

Michael Jackson 和 Joanelle Romero 的故事

 來源   翻譯:Sara Lee

MJ Joanelle Sage
Joanelle Romero 是十歲那年認識Michael 的,當時他們都是洛杉磯 Gardner Street school 六年級的學生。那個時期她還經常在放學後應邀去Michael 家玩兒,他們經常在Jackson 家院子裏的大樹下蕩秋千,一般都是Michael 在後面使勁兒推著Joanelle,好讓她坐的秋千蕩得高高的。他們還時常在一起說起各自的夢想,想像著長大以後幹什麼。在學校裏,Michael 也很照顧Joanelle,有時他們一起走路時,Michael 還會提醒她走路時看著點兒,要小心學校裏的那些臺階。就在那年學校放假的前兩周,Joanelle 的母親忽然決定送她去當時住在新墨西哥州的父親那裏生活,因為事情來得很突然,當時她甚至都沒來得及跟Michael 告別就離開了洛杉磯。兩人從此失去了聯繫。

後來1991年,Joanelle 自己開了一家(演出)製作公司。兩星期後,一家為MJ 工作的公司找到她,問她可否推薦一些會跳舞的印地安人。於是Joanelle 挑選了三十個印地安人,後來 短片的導演John Landis 從中挑選了四個舞者,還有她五歲的女兒Sage。當時誰也沒想到她和Michael 小時候竟然認識。。。

Joanelle 回憶說Michael 在拍攝 的過程中,還拍了許多Sage 的照片,後來在他Neverland 家中的繪畫作品裏,他還讓人照她的樣子來畫天使。那天在BOW的片場,她,Michael Sage 一起連看了三遍< Willie Wonka >Sara: 這裏指的是1971年拍攝的那部影片,後來2005Tim Burton Jonny Depp 又重新翻拍了該片,即:《查理和巧克力工廠》。不過,這也間接地證實了MJ 果真是喜歡這個故事的,跟我原先猜測的一樣:P )。後來Michael 還帶了Sage 去跟美國前總統夫人南茜雷根一起午餐。

他們原先已經在室內拍好了 中印地安人跳舞的片段,後來Michael 在讀了她寫的短片腳本以後,又改在室外重拍了那個場景。之後MJ 還很有心地把Joanelle 的公司納入在他短片的演職名單裏,他還在 週刊的採訪中特意提到了她的公司。

說那次合作後,她的新公司終於開始為人所知,並逐漸有了一定的知名度,這在很大程度上要歸功於Michael 有心提攜的緣故。

拍攝期間,MJSage 的一些合影:

MJ 與南茜雷根,Sage

200977,邁克爾-傑克遜(Michael Jackson)當地時間625去世。76,恩西諾,歌手羅美若(Joanelle Romero)在傑克遜恩西諾故居前的臨時紀念碑前獻唱緬懷天王。

Joanelle Romero: My Friend Michael Jackson - In Loving Memory

NativeCelebs 寫於 2010630

REPOSTED on behalf of Joanelle Romero & Michael Jackson
My Friend Michael. Never can say goodbye ….

On June 25th 2009, I was packing and moving out of a house we had lived in for 6 years and an acquaintance phoned me and said Michael Jackson is dead, turn on the TV.I dropped the phone, turned on the television and there it all was, I fainted, no one was home with me. I woke and cried and cried and I am still crying. My heart is so broken; you see Michael was a friend and he believed in me. I’ve known Michael since I was 10 years old, we went to school together at Gardner Street school off of Sunset Blvd, we were in the 6th grade together. I was always invited to go to his house to play, he would swing me in this big tree swing and we would speak of our dreams. Michael asked me to go steady on the steps of Gardener Street school. Two weeks before school ended my mother sent me to live with my dad in NM. I never got to say goodbye to Michael.
One week before Michael left this earth, my son and I were shopping at Nordstrom’s, and we run into Jermaine. I asked him to please tell Michael I needed to see him, that I needed to visit, that it was important and I gave him my new numbers. God works in mysterious ways.

In 1991, I launched my production company, it was 2 weeks old when I received a call from Michaels casting office, asking if I had any American Indian dancers b/c everyone he had been interviewing wasn’t right. I told them “I have the best dancers in town” I really had no one, however I went to many Pow wows and gathered 30 dancers, one of them being my precious daughter Sage. She was 5 then. Michaels casting office had no idea that Michael and I knew each other. To make a long story short. Director John Landis, cast 5 dancers, my daughter – who was the jingle dress dancer, and four other dancers from the native community here in Los Angeles that I brought in that day.

Michael shot 7 hours of photos of Sage while shooting his video and used her image for his painted angels in his Neverland ranch. We had so much fun while filming. Michael, Sage and I watched “Willie Wonka” 3 times while everybody had to wait on set. Michael took Sage and Nancy Reagan to lunch, he had asked if I wanted to go however I declined for obvious reasons. Many stories to remember .....
We had shot the segment of the native dancers in the studio, then Michael read one of my music video scripts and one week later we were on location re-shooting the native segment out-side. Due to Michael’s insight, he added my production company and shared the press in Entertainment Weekly.

Michael became the leading force in making my company known to the world. It is now an award-winning production company in producing American Indian documentaries and independent films. The 1991 “Black or White” music video and song made history. I was able to negotiate for the American Indian dancers to be paid over and above any dancers on any music video ever, due to the fact they were traditionally dressed (the wardrobe did not come from western costume). To date, they are the highest paid dancers in the music video industry. Also, this segment was the first clip of American Indian dancers in a music video without being a Native American music group/artist.

On our opening night of our 2009 Red Nation Film Festival – A Night of Tribute Awards, we honored Michael Jackson for his “Black or White” Music Video – In Loving Memory of Michael Jackson. I have many personal stories about Michael and that I will keep in my heart forever. I am not going to spend my life being a color, I am a Human Being
– God Bless You MJ

Together we can Heal the world make it a better place.
…..We Love You Michael ……..
Joanelle Romero

《查理與巧克力工廠》(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)是一本由英國作家羅爾德·達爾於1964年所著的兒童文學,內容是關於主角查理·畢奇在古怪糖果製造商威利·旺卡(王卡衛)所持的巧克力工廠中的歷險。這部書被譽為二十世紀最受歡迎的兒童文學之一。
《查理與巧克力工廠》於1964年在美國首度由Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.出版,1967年在英國由喬治·愛倫和愛文出版社(George Allen & Unwin)出版其第二版。這部書曾被兩次改編成電影,包括1971年的《歡樂糖果屋》(Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory)及2005年的《巧克力冒險工廠》(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)。羅爾德·達爾在1972年寫了《查理與巧克力工廠》的續集《玻璃大升降機歷險記》。
在查理家旁邊的是全球最大的糖果工廠 — 威利·旺卡工廠。
經過多年後,威利·旺卡決定讓公眾參觀他的工廠。他把五張幸運金卡藏進其中五塊旺卡先生巧克力中,獲得幸運金卡的小孩能帶同一名家人進入工廠參觀。首四位獲得幸運金卡的小孩包括貪吃的奧古斯塔斯·格魯普(Augustus Gloop)、深受溺愛的維魯卡·索爾特(Veruca Salt)、經常吃口香糖的維奧莉特·比爾蓋德(Violet Beauregarde)及電視迷麥克·提文(Mike Teavee)。
2001年,由Quentin Blake所繪的封面

雖然查理與巧克力工廠已推出了近40年,但其巨大的成功令它成了現今社會文化的參照。雀巢公司建立了威利·旺卡的糖果糕點店[1]。幸運金卡(Golden Ticket)更成了貴重與特別物品的代表詞。
歷年來有不少名人批評過此書:兒童小說及文學歷史學家約翰·洛威·湯森(John Rowe Townsend)因為書本最初描繪隆巴小矮人為黑人侏儒,而形容此書為「令人厭惡的幻想書籍」[3]。另外,小說家綺蓮娜·卡梅倫(Eleanor Cameron[4]及娥蘇拉·勒瑰恩[5]都曾對查理與巧克力工廠有所批評。

