

MJ Diy 的百事可樂餐

來源  翻譯:Sara Lee

百事的高層很可能不會喜歡這個故事:P 據說當年百事找MJ 代言時,遇到了一個嚴重的問題—— 因為不喜歡,MJ 幾乎從來不喝百事可樂。後來百事的高管跟他解釋說,他不用喝可樂,也不會讓他拍攝喝可樂的鏡頭,Michael 這才同意做百事的代言。 

下面這個故事是Jermaine 講的:

巡演期間,Michael 有次用百事可樂開了個玩笑,如果百事的高層在場親眼目睹的話,說不定會讓他們心臟病發作的。那天Michael 在他的化妝間裏,心血來潮決定用百事可樂來Diy 食物,他先把一罐可樂像調料湯汁那樣澆在一盤食物上,然後把可樂罐放在餐盤裏,再戴上他那標誌性的閃閃發光的單只手套讓人拍照,以此介紹他的大作,不過,照片只能拍戴著手套的那只手和那盤可樂餐的近景,這就是Michael 構思的“MJ與百事可樂的廣告創意。如果說有哪張圖片既能表現Michael 那異乎尋常的幽默感,又可以體現brand Michael real Michael 之間的區別的話,那麼很可能就是這張照片了。

MJ Diy

A funny moment from Michael that would have given Pepsi a heart attack! When asked to do the Pepsi Commercials there was a potential problem as Michael didn’t drink Pepsi because he didn’t like it.When explained that he didn’t actually have to drink it or be filmed drinking it Michael compromised.
The story behind the photo from Jermaine Jackson ~
During the tour there was a funny moment which would have given the Pepsi executives a heart attack had they witnessed it.Michael was in his dressing room one day when he decided to grind a can into a plate of food,poured Pepsi all over it like gravy,and then posed for a photo: a close up of his sequined glove presenting his ‘dish’.If ever there was an image that summed up both his devilish humour and the difference between Brand Michael and the real Michael,that might have been it.
A rare clip of Pepsi Commercial shown during the Michael Jackson's BAD Tour Yokohama concert.

Michael Jackson Pepsi Commercial "Dreams" + Behind the Scenes (1992)

