1981年,MJ 和Jon Anthony
在美國各地做了幾十年電臺音樂節目主持人的Jon Anthony,有一大堆名人的照片,他在Valrico 的住家兼辦公室的牆上,貼滿了這類相片。其中,有一張是他最珍惜的。“ 如果我家不小心著火了,我會立刻拽著老婆,兒子還有這張MJ 的照片跑出去的,” Anthony 說:“ 這張照片對我來說,就是這麼珍貴。”
這張照片攝於1981年,那次Anthony 與MJ 一起吃了午餐,還一起聊了一個半鐘頭。那時MJ 正在附近的Nashville 錄音室錄製歌曲。Anthony 的一個朋友是個錄音總監,有次他無意中在這個錄音室的外面碰到了MJ,於是就給Anthony 打電話,把他叫了過來。兩人走上去,問MJ 願不願意跟他們一起在那個錄音總監的辦公室吃午餐。Anthony 說他至今還記得他們在一起都談了些什麼。三個人都要了Subway 的三明治,然後聊了一些日常生活中的話題,如:體育比賽和天氣等等。Anthony 和他的朋友都有意識地避開了那些涉及到名人一類的話題,不想讓MJ 因此覺得不自在。
“ 我簡直沒法相信他是那麼友善,隨和而且很放鬆,”Anthony 說:“ 就好像他暫時脫離了那個他一直習慣了的世界,來到了現實生活裏,正與兩個普通人一起吃三明治。”這張照片是在他們吃飯前拍的,“ 當時我還沒意識到自己是在跟當今世界上最偉大的表演藝術家合影!”如今已經54歲的 Anthony 現在在Tampa Bay 的一家電臺工作。在那次與MJ 的相遇之後的許多年裏,他還見過許多名人,他與他們拍的合影已經把牆壁都貼滿了。但如果說起這類照片,他總是把那張與MJ拍的合影視作最珍貴的。MJ 的突然離世讓Anthony 非常震驚。“ 我們失去了有史以來最偉大的表演藝術家,故事結束了。”Anthony 看了電視上轉播的MJ 的追悼會,他說那是一個恰如其分的,讓人流淚的向KOP 致敬的儀式。
Anthony 說:現在能說的也就只剩下一句話了,即使對於一個電臺節目主持人也是一樣,那就是:“Rest in peace, King( 吾王安息)”。
Tampa DJ cherishes memories of lunch with Jackson
As a DJ at radio stations across the country for decades, Jon Anthony has collected a music hall of fame of photos which he plastered on the walls of his Valrico home office. There's Rick Springfield , 'NSync, Toby Keith and Bobby Brown.
But there's one picture more precious than all the others.
"If my house were to catch on fire, I would grab my wife, my son and that picture of Michael Jackson, and we would hit the door," Anthony said. "That's how big that picture is to me."
Anthony had lunch with Jackson in 1981. He spent an hour and a half with the pop star, who was cutting tracks for the album "Thriller" at a Nashville studio next door.
He met Jackson after he was called over by a record executive pal who noticed Jackson outside the studio. The two men approached Jackson and asked him if he'd like to join them for lunch in the record exec's office.
Anthony calls it an experience he will never forget. He says the three of them ordered sub sandwiches and talked about everyday topics like sports and the weather. They were trying to steer away from subjects like celebrity that might make Jackson feel uncomfortable.
"I could not believe how friendly he was, how nice he was, and how relaxed he was, "Anthony said. "It was almost like he had escaped out of that world that he was so used to and got to come into the real world with some real people and eat a sub sandwich."
The photo of Anthony and Jackson was snapped before their lunch. "I didn't realize I was going to be having my picture made with one of the biggest entertainers in the world!"
Anthony, now 54, ended up in Tampa Bay when his career led him to a radio job here. Since then he's met more famous people, and more photos have filled up spaces on his walls. But when it comes to celebrities, he will always regard the Michael Jackson photo as his most valuable item.
Jackson 's sudden death was a real punch in the gut to Anthony. "We have lost the greatest entertainer of all time, end of story. "
Anthony watched the televised memorial for Jackson and said it was a fitting, tasteful tribute for pop royalty.
Anthony says there's only one thing left to say now, even for a former DJ.
"Rest in peace, King."