羅伯特.E.約翰 ( JET 聯合發行)
這是流行樂,搖滾樂,靈魂樂之王邁克爾傑克遜,在他和已故搖滾樂靈魂人物貓王艾維斯之女:(Lisa Marie Presley)的婚訊震驚整個美國之後,授予的第一個面對面的採訪,這位巨星向《烏檀》雜誌透露了他們何處相逢以及他的求婚經過。
邁克爾從他在紐約錄音室繁忙工作之中抽出空閒接受了《烏檀》的專訪,他回顧道:“她的父親(艾維斯)過去常帶著她過來看我們九個的表演(其他八個兄弟姐妹分別是Jackie,Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, Randy, Maureen 'Rebbie', LaToya 和 Janet),這是一個真正的家庭秀,也是拉斯維加斯唯一允許孩子們參觀的家庭秀。”他繼續說道:“艾維斯帶著他的女兒麗莎.瑪莉,她坐在右前方,保鏢伴在旁邊,演出結束後,她隨同我們一起來到後臺,於是我們相見並開始交淡,這事常有發生,她一次一次的過來,就是這樣一會事,從那之後,很長一段時間我沒再見到她,你知道,這正如二艘暗夜中行在河流上的船,偶然相遇,然後別離。”
三年前,邁克爾開始了他《危險》專輯的製作,這張專輯包含了很多精典的歌目,如:《Why You Wanna Trip On Me》;《Remember The Time》;《She Drives Me Wild》以及《Can't Let Her Get Away》。邁克爾說他們的關係那時到達一個新的層次,“我們開始一起出去。然後常在電話中長淡……我發覺我們越來越親近,我們在1993年一同去拉斯維加斯參加了傑克遜家族榮耀典禮。”
也就在這一刻,邁克爾說,他們的關係從好朋友變成了戀人,作為一個表達人類情感的敏感詞曲作家,邁克爾在寫歌時情感也悄然出現了不可思議的化學變化,對於他來說,這些微妙的化學變化就是靈感,如果你聽過邁克爾1991年發行的《危險》專輯,聽到《Remember The Time》和 《I Can't Let Her Get Away》這些歌的歌詞,你可以推斷,麗莎.瑪莉或許給他提供了靈感。)
後來,在倫敦,他因為對處方藥過分依賴而接受治療,邁克爾說,麗莎讓他感覺他們彼此的關係越來越緊密,“她會給我電話,但是她不能時時在我身邊,這讓她很沮喪,這些我都了然於心……她非常關心我。”,經歷了這些過後,邁克爾說,他到了說:“’這是我的女孩’和’你給我的感覺’的時候了”(邁克爾用《This Girl Is Mine》和《 The Way You Make Me Feel》兩隻歌一語雙關的描述道)
“這是一種自然的發展”他說到關健時刻,“我們花了很多時間在牧場[他的廣闊的, 數萬美元的夢幻莊園]僅僅是四周散步閒聊,就這樣發生了,自然的展開,我們無需語言即可感知彼此所想,眼神交匯,心有靈犀,一切都是那麼令人激動。”在知道友誼轉為愛情之後,邁克爾被問道:“誰先求婚的?你還是麗莎?”邁克爾答道:“我向她求婚的,”邁克爾害羞地回憶道:“噢,首先我得說----我是世界上最害羞的人了——在通話時---我對她說
另外對待MJ的感情更不要去爭論了吧,早已物事人非事事休了,MJ身上那麼多的東西值得我們細細品味,何苦總糾纏他的情事呢? 他善良,天真,溫柔,愛心無限又魅力四射,他周身仿佛籠著光茫,我記得一篇報導裏,那些自以為是的心理學的專家們嘰歪說:“粉絲迷戀偶像是失去自我後的顛狂作為!”而事實上,我覺得:像MJ這樣的偶像,他正如一位神靈,令許多彷徨無措的人找到自我,一個在05期間辭去工作追隨MJ左右的死忠粉絲說:“如果我身上還有什麼值得人們去喜歡的話,我想那一定是受邁克爾的影響。”愛他,不是迷失,而是得到,從他那裏,我們得到了太多太多的東西。我以後也會跟人說,如果我身上還有什麼值得人們喜歡的東西,那一定是MJ賦予我的。
Interview with Ebony Magazine (1994)
October 1994
by Robert E. Johnson (JET Associate Publisher)
In the first one-on-one interview the "King of Pop, Rock and Soul" Michael Jackson
granted after he shook up America with the announcement of his marriage to Lisa
Marie Presley, daughter of the late Rock 'n' Roller Elvis Presley, the megastar
revealed to EBONY where they met and how he proposed.
Some published reports said that the couple had known each other only eight months
before Lisa Marie Presley-Jackson issued a statement, saying: "My name is Mrs. Lisa
Marie Presley-Jackson. My marriage to Michael took place in a private ceremony
outside the United States [May 26]." She said the marriage was not formally
announced because "we are both very private people living in the glare of the public
media... I am very much in love with Michael. I dedicate my life to being his wife. I
understand and support him. We both look forward to raising a family and living
happy, healthy lives together. We hope friends and fans will understand and respect
our privacy."
It was their love of privacy that prompted media probes that resulted in published
stories that stated the couple knew each other only eight months before beginning
their romance that led to matrimony.
The truth is that Michael, now 36, and Lisa Marie, 26, were just a couple of
youngsters when they met in Las Vegas 20 years ago. He was 16 and she was 6. The
Jackson Five, with Michael out front as the lead singer, appeared at the MGM Grand
Hotel April 9 through 23, 1974, and August 21 through Sept. 3, 1974.
Michael, taking time out from his studio recording session in New York to give
EBONY an exclusive interview, recalls:
"Her father [Elvis] used to bring her to catch our show where all nine of us [Jackie,
Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, Randy, Maureen 'Rebbie', LaToya and Janet, then 8] were
performing... It was a real family show -- the only family show in Las Vegas which
allowed children to come." He continued: "Elvis would bring his daughter, Lisa
Marie. She would sit right in the front and bodyguards would be right there.
Afterwards, she would be escorted backstage and I would meet her and we would
talk. This happened quite often. She would come again, again and again. It was quite
an event. "After that, I didn't see her for quite a while. You know, it was like ships
passing in the night -- hello and goodbye."
Lisa Marie married musician Danny Keough in 1988 and two children (Danielle, now
5, and Benjamin, 2) were born to this union. Differences that the couple did not
reconcile resulted in a "quickie" divorce in the Dominican Republic last spring.
Three years ago when he started the DANGEROUS album, which featured such hits
as "Why You Wanna Trip On Me," "Remember The Time," "She Drives Me Wild"
and "Can't Let Her Get Away," Michael said their relationship reached a new plateau.
"We sort of went out together. Then we would talk on the phone... I noticed that we
had come closer. We went to Las Vegas for The Jackson Family Honors [in 1993].
We later traveled to Atlanta for (former) President Jimmy Carter to visit children, but
no one knew that she was there with me.
The brilliant thing about us is that we were often together but did not let anybody
know about it. We got to see each other that way over the years. We were really quiet
and comfortable with each other. That's pretty much how the dating started
It was during this period that Michael said their relationship changed from being good
friends to lovers. As a sensitive songwriter who deals with feelings that run the range
of human emotions, Michael has an uncanny sense of the chemistry in writing songs.
For him, that chemistry is inspiration. If you listen to the lyrics of "Remember The
Time" and "I Can't Let Her Get Away," in the 1991 release of his 'Dangerous' album,
you conclude that Lisa Marie could have provided the inspiration.
She certainly provided the kind of support he needed in 1993 when he was going
through legal trials and tribulations. "I was on tour and it seemed like I was in
Armageddon -- Armageddon in the brains," Michael remembered. "All these horrible
stories were going around about me. None was true. It was unbelievable. Lisa Marie
would call. I could count my true friends on one hand. She was very, very supportive
the whole time. That really impressed me. She would call and be crying. She was
angry and really wanted to choke people.
"But, really, what impressed me was earthquake day in L.A. [June 28, 1993],"
Michael says with an air of excitement. "On earthquake day, my phone just happened
to be working. I was terrified -- almost out of my brains. I thought the world was
ending. I got a phone call that day and it was from her, right after the quake."
Later, in London , where he underwent treatment for addiction to prescription drugs,
Michael said that Lisa Marie gave him the impression that their relationship was
moving them toward each other in ties that bind. "She would call me, but she didn't
always get through to me. And that made it very frustrating for her. I got all the
messages... She was very concerned." It was after these experiences that Michael says
he came to that moment when he had to say "This Girl Is Mine" and "The Way You
Make Me Feel." (Michael chuckles at the play on the words of two of his best-selling
"It kind of unfolded," he said of the moment of truth. "We spent a lot of time on the
ranch [his sprawling, multimillion-dollar Neverland] and just walked around and
talked. It happened! It unfolded all natural. We could feel the feeling we had for each
other without even talking about it. It was all in the vibrations, the feelings and the
look in our eyes."
After he recounted how a friendship turned to romance, Michael was asked: "Who
proposed, you or Lisa Marie?" He responded: "I proposed." Blushing at the
recollection, Michael said: "Well, first I asked -- I'm the shyest person in the world. I
said to her -- we were on the phone -- 'If I asked you to marry me, would you?' She
said, 'Of course!' Then there was silence. I said, 'Excuse me, I've got to go to the
bathroom,' he laughed sheepishly. "So I came back. I didn't quite know what to say.
But that's how it happened." Following the telephone proposal and acceptance, the
engaged couple promptly met at Neverland, where the romance started. It climaxed in
marriage on May 26 in the Dominican Republic , proving that love conquers all.
The couple honeymooned briefly in Budapest , Hungary , where the bride shared some
time with the groom on a film location, where he produced a promotional video for
his upcoming album, 'HISTORY.' They also spent some time doing what they both
love -- caring for children. They visited children's hospitals where they comforted the
young patients and distributed toys.
This was a prelude to the priority they have agreed upon. The priority is not recording
together, although Lisa Marie inherited her famous father's talent for singing and his
estate valued at over $150 million.
"All this talk about us recording together is a complete rumor," says Michael, whose
financial worth is estimated to be over $200 million. "The thing we want to do most is
centered around children. I never met anybody who cared so much about children the
way I do. I get real emotional about children. Lisa Marie is the exact same way.
Wherever we go, we visit children's hospitals. My dream is that when we go to South
Africa and India , we will aid children," he discloses. Asked about plans for their own
children, he replied: "It's already happening." Then the fifth born of the nine Jacksons
paused and added: "I want more children than my father [Joseph] has
羅伯特.E.約翰 ( JET 聯合發行)
這是流行樂,搖滾樂,靈魂樂之王邁克爾傑克遜,在他和已故搖滾樂靈魂人物貓王艾維斯之女:(Lisa Marie Presley)的婚訊震驚整個美國之後,授予的第一個面對面的採訪,這位巨星向《烏檀》雜誌透露了他們何處相逢以及他的求婚經過。
邁克爾從他在紐約錄音室繁忙工作之中抽出空閒接受了《烏檀》的專訪,他回顧道:“她的父親(艾維斯)過去常帶著她過來看我們九個的表演(其他八個兄弟姐妹分別是Jackie,Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, Randy, Maureen 'Rebbie', LaToya 和 Janet),這是一個真正的家庭秀,也是拉斯維加斯唯一允許孩子們參觀的家庭秀。”他繼續說道:“艾維斯帶著他的女兒麗莎.瑪莉,她坐在右前方,保鏢伴在旁邊,演出結束後,她隨同我們一起來到後臺,於是我們相見並開始交淡,這事常有發生,她一次一次的過來,就是這樣一會事,從那之後,很長一段時間我沒再見到她,你知道,這正如二艘暗夜中行在河流上的船,偶然相遇,然後別離。”
三年前,邁克爾開始了他《危險》專輯的製作,這張專輯包含了很多精典的歌目,如:《Why You Wanna Trip On Me》;《Remember The Time》;《She Drives Me Wild》以及《Can't Let Her Get Away》。邁克爾說他們的關係那時到達一個新的層次,“我們開始一起出去。然後常在電話中長淡……我發覺我們越來越親近,我們在1993年一同去拉斯維加斯參加了傑克遜家族榮耀典禮。”
也就在這一刻,邁克爾說,他們的關係從好朋友變成了戀人,作為一個表達人類情感的敏感詞曲作家,邁克爾在寫歌時情感也悄然出現了不可思議的化學變化,對於他來說,這些微妙的化學變化就是靈感,如果你聽過邁克爾1991年發行的《危險》專輯,聽到《Remember The Time》和 《I Can't Let Her Get Away》這些歌的歌詞,你可以推斷,麗莎.瑪莉或許給他提供了靈感。)
後來,在倫敦,他因為對處方藥過分依賴而接受治療,邁克爾說,麗莎讓他感覺他們彼此的關係越來越緊密,“她會給我電話,但是她不能時時在我身邊,這讓她很沮喪,這些我都了然於心……她非常關心我。”,經歷了這些過後,邁克爾說,他到了說:“’這是我的女孩’和’你給我的感覺’的時候了”(邁克爾用《This Girl Is Mine》和《 The Way You Make Me Feel》兩隻歌一語雙關的描述道)
“這是一種自然的發展”他說到關健時刻,“我們花了很多時間在牧場[他的廣闊的, 數萬美元的夢幻莊園]僅僅是四周散步閒聊,就這樣發生了,自然的展開,我們無需語言即可感知彼此所想,眼神交匯,心有靈犀,一切都是那麼令人激動。”在知道友誼轉為愛情之後,邁克爾被問道:“誰先求婚的?你還是麗莎?”邁克爾答道:“我向她求婚的,”邁克爾害羞地回憶道:“噢,首先我得說----我是世界上最害羞的人了——在通話時---我對她說 ----如果我讓你嫁給我,你會答應嗎?”她說,“當然!”接著便是一段沉默,我說,“不好意思,我去下洗手間!”
另外對待MJ的感情更不要去爭論了吧,早已物事人非事事休了,MJ身上那麼多的東西值得我們細細品味,何苦總糾纏他的情事呢? 他善良,天真,溫柔,愛心無限又魅力四射,他周身仿佛籠著光茫,我記得一篇報導裏,那些自以為是的心理學的專家們嘰歪說:“粉絲迷戀偶像是失去自我後的顛狂作為!”而事實上,我覺得:像MJ這樣的偶像,他正如一位神靈,令許多彷徨無措的人找到自我,一個在05期間辭去工作追隨MJ左右的死忠粉絲說:“如果我身上還有什麼值得人們去喜歡的話,我想那一定是受邁克爾的影響。”愛他,不是迷失,而是得到,從他那裏,我們得到了太多太多的東西。我以後也會跟人說,如果我身上還有什麼值得人們喜歡的東西,那一定是MJ賦予我的。
Interview with Ebony Magazine (1994)
by Robert E. Johnson (JET Associate Publisher)
In the first one-on-one interview the "King of Pop, Rock and Soul" Michael Jackson
granted after he shook up America with the announcement of his marriage to Lisa
Marie Presley, daughter of the late Rock 'n' Roller Elvis Presley, the megastar
revealed to EBONY where they met and how he proposed.
Some published reports said that the couple had known each other only eight months
before Lisa Marie Presley-Jackson issued a statement, saying: "My name is Mrs. Lisa
Marie Presley-Jackson. My marriage to Michael took place in a private ceremony
outside the United States [May 26]." She said the marriage was not formally
announced because "we are both very private people living in the glare of the public
media... I am very much in love with Michael. I dedicate my life to being his wife. I
understand and support him. We both look forward to raising a family and living
happy, healthy lives together. We hope friends and fans will understand and respect
our privacy."
It was their love of privacy that prompted media probes that resulted in published
stories that stated the couple knew each other only eight months before beginning
their romance that led to matrimony.
The truth is that Michael, now 36, and Lisa Marie, 26, were just a couple of
youngsters when they met in Las Vegas 20 years ago. He was 16 and she was 6. The
Jackson Five, with Michael out front as the lead singer, appeared at the MGM Grand
Hotel April 9 through 23, 1974, and August 21 through Sept. 3, 1974.
Michael, taking time out from his studio recording session in New York to give
EBONY an exclusive interview, recalls:
"Her father [Elvis] used to bring her to catch our show where all nine of us [Jackie,
Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, Randy, Maureen 'Rebbie', LaToya and Janet, then 8] were
performing... It was a real family show -- the only family show in Las Vegas which
allowed children to come." He continued: "Elvis would bring his daughter, Lisa
Marie. She would sit right in the front and bodyguards would be right there.
Afterwards, she would be escorted backstage and I would meet her and we would
talk. This happened quite often. She would come again, again and again. It was quite
an event. "After that, I didn't see her for quite a while. You know, it was like ships
passing in the night -- hello and goodbye."
Lisa Marie married musician Danny Keough in 1988 and two children (Danielle, now
5, and Benjamin, 2) were born to this union. Differences that the couple did not
reconcile resulted in a "quickie" divorce in the Dominican Republic last spring.
Three years ago when he started the DANGEROUS album, which featured such hits
as "Why You Wanna Trip On Me," "Remember The Time," "She Drives Me Wild"
and "Can't Let Her Get Away," Michael said their relationship reached a new plateau.
"We sort of went out together. Then we would talk on the phone... I noticed that we
had come closer. We went to Las Vegas for The Jackson Family Honors [in 1993].
We later traveled to Atlanta for (former) President Jimmy Carter to visit children, but
no one knew that she was there with me.
The brilliant thing about us is that we were often together but did not let anybody
know about it. We got to see each other that way over the years. We were really quiet
and comfortable with each other. That's pretty much how the dating started
It was during this period that Michael said their relationship changed from being good
friends to lovers. As a sensitive songwriter who deals with feelings that run the range
of human emotions, Michael has an uncanny sense of the chemistry in writing songs.
For him, that chemistry is inspiration. If you listen to the lyrics of "Remember The
Time" and "I Can't Let Her Get Away," in the 1991 release of his 'Dangerous' album,
you conclude that Lisa Marie could have provided the inspiration.
She certainly provided the kind of support he needed in 1993 when he was going
through legal trials and tribulations. "I was on tour and it seemed like I was in
Armageddon -- Armageddon in the brains," Michael remembered. "All these horrible
stories were going around about me. None was true. It was unbelievable. Lisa Marie
would call. I could count my true friends on one hand. She was very, very supportive
the whole time. That really impressed me. She would call and be crying. She was
angry and really wanted to choke people.
"But, really, what impressed me was earthquake day in L.A. [June 28, 1993],"
Michael says with an air of excitement. "On earthquake day, my phone just happened
to be working. I was terrified -- almost out of my brains. I thought the world was
ending. I got a phone call that day and it was from her, right after the quake."
Later, in London , where he underwent treatment for addiction to prescription drugs,
Michael said that Lisa Marie gave him the impression that their relationship was
moving them toward each other in ties that bind. "She would call me, but she didn't
always get through to me. And that made it very frustrating for her. I got all the
messages... She was very concerned." It was after these experiences that Michael says
he came to that moment when he had to say "This Girl Is Mine" and "The Way You
Make Me Feel." (Michael chuckles at the play on the words of two of his best-selling
"It kind of unfolded," he said of the moment of truth. "We spent a lot of time on the
ranch [his sprawling, multimillion-dollar Neverland] and just walked around and
talked. It happened! It unfolded all natural. We could feel the feeling we had for each
other without even talking about it. It was all in the vibrations, the feelings and the
look in our eyes."
After he recounted how a friendship turned to romance, Michael was asked: "Who
proposed, you or Lisa Marie?" He responded: "I proposed." Blushing at the
recollection, Michael said: "Well, first I asked -- I'm the shyest person in the world. I
said to her -- we were on the phone -- 'If I asked you to marry me, would you?' She
said, 'Of course!' Then there was silence. I said, 'Excuse me, I've got to go to the
bathroom,' he laughed sheepishly. "So I came back. I didn't quite know what to say.
But that's how it happened." Following the telephone proposal and acceptance, the
engaged couple promptly met at Neverland, where the romance started. It climaxed in
marriage on May 26 in the Dominican Republic , proving that love conquers all.
The couple honeymooned briefly in Budapest , Hungary , where the bride shared some
time with the groom on a film location, where he produced a promotional video for
his upcoming album, 'HISTORY.' They also spent some time doing what they both
love -- caring for children. They visited children's hospitals where they comforted the
young patients and distributed toys.
This was a prelude to the priority they have agreed upon. The priority is not recording
together, although Lisa Marie inherited her famous father's talent for singing and his
estate valued at over $150 million.
"All this talk about us recording together is a complete rumor," says Michael, whose
financial worth is estimated to be over $200 million. "The thing we want to do most is
centered around children. I never met anybody who cared so much about children the
way I do. I get real emotional about children. Lisa Marie is the exact same way.
Wherever we go, we visit children's hospitals. My dream is that when we go to South
Africa and India , we will aid children," he discloses. Asked about plans for their own
children, he replied: "It's already happening." Then the fifth born of the nine Jacksons
paused and added: "I want more children than my father [Joseph] has
Michael tells "Where I met Lisa Marie and how I proposed
貴重な “マイケル自身が語る マイケルの恋愛話”として取り上げます。 プロポーズ時のダサダサなグダグダ感は 超リアルで、微笑ましいぐらい?
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エボニー誌の独占インタビューにマイケルは、リサ・マリーとどこで出逢い、どんな風にプロポーズしたのかを語っている。 今、マイケルは36歳で、リサ・マリーは26歳なのだが、20年前に二人はラスベガスで会っている。 その時は16歳と6歳の可愛らしいカップルだった。 ジャクソン5はマイケルをリード・シンガーとし、'74年4月9日~23日,8月21日~9月3日までMGMグランド・ホテルに出演していた。 | ||
MJ | エルビス(・プレスリー)は、僕ら兄弟9人がパフォーマンスしていたショウに リサ・マリーをよく連れて来ていたんだ。 ショウが終わるとバックステージにやって来て、話をしていたよ。 しょっちゅう来ていたのに、それがそれこそ潮が引くようにパッタリ来なくなったんだ。 | |
リサ・マリーはダニー・キーオと結婚して2人の子供をもうけたが、その結婚は長続きしなかった。 3年前、アルバム 『DANGEROUS』 に取りかかった時に 「二人の関係は一歩進んで安定したものになった」 とマイケルは語っている。 | ||
MJ | 付き合っていた、という事かな。 それから電話で話をするようになって… 以前よりもずっと親密なものへとなった事に自分で気づいたんだ。 『ジャクソン・ファミリー・オナーズ』 ('94年2月19日) へも一緒に行ったし、アトランタにジミー・カーター元米大統領を訪ねた時 ('93年5月5日) も一緒だったんだ。 年中一緒だったのに、誰も何とも思わなかったのは、僕らにとって素晴らしいことだった。 そんな風にして逢っていたし、二人でいると気持ちが落ち着いて くつろいだ気分になるんだ。 …こんな風にデートをするようになったんだよ。 | |
これが、マイケルが語った 良い友達から恋人へと変わっていった二人の関係だ。 公式行事へは '92年6月の 『Operation One to One』 や '93年1月の 『AMA』 にも連れ出している マイケルが曲を創る才能は、異常とも言えるほどの感覚だ。 それはインスピレーションだと言う。 『DANGEROUS』 からリリースされた "Remember The Time" や "Can't Let Her Get Away" を聴くと、そのインスピレーションはリサ・マリーがもたらしたものだと判る。 実際、リサ・マリーは今回のマイケルの試練の時、マイケルが必要としている時に支え、励ましていた。 | ||
MJ | ちょうど (DANGEROUS)ツアー中で、僕は、善と悪が戦うハルマゲドンの中にいるようだった。 事実、頭の中は決戦場のようだったんだ。 あんな恐ろしい話が僕の周りで持ち上がり… 本当の事なんかひとつも無い、もう信じられなかったよ。 リサ・マリーは電話をくれたよ。 こういう時、本当の友達って判るんだ。 彼女は、いつでも本当によくサポートしてくれた。感動したよ。彼女は電話で泣いていて、そしてとても怒っていて、今にも飛び出して行きそうだった。 でも本当に印象に残っているのは、ロサンゼルス地震の日 ('93年6月28日) なんだ。 地震には本当に驚いてしまって、とても怖かった。 この世の終わりかと思ったんだけど、そのすぐ後に彼女から電話があったんだよ。 | |
その後マイケルはロンドンで薬の中毒に陥ったが、そういう時にこそリサ・マリーとの絆が強くなったと語っている。 | ||
MJ | 彼女が電話をしてきた時、いつも僕に通じたわけじゃなかったんだ。 それで彼女がイライラしてしまって… メッセージは全部受け取っていたんだけど… 心配していたんだよ。 | |
この話のあと、マイケルは “その時” のことを話した。 | ||
MJ | なにか世界が開けたような感じだった。 ネバーランドを散歩したりして たくさんの時間を過ごしてきたんだけど、ごく自然に扉が開いたんだ。 僕らは、話なんかしなくてもお互いの気持ちが解った。 気持ちや何かは感じるんだ。 | |
― | ところで、プロポーズしたのはどっち? マイケル? それともリサ・マリー? | |
MJ | 僕のほう…。 | |
マイケルは、思い出して顔を赤らめて答えた。 | ||
MJ | そう。 最初に僕が言ったんだ。 僕はとっても恥ずかしがり屋なんだけど… 電話で… 「もし結婚してほしいって言ったら、してくれる?」 ってね。 彼女が 「もちろん」 って応えたあとは、二人とも黙っちゃって… それで僕が、「ちょっとトイレ…」 って言って。 | |
と、マイケルは恥ずかしそうに笑っていた。 | ||
MJ | それから、戻ってきて何を話したかあまり憶えてないんだけど、その時はそんな風だった。 | |
その後すぐ二人はロマンスの始まったネバーランドで落ち合い、そして5月26日にドミニカ共和国で結婚式を挙げた。 それからマイケルのニューアルバム 『HIStory』 のプロモーション・ビデオ(※"Teaser") の撮影でハンガリーのブダペストへ行き、そこで子供たちの為に時間を割いている。 二人は子供病院を訪問し、子供たちを勇気づけ、オモチャを配っている。 リサ・マリーは、1億5千万ドルという父親の財産を相続した。 「二人の財産を共有のものにするなんて、全くのデタラメだ!」 とマイケルは言っている。 マイケルの財産は少なくとも2億ドルは下らないと言われているのだから。 【※編集注: グレイスランドとネバーランドを統括管理するための政略結婚だ・プレスリーの遺産や権利を自己財産と融合させようとしている等の憶測が出回った】 | ||
MJ | 僕らが一番したいのは、子供たちの為になる事なんだ。 僕のように子供を気にかけている人に、未だかつて会ったことがない。 僕にとって子供は特別なんだ。 リサ・マリーは、僕と全く同じなんだよ。 僕らはどこへ行っても必ず子供病院を訪れている。 南アフリカとインドへ行って子供たちを助けるのが僕の夢なんだ。 | |
二人自身の子供の計画について尋ねると、 「その計画はもう出来てるんだ」 という答えだった。 そして最後にこう付け加えた。 | ||
MJ | 僕は、父さんよりもたくさんの子供が欲しいんだよ。 | |
・・・ END ・・・
結局'94年5月26日~'96年1月18日という短い婚姻関係だったが、その後も ワールドツアー先へ招いたり 余暇を楽しんだりの関係は続いた |