在音樂盒的底座下有MJ的題字,“We are the world /We are the children 天下一家/我們都是神的孩子。”
旋轉木馬下麵,MJ寫著,“It’s true we’ll make a better day/just you and me - MJ 1-15-85 真的,創造一個更美好的明天/就靠你和我——MJ 1985年1月15日”

在音樂盒的底座下有MJ的題字,“We are the world /We are the children 天下一家/我們都是神的孩子。”
旋轉木馬下麵,MJ寫著,“It’s true we’ll make a better day/just you and me - MJ 1-15-85 真的,創造一個更美好的明天/就靠你和我——MJ 1985年1月15日”

A gold and crystal music box owned by Michael Jackson at Neverland.
When the crown at the top is activated, the box opens up to reveal a merry go round of 4 horses made from glass, and the song “Smile” by Charlie Chaplin plays, Michael’s favorite song.
At the base he inscribed, “We are the world/We are the children.”
Under the merry go round he wrote, “It’s true we’ll make a better day/just you and me - MJ 1-15-85”
When the crown at the top is activated, the box opens up to reveal a merry go round of 4 horses made from glass, and the song “Smile” by Charlie Chaplin plays, Michael’s favorite song.
At the base he inscribed, “We are the world/We are the children.”
Under the merry go round he wrote, “It’s true we’ll make a better day/just you and me - MJ 1-15-85”