不知你們是否同意不管 MJ 是唱歌或說話, 永遠都是這麼悅耳, 就是連簡單的一句回應 "I love you more" 都是這麼動聽!
What More I Can Give - MJ 在2003年 Radio Music Awards 在台上發言介紹 "What More I Can Give" 項目, 及這歌曲MV 的 首播, 以下是我的簡單翻譯:
"We Are The World" was the project we did to help people around the globe, who were starving and "at risk", as you know it was a huge success "We Are The World".
"We Are The World" 是我們曾經做過的一個項目, 幫助全球飢餓及處境危難的人. 你們知道 "We Are The World" 帶來巨大成功!
This time, a time to come for the sequel to "We Are The World" to express our feeling, our despair, hope and lift those who need the most.這一次, 應是時候為“We Are The World” 作一個延續篇,以表達我們的感受,我們的絕望,希望, 用以振奮那些最需要幫助的人。
It's been two years, a very long time, it goes over one hundred people participating and donating for their efforts. This project together finally arrived.已經兩年了,一段很長的時間,超過一百人參與及獻出他們力量, 這個項目終於完成了。
It couldn't be happened without you all, it couldn't be happened without Beyonce, she's down there, a lot of you artists. I love this woman here, she is lovely.沒有你們這項目是不可能做到的, 沒有 Beyonce 這不可能做到的, 她就在這裡, 還有你們這一班歌手們o 我很喜歡這女人, 她非常可愛!
The Incredible talented artists who participated in creating the song that I just wrote two years ago, we survived a terrorist attack that forever changed not only our country , but the entire world. (I love you more)一眾出色的歌手參與創造這一首我在兩年前作的歌曲,為我們從恐怖襲擊事件中生還過來, 這不僅改變我們的國家, 而是整個世界 (我更愛你)。
We will never forget (I love you more), the terrible tragedy brought us together and finally brought the project together, producing this song with miracle and itself.我們永遠不會忘記,這可怕的悲劇使我們走在一起,最後結合這項目一起, 以奇蹟及歌曲它本身創造出這首歌曲。
Here is the video showing some of the highlights of the moving and collaboration, and tonight you experience it here first.這是一些製作片段, 是關於創造這歌曲的動人場面及合作過程, 今天晩上你們在坐可是優先欣賞到的i
I wanna, thank you to Radio Music Awards for giving us this opportunity to bring it to the world.我想,謝謝 Radio Music Awards (電台音樂大獎) 給我們這個機會,把這項目推向世界。
I hope once again, we can set out our mission to lead the world on the pass of harmony by acting ourselves everyday "What More Can I Give".我再一次希望,我們可以設置我們的使命,帶領世界傳遞和諧的訊息, by asking ourselves everyday "What More Can I Give".
我們每天問一問自己, "我還能可付出多少"。
2003 – The edited version of the song What More Can I Give, featuring a host of other artists, is released via the official “Music for Giving” website as a 2 – dollar download to support charity projects. The charities that received donations when “What More Can I Give” was donated were “Oneness”, “Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation” and “The International Child Art Foundation”. It was due to certain legal delays and misunderstandings that the charity anthem, (also previously devoted to the Kosovo victims and intended to be performed with late Luciano Pavarotti in 1999), was redirected – via Internet pay – to providing financial aid to the September 11, 2001 victims in New York.
In the evening, Michael Jackson premieres the short film for charity single What More Can I Give in the conference area at the Aladdin Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas , Nevada . At the Radio Music Awards in New York , he accepts the first ever Humanitarian Award from Beyonce.
On accepting the Award, he draws focus to What More Can I Give, the sequel of the 1985 high-grossing charitable single, “We Are The World”, and remembers the 2001 terrorist attacks in New York which, apart from their tragic aftermath, also “brought us together and finally brought this project together”; afterwards, Michael Jackson presents a short film showcasing the highlights of the charitable song’s recording.
“We Are The World” was a project we did to help feed people around the Globe, who were starving and at risk. As you know, it was a huge success “We Are The World”. This time, the time is come for the sequel to “We Are The World”, to express our feelings, inspires, hope and lift those who need it most. It has been two years – a very long time – but with over one hundred people participating and donating their perecords, this project together finally has arrived. It couldn’t have happened without you all. […] The incredible talented artists who participated in creating this song that I just wrote. Two years ago, we survived a terrorist attack that forever changed not only our country, but the entire world. We will never forget that that terrible tragedy brought us together and finally brought this project together. Producing this song was a miracle in itself. Here is a video showing some of the highlights of the moving collaboration, and tonight, you will experience it here first.
Thank you to Radio Music Awards for giving us this opportunity to bring it to the world. I hope, once again, we can set aut on a mission to lead the world in a path of harmony, by asking ourselves every day: “What More Can I give?” [the footage of the song recordings are displayed]; Jackson is given the Humanitarian Award by singer Beyonce, for which he adds a brief “thank you” speech.”
Taking the stage with a smile she begins, ´I am honored to be here tonight to introduce a music Icon. As a little girl, groovin´ to his music, I like millions around the world, tried to mimic his unique and thrilling singing and dancing. He´s still doing it! But today what I am trying to mimic is his passion for helping others. It is an example for all of us. He believes we can really change the world and he´s doing it. He still remains the biggest selling recording artist in the history of music.The king of pop! Ladies and gentlemen please welcome artist and humanitarian, Michael Jackson!