

Michael Jackson's "The Broken Heart Stone “心碎石”背後的故事

2011-01-30 來源  作者:stroller

 ♥His heart in his hand ♥

His hand, his heart, his feet, his name. How can the priceless be for sale?

Michael making his mark

2011126 - 命運的安排讓美國聖瑪利亞的一個男人最終擁有了一件獨一無二的邁克爾·傑克遜(Michael Jackson)紀念品。這件紀念品被稱作心碎石,它的背後有一個曲折的故事。你相信嗎?它是一件在被遺落二十多年後重新發現的紀念品。
流行音樂之王當時發行了《顫栗》(Thriller)專輯,處於事業的頂峰。實際上,傑克遜當時贏得了8項格萊美獎,他的前途無可阻擋。那段時期中,這位流行巨星也製作了一些特別的東西。這件傑克遜紀念品的主人安德魯·威爾遜(Andrew Wilson)說:我真的認為這是一件所有人都應該看到的東西。這是一塊製作於19846月、重達500的水泥板,上面有一個手印、一個腳印和傑克遜的簽名。





(翻譯:stroller 來源 /

Santa Maria man shares story behind Michael Jackson's "The Broken Heart Stone"
KSBY News, Michael Jackson, The Broken Heart Stone, Andrew Wilson
A twist of fate is the reason a Santa Maria man says he ended up with a unique piece of Michael Jackson memorabilia. It's being called "The Broken Heart Stone" and there's quite a story behind it. If you can believe this, it was actually lost for more than two decades before being found again.

The king of pop was at the top of his career with the Thriller album. In fact, Jackson won eight Grammys and his career seemed unstoppable. During that time, the pop star also created something special. Andrew Wilson, Jackson memorabilia owner, said, "I really believe it's something the world should see." It's a 500 pound cement slab dated June 1984 and features a hand print, footprints and autograph of Jackson .

Wilson said, "I was at the right place, at the right time." The former five time international Kung Fu champion and Santa Maria resident had formed a business relationship with Jackson . He said, "I was very supportive of him during the trial." Wilson even wrote a letter of support for Jackson to a local newspaper. "I got word back from the people at Neverland that Michael had seen it and was very pleased about it," said Wilson .

Wilson says that twist of fate came on the day Jackson died. He arrived in Las Vegas and ran into some of those same people. He said, "People at Neverland knew me and said oh my gosh, I think Michael would love for you to have this." They put him in contact with the then-owner of the impression. Originally, it was made for the Walk of Fame project for the city of Las Vegas but that never materialized. So what's shocking, the stone stayed hidden in the basement of the Riviera Hotel for more than two decades before being sold.

Wilson said, "You can actually look at his hand and you can actually see a heart print." The left palm print features a heart shape design with a crack running through it, that's how the name "The Broken Heart Stone" came about. "A broken heart represents not only Michael but the fans that loved him in his quick and immediate passing," said Wilson . He goes on to say, "I think it's kind of a statement to the world. Yeah, I died with a broken heart and I have fans who have a broken heart because of me."

It's a one-of-a-kind tribute now up for grabs. "The Broken Heart Stone" is being auctioned by a company specializing in Hollywood memorabilia. The auction ends Tuesday, February 15th

