will Miss you!
Your friend and best child impersanator,
Brandon Q. Adams
