


來源 /  編譯:Badthriller    

2011629 - 金牌製作人崔奇·斯圖爾特(Tricky Stewart)為流行音樂之王邁克爾·傑克遜製作了新專輯《邁克爾》(Michael)裏鼓舞人心的頌歌《高昂你的頭》(Keep Your Head Up)。在傑克遜兩周年忌日,崔奇接受《Vibe》雜誌的採訪,暢談與傑克遜之間獨一無二的工作經歷。

我很久很久前就見過邁克爾了,那是上世紀90年代初,好像是1993年。有一天,他在錄音室工作,他要把錄影室包幾個禮拜。我在那裏,他和泰迪·瑞利(Teddy Riley)想把我趕出去,因為我整晚都在那兒工作。那時,他會用一堆電子遊戲創造氣氛,他發現我在玩他的一款《食豆小子》(Pacman)的遊戲,他說:你知道你在玩我的遊戲吧?然後就大笑。不可能認錯那聲音的。我一轉頭,他就站在那兒。儘管只是開玩笑,但他真酷。在他面前感覺真不可思議,就像一個夢想成真。任何一個做音樂的人都想和邁克爾·傑克遜做點東西。我相信在他的職業生涯中,他就是所有音樂人的第一召喚。




這個創意……我試圖製作的方式……儘管我確實有自己的聲音,但那不再是《雨傘》(RihannaUmbrella),不再是《單身女郎》(BeyonceSingle Ladies)。我相信每個藝人都有屬於自己的聲音,很顯然MJ擁有辨識度最高的音樂聲音之一。不是說我把自己的聲音放進去,而是把他的聲音發揮到極致。我盡了很大的努力確保這些歌曲感覺像是MJ。達到他作品的標準壓力極大,我盡了最大的努力,努力做了他會想要我做的。許多次感覺他仿佛就在那兒,和我一起製作歌曲。




有一首歌我製作得很賣力,這首歌叫《節奏的奴隸》(Slave to the Rhythm),LA和娃娃臉(Babyface)創作。我能這麼熟悉他們的音樂,把那些傢伙打敗真是太有趣了。我真的想在他們的歌曲上做點不一樣的。(大笑)那真有趣,當我放給他們聽時,他們都驚呆了。


Tricky Stewart Speaks On His Michael Jackson Experience

VIBE.COM By: jkennedy Posted 6-25-2011

"I met Michael years and years ago in the early 90s like 1993. And one day he was working at a tudio and he was about to block the studio for a couiple weeks. I was running over and he and teddy riley were trying to kick me out bc I was working all night. At that time he would have a bunch of video games to create the vibe and he caught me playing one of his pacman games and he was like you know youre playing my game right? laughs. There’s no mistaking that voice. I turn around and there he was. he was just kidding though, real cool. it was just amazing to be in his presence, it was a dream come true. Everyone who’s ever done music has wanted to do something with Michael Jackson. I believe he was the numnber one call in all of music for pretty much all of his career.

it was quick. I was just in awe. He might have said other things, but at that point you don’t hear much (laughs). You’ll never know you’ll react until he’s right behind. I thought I was cool around every star, but there’s the ones that still shake you up.

I worked on three songs for MJ, one of them which definietyely made it and two for other projects. The song is called Keep Your Head Up

We were planning on getting together at some point before, my camp and his camp. And it looked like were going to work together, but we never got to actually get in the studio. But the label contacted me about producing some previously recorded records that he was working on 2007. When I got the opp I said oh I could do something w that one and that one. I got the opp to work on this keep your head up record and it turned out to be pretty great. It’s just him doing him. He produced it and wrote it.

The idea… the way I try to do it… although I do have a sound. There’s no other umbrella, there’s no other single ladies. I believe every artist has a sound and clearly mj has one of the most indetifiable musical sounds out there. It wasn’t about me putting my sound on it, it was about making his sound the best it could be. I put a lot of effot to make sure these records felt like MJ. It was a tremendous amount of pressure to live up to his body of wrk. I was doing the best I could do, just trying to do what he would want me to do. A lot of times it felt like he was in there with me just working on the record.

I didn’t veer off what he did. There is no banging 808s because that’s not what he was known for.

The expectation was there, so there was a bit more pressure that I put on myself. Because im trying to live up to the greatest producer and some of the greatest producer. I want my place in history however it pertains to miachel Jackson that there was a certain level of integrity and creatibity put into the records.

These were works he was working on that he didn’t get the opportunity to finish. Its not me reworking a Michael Jackson, im basically filling in what he didn’t get into. I didn’t go in and create a whole entire track to a Michael Jackson vocal.

I can’t speak for anything other than what I know. The songs I worked on definitely have a really good vibe. They’re well-written, well-produced. They sound like genuine Michael Jackson records.

its got the little verse with the big chorus and the choir that comes in at the end. And he got the chance to get the choir already.

the best part of the experience is about the legacy and the lineage of what it means to have it in my discography. To work in any capacity with the greatest entertainer of all time was a huge moment for me. there’s noone more that I wanted to produce for than Michael Jackson.

One of them I worked on real heavy. A song called Slve to the Rhythem. LA and babyface wrote the record. By me having so much familiarity on their music it was lots of fun to beat those guys up. I really wanted to destroy the production on their own record laughs. So that was fun and when I played it for them they were blown away.

Everything is subject to opinion. I personally believe, given the opp to work on a mj project, I was def going to do it. I think at the end of the day, theres something to be said about the mysteriousness of his work being there. But theres something about your music being able to live on till the end of time. we’re celebrating the beatles pretty heavily right now and right before Christmas. Michael Jackson to some people wont be remembered after a certain point. It’s great to always be celebrating the greatness of people. Michael Jackson is a national treasure. He was big for our country. I think it’s the right thing to do to let people live on. I understand the case for both sides, but I knew I could keep the integrity of his music. "

