Michael Jackson kept this bust of Walt Disney on a fireplace mantel at Neverland. “He was such a Disney fan,” Brando says. “When Michael wrote notes, he always wrote in red. Why? He said, ‘Because Disney wrote all his notes in red.’ Michael always had a red pen with him.” Michael began reading Disney biographies in childhood. “He had every book,” Jackie recalls. “On tour, Michael used to read books about Disney. He loved him, knew everything about him. He told me, ‘One day I’m going to have a backyard like Disneyland .” He told me that when he was 10. And he pretty much did it.

These are among the many rare first-edition and out-of-print Disney books Jackson collected and stored in his library. “He had thousands of Disney books that he had bought, that people had given him, that Disney had given him,” Brando says. “He studied and read them. He knew a lot about Disney, one of his biggest heroes.” Michael didn’t limit himself to books. “He collected everything Walt Disney from A to Z. When we’d go to Disneyland , he’d buy a lot of souvenirs. Anything Disney, he had it.
這些都是許多傑克遜收集和儲存在他的書房罕見的首版和絶版的迪斯尼書籍。 “他有成千上萬的迪斯尼書籍,有他自己買的,有別人送的,還有迪斯尼送給他的,白蘭度說。”“他的研究和閱讀。他知道了很多關於迪斯尼,他最大的英雄之一。“邁克爾沒有限制自己的書籍。 “他收集一切從A到Z的沃爾特·迪斯尼時,我們會去迪斯尼樂園,他買了很多紀念品。什麼迪斯尼的東西他都有。
Michael Jackson, on a shopping spree with Miko Brando, bought this large telescope at a camera shop in the late 1980s in Santa Monica , Calif. “At the time, it was a state-of-the-art telescope,” Brando says. “He fell in love with it. We put it in the car, we took it home, (and) he learned how to use it and looked at stars at night. He just enjoyed looking up there. I don’t know what we were looking at. He surely didn’t know.
在80年代與Miko Brando的一次購物中,MJ看中了這只大型望遠鏡,就買回了家。這是當時最先進的望遠鏡。他學會了如何使用它,晚上就用它看星星。Miko說,MJ很享受觀星的過程,【但估計不知道自己在看哪顆星。】
To commemorate the Dangerous Tour, Michael Jackson had this album compiled of photos depicting “crowd reaction, him onstage, all his fans,” Miko Brando says. “It was for his personal library. Signs from fans cheering him on; kids, adults, families enjoying the show, stuff he couldn’t see onstage that he wanted to remember later on.
A peek inside the custom fan album that Jackson assembled during the Dangerous Tour. He also amassed mountains of fan letters, some of which will be on view at Michael Jackson Fan Fest in Las Vegas . “He saved all of it,” Brando says. “He looked at most of his fan mail. He’d write back to a lot of them. We have boxes in storage of letters, cutouts, paintings, drawings, photos.”
