來源:邁克爾傑克遜吧 作者:雪落葒爐

倫敦的塞維爾街以提供剪裁流利的男裝馳名。塞維爾街一號,是著名品牌君皇仕(Gieves and Hawkes),二百年來一直為英國及皇室提供服裝服務。MJ在80年代末找到該店的第15代傳人Robert Gieves,要求他製作一套獨特而考究的軍裝,但是不要冒犯任何軍隊。攝影師Annie Leibovitz拍下了他穿著這套軍服的樣子

Michael loves dressing up ~ In a beautiful military Jacket pictured with singer Bobby Womak during a Vanity Fair photoshoot with photographer Annie Leibovitz.
The costume was made by UK's Saville Row Shop Gieves and Hawkes who say.. "Michael Jackson had all his uniforms made here in his late Eighties heyday. He came to London and his people asked Robert Gieves who was fifth-generation Gieves family to create something unique for him so as not to offend any regiments, as dressy as possible. There's a famous portrait of him wearing a military jacket by Annie Leibovitz which is just on the wall outside this room. When he died we recreated that uniform from the original details and put it in a case next to it." A company called Hands and Lock supplied the embroidery for the original outfit and the new one which is on display at the shop.