

Mammatus cloud over CitiField in New York, June 26, 2009

紐約天空現怪雲 麥可顯靈了

2009630 11:50
國際中心/編譯 美國紐約26日下了一場大雷雨,在下雨之前,天空出現罕見的紅色雲朵,許多紐約客紛紛走到戶外,觀看這個大自然奇景。對於雲的形狀,有人說像是外星人來了,更有人繪聲繪影地說,在雲朵中看到前一天(25)去世的流行音樂天王麥可傑克森(Michael Jackson)

「我的老天啊!」一位紐約客驚呼。26日當天,紐約居民抬頭仰望,就可以看到相當怪異的紅色雲朵,另一位紐約客說,「我從來沒有看過這種東東!」有人說這種奇怪的雲很像電影《ID4星際終結者》(Independence Day)外星人入侵地球當時的景象,也有人說,剛去世的麥可傑克森藉由這種奇怪的雲顯靈了。

猛然一看,還真有點像麥可!氣象專家梅爾也說,「我看到他的鼻子,他的臉頰,還有黑人頭。」其實這種紅色圓形的雲,正式名稱為「乳狀積雲」(Mammatus Clouds),梅爾指著照片上的雲朵,「這的部分看起來像乳房。」


Michael Jackson Cloud
It was right after a thunderstorm on June 26, 2009, that Mammatus clouds appeared on the sky over New York City . Rolando Rivera and Felicita Diaz-Rivera were enjoying the light and the clouds through the window of their apartment near Amsterdam Avenue and 101st Street . These two felt like the clouds looked like Michael Jackson looking down from the sky. Jackson died the day before, on June 25, 2009 in Los Angeles , California . The two took a picture and sent it to Fox 5 News. So many of Michael Jackson's fans were grieving his unexpected death. The view of the cloud right after his death had a meaning to them.

Mammatus clouds usually form during the warm months in the mid-west of America . The name Mammatus is derived from the Latin word mamma, which means udder. These lumpy clouds can cover a small or big area over the sky. They can last from about 10 minutes to a few hours. The recent New York cloud appeared to be very bright against the setting sun.

紐約天邊一朵雲 形狀像麥可

2009/06/30 12:00 綜合報導



Michael Jackson’s death came as a surprise which sparked so much online trafic that websites crashed.Yet the internet is not the only place being hounded by Michael Jackson’s supporters. Record stores are being wiped clean for any Jackson CD. The King of Pop leaves behind a legacy of music and style that will never be duplicated.
Even the skies seem to be getting into the act. According to a recent report by CNN from New York City , the sky there was taken over by the image of Michael Jackson in th Mammatus clouds a meteorological term for “bumpy clouds.” Wikipedia describes as cellular pattern of pouches hanging underneath the base of a cloud.
New Yorkers claimed to see the image of the ascended King of Pop in these post-thunderstorm clouds, as seen in this video:
 Did Michael Jackson's face really appear over NYC in a cloud formation? Apparently, thousands of New Yorkers saw this "miracle" the day after MJ died inside a new cloud formation known as Mammatus. I was a skeptic myself until I saw the Jennie Moe CNN segment. This really is AMAZING.

