來源:mjjcn.com 翻譯:APPLEHEADYE
Steve Harvey:這次通話是本台空前絕後的通話,比克林頓總統的通話更重大,女士們先生們,注意收聽,把你們的手放到一起,傳出你的們愛,為流行之王,邁克爾傑克遜,你們不相信…你們不相信…你們認為我在說慌…你們不信…等著瞧吧…HI,MIKE!
STEVE:在你的“Rock my World.”的片場。
MICHAEL:謝謝…. [笑,不好意思的]
Steve: [笑]
Michael: [笑]
MICHAEL:我經受住了這一切…這是神的恩澤,所以那一刻,我無法控制住,眼淚決堤…我試著不想讓觀眾看到我哭泣,但是我無法控制,你能理解不? STEVE:是的,噢,我看到了這一幕,我覺得這真讓人感動,我相信人們看到這一幕時,您讓他們看到了一個真正的MICHEAL JACKSON,而這通常只有你身邊最親近的朋友才能看到的,所以那一幕是我最愛的一部分,我經常對自己說,如果我有機會和這兄弟聊天,我將問他此事。
STEVE:珍妮跟我們通過話,大約幾個月之前,珍妮來過電話…哦,我先來介紹一下我的同伴Shirley Strawbery 和Dominique,她們迫不及待的要跟你打招呼
Shirley/Dominique: 太棒了!噢,我們是你的超級粉絲啊。
Michael: 哦!非常感謝你們
Shirley/Dominique: 是超級超級粉絲!,哦,我愛你的專輯,我真的真的愛你的專輯
Michael: 非常感謝你們。
Michael: 非常感謝你們
Shirley/Dominique: 《Break of Dawn》這只歌,我一遍又一遍的播放。4
Steve: HI,MIKE,聽聽這個,週一歐傑斯樂隊來時,我們一起談到過你的專輯1 },
Michael: 嗯,嗯。
Steve: 恩,歐傑斯樂隊的Eddie Levert對你的專輯有些見解:他說,MIKE將《Rock My World”》扔在那,然後,說,挺住啊,然而你還來得及反映,就再次迷醉於《Butterflies》。
Shirley/Dominique: 噢!噢!
Steve: ...那麼萬人迷先生,我跟你說啊,就在這演播室,我一早上至少播了二次*
Michael: [笑] 謝謝!
Shirley/Dominique: 我也一樣。
Steve: [笑]對了MIKE,Butterflies的創作靈感來源於哪?
Michael: 額,Butterflies是,嗯,有一個二個女孩組建的樂隊叫Floetry,她們帶著這首歌來的,噢,我們也有些合作,但主要還是那二個女孩的功勞。
Steve: 哦'
Michael: 還有,我想她們是英國人,是的,她們是英國女孩,她們是英國黑人女孩,她們才華非凡,而且我覺得這真是我喜歡做的一些事,我們一起做了勾勒修改的工作,於是創作了這歌,而我做的僅是令它更能接受些,混了些不同的聲音,加入不同的音色,因此它得以最終放到專輯裏,因為我一般會為一個專輯創造超過一百首歌,直到選出我喜歡的20或30首為止。
Steve: 毫無疑問
Steve: 哇喔,創作一百首歌,天啊,直到選中你喜歡的20首或30首。
Michael: 是的,通常是這樣,事實上有時超過一百首。
Steve: 天啊
Steve:喔,好的,MIKE,我知道你不是,但我是這樣的人,所以我想讓所有人知道…當你要回來了…我跟Usher 和 Sisquo說,他們得洗洗睡了!
Michael: [笑]
Steve: [笑]洗洗睡吧……MIKE回來了,把你們手套也脫下,所有人,國王回來了,寶貝們!![笑]這才是令我們瘋狂搖擺的人,哦,兄弟,多年來我們一直期盼的,我們所有人,你的真正粉絲,MICHAEL,大家仍然遍及街頭巷角呢,而且我不得不告訴你,嗯,我曾在這城市的很多監獄做過演說,當我在普裏查德的拘留中心時,其中一個被鎖住的夥計說,STEVE,請您在電臺上對邁克爾傳達我們的熱愛,他說,如果哪天你能跟他對話,請一定告訴他,我們在這裏支援他,朋友,我們長久以來深深感受著他的音樂。
Michael: 噢喔。
Michael: 哦,那真是太美好了。
Michael: 哦,上帝保佑你,這些真的很美好,我很欣賞。處於我的位置,真的很不易,因我而起的那麼多的轟動效應…小報…謊言。
Michael: 編排和謠言沒有一個是真的。
Steve: 是的
Michael: 這些是非常非常難以忍受,你知道的…這不是易事,這很艱難。你得咬牙面對,有時也難免受傷,你得盡可能的保持著自己韌性。
Steve: 是的
Michael: 但是,這是非常非常難以應對,因為這些小報,這些謊言,他們痛恨著你,他們嫉妒著你。
STeve: 是的,我能懂。
Michael: 他們真是…當你們讀這些東西時,記住,這是謊言,不要相信,燒了他,我們應當來次焚小報大會…
Steve/Shirley/Dominique: [笑]...是的,理解。
Michael: 我們應當辦場焚小報大會,把這些小報堆成一座山,扔一枚火柴上去,因為它們真的…
Michael: …因為它們痛恨看到我們成長,看到我們不斷壯大發展。但是無所謂了,隨他們去吧,我們要做的是不斷加強上帝給我們的才能,這也是我所追求的。
Steve: 是的…
Michael: 只是來分享令我們快樂的愛和禮物,這就是全部我想做的,我不想傷害任何人。.
Steve: 是,就是這樣,對了兄弟,你知道,我剛想說這個,我曾跟您媽媽聊過天,通過傑梅恩的…他曾在廣播上跟我們通過話,下廣播後有次他給我電話,於是通過他我得以跟您母親傑克遜夫人做過交談。
Steve: 是的,喔,你母親是…我對傑克遜夫人說,您老做了一件多麼非凡的事情啊,養育了這麼多天才孩子,而且仍能把他們聚在一起成為一個大家庭,她也感謝了我因為我在多個場合因為那些人對你的曲解挺身而出了,我提醒過所有人去看下1994年GQ雜誌上文章
Shirley/Dominique: 哦,是的
Steve: 而且,呃,GQ雜誌澄清了很多事實,讓很多讀過那文章的人知道了那些誤解背後的真相,所以你媽媽對我能在是電臺裏說這個表示感謝,而我真的很想說,兄弟,外邊有許許多多的人,他們都能感知你,也渴望能感知你更多,就像這樣的一通電話,MIKE,我想跟你說,我很久前就想跟你說了,兄弟。
Steve: 謝謝你,MIKE。
Micahel: 這是第一次。
Steve: [笑] 是的!
Michael: 噢,很高興為你們做這個,發自內心的,你們很和善,而且對我太好了,有些人…很多地方很多人都曾跟我說:這兒有個傢伙天天談論你呢…
Michael: 不斷的說,他如何如何,噢,於是我問,“是誰呢?”他們說“他名子叫STEVE。”我說“STEVE”…然後,我就看了喜劇之王的表演,我於是知道:“原來是這傢伙”
Steve/Shirley/Dominique: [笑]
Michael: 於是我說,哦,我的天,我現在是他的粉絲了!
Steve: 哦,是的,於是就這樣…你給了我一個電話,哦這真太瘋狂了。因為大家知道,去見MIKE不是件容易的事…你不可能一睜眼就可以說“哦,MIKE,一切還好吧”,不,你必須得通過一些管道,但是這真是太不可思議了,夥計,你就這樣直接讓我夢想成真了。對了,MIKE,聽著兄弟,恩,你能準確的跟我們講講你的NEVER,NEVERLAND嗎,為聽眾朋友們詳細描述一下?
Michael: 當然可以,當然……
Steve: 噢,我一直認為是叫,NEVER,NEVERLAND,莫非這是錯的,不…
Michael: 沒事的,你叫它NEVER,NEVERLAND也是可以的,NEVERLAND,這是一個寧靜平和的所在,它是用來放鬆和享受的,讓你拋開身後的一切困撓,斬斷傷害你心靈和靈魂的千頭萬緒。當你一進它的大門,你將置身精彩的,祥和的,充滿愛的所在。在那裏,有湖泊,連綿的山峰,青青草地,樹叢,還有遊戲機和小火車,還有…
Michael: 它有3000英畝。
Shirley/Dominique: 哇喔…聽來像是仙境
Michael: 是的,呵呵。
Steve: 哇,3000英畝
Michael: 是的,
Michael: [笑]
Steve: 我有70英畝,你有3000英畝
Michael: 噢,我是要補償我所失去的,你知道,在我童年時,我從未享有過這些孩童的東西,但是,這兒也是為了所有人的,我們接待許許多多的身有殘疾的,不幸患癌症,身患絕症的,還有罹患白血病的孩子們,成立了一個基金會:夢想之街…我們已運行了9,10,哦,不對,是11年之久了。
Steve: 哇喔!
Michael: 是的,而且呃,我還在跟母親住在恩西諾房子之前就做了這些,我們從不揮旗呐喊,我們從不想借此取得關注,我們悄悄的做著這些。
Steve: 是的,決對的!
Michael: 我們有輛大的車,用大車把他們接來,我們不允許拍照和錄影,我們悄悄的做著這些,因為真正的慈善是發自內心的,你知道。
Steve: 是的
Michael: 無需去宣揚說:“看我啊,看看我做的這些”,而是發自內心的悄然的做著這些。
Steve: 哦,是的,確實如此!
Michael: 並且嗯,我多年來做著這些,很多很多年,恩,也許某天我們會在那碰頭,你可以跟我打招呼。
Steve: 你知道,這真是太棒了,你知道嗎,MIKE,這裏跟剛剛打開收音機的朋友們說一聲,我們正和MICHAEL JACKSON電話採訪中,我要說,這就像,就像是一枚炸彈,這是爆炸性的採訪,這讓我太高興了,你知道MIKE,克林頓總統曾在空軍一號裏給我來過電話,也沒讓我這樣開心!相信我,雖然克林頓挺酷的,但是…!
Michael: 我也真的很喜歡他呢。
Steve: 是的,但他不是MICHAEL,他不是那個唱著Billie Jean,Beat It,ABC的MICHEAL.
Michael: [笑]
Steve: [唱] ..."looking through the windows, window..." 喔!(J5的歌)
Michael: [笑]
Steve: 這就是我的《JAM》(唱)"I'll be there....come on everybody...I'll be there...."
Michael: [笑]
Steve: 這就是我的《JAM》,MIKE!
Shirley/Dominique: 哇喔,天。
Steve: [仍在在背景裏唱著] ..."Man in the Mirror"...喔!
Michael: [因為STEVE唱歌而大笑不止]
Steve: [唱]..."I'm asking him to change his ways”....喔!..."and no message could have been any clearer"..."if you wanna make a change, da da da da da...."
Michael: [大聲的笑]
Steve: ...天,我在舞臺上抓住流行之王了…不,我就是王!對了MIKE,你說邀請我去NEVERLAND,請讓我問下你這個問題,我妻子和我,我們成立了一個基金會,命名為,Steve 和 Muriel Harvey基金會,我們一直努力組織,朋友,你知道,在洛杉嘰很多區域學校的孩子他們連課本都沒有,連課本都沒有,唉…
Michael: 喔噢。
Steve: .而且,他們,由於所有經費的縮減,大多數的,額,大多數的學校在…非常…非常的貧困的街區,他們無力提供教育。我們,舉例來說MIKE,我曾去過孩子們的教室,那裏有38個孩子,只有23個課本…哦不,是23張桌子,8本課本。38個學生啊,只有23張桌子8本課本,這深深刺傷了我的心,所以我將那的困境拍了些相片,所以,取消讓我去NEVERLAND吧,因為我知道對我來說有更重要,如果我的基金會能組織一車真正的,真正的貧民區的孩子們,哦,他們都是非常年輕的,從不曾離開家門,從未曾看到任何好東西的,如果能經由您來實現,朋友,如果我得以支付巴士和所有一切的費用…如果我們能有一輛能裝滿孩子巴士,兄弟….
Michael: 你會實現的,我們要去幫助他們,這正是我們要做的
Shirley/Dominique: 噢!哇喔![鼓掌]
Steve: 謝謝你,朋友
Michael: 我很樂意很開心去做這些。
Steve: 是的
Michael: 這正是我們要做的。
Steve: MIKE,我將要做的是,我將在廣播節目中舉行一個小型的競賽,然後我們要去那些經費最少的學校並且我們將…因為如果這些孩子,如果他們有機會看到他們住地以外的事物,他們中許多人從未去過海邊,許多人從不知道貝芙麗山莊,如果我們能解決這些,在年前,我的基金會將得以支付車費和餐費,我相信你會關注他們的。
Michael: 當然
Steve: 我想這肯定非常棒。
Michael: 哇喔,我樂於做這個。
Steve: 太棒了!這真是我想要的,兄弟
Michael: 我樂於幫助。
Steve: 這真是這的一個“爆炸性交易”,對了MIKE,對了兄弟,你曾說過新的專輯出來了,收音機邊的朋友們,這個專輯的名子是《無敵》!
Shirley/Dominique: 這是非常棒的專輯。
Michael: 謝謝
Michael: 恩……
Michael: [笑]
Steve: …STEVE對王,王對王…
Shirley/Dominique: 我們僅想讓他知道,我們都非常欣賞它,僅此而已,我是說那些美妙的音樂,一如他多年來的精品們一樣,我們非常喜愛它。
Michael: 非常感謝你們。
Michael: 謝謝你們,上帝保佑你們,非常感謝。
Michael: …虛假,虛假…
Steve: 它們就是那樣的…站在這兒的這位朋友是世上最好的人之一,而且長久以來都是這樣,他從不向人取分毫,但一些人卻為了錢不惜傷害他,僅僅是為了錢,哎…
Michael: 沒錯。
Steve:如果你查閱下《GQ》雜誌在1994的文章 [見 EMJ的採訪/這篇文章的描述],讀那篇文章,那期的封面,那期是以MICHAELJACKSON做封面的,這將告訴你整個故事以及真實發生的事。我要說的是,那真是太發人深省,我被深深震驚,因為我知道有些人是什麼嘴臉,如果我曾經歷這些哪怕是一點,我不是,決對不是MICHAEL JACKSON…我很壞,我很危險,如果你對我做那些,我會詛咒,會啐罵,會做任何事…
Michael: [笑]
Shirley/Dominique: 你真是一暴徒啊!
Michael: [笑]很好…我們需要…我們需要這樣做。
Michael: 是的,他們更糟!
Michael: 噢喔。
Michael: 噢喔,非常感謝你!
Michael: 噢喔!
Michael: 我為我是黑人而自豪,我很榮幸我是黑人,我期待有一天他們能公正描述那個真正的,真實的我,我只是一個充滿愛的,平和的人,希望通過歌聲和音樂製造精彩的,前所未有的娛樂。恩,為了這個世界!
Steve: 是的。
Steve: 您正在做著這些,朋友,你一直一直以來都在做著這些…'
Michael: 謝謝.
Steve: ...亞瑟,閃人吧!MIKE回來了,流行音樂之王回來了!
Michael: [笑]
Shirley/Dominique: 他瘋了, Michael,他瘋了!
Steve:…束起你的頭髮,截上你的帽子…因為這個王回來了…Michael Jackson,
Steve Harvey早間秀場…我們非常愛你,兄弟!
Steve: 非常愛你,兄弟,記得再來電!
Michael: 我愛你們所有人,謝謝!...
Steve: 你們大家快向這獨一無二的人,這惟一的流行音樂之王秀下你們的愛吧!
Shirley/Dominique: Michael Jackson!! [尖叫無數]!
Steve: 我們也都愛你,兄弟!
Michael Jackson Interview on Steve Harvey Radio Show
March 08, 2002.
On March 8, 2002, Michael called in to an LA radio Station, 100.3 The Beat LA, in
Los Angeles, California.
Steve Harvey: This is the single best call ever on this radio station. This one is bigger
than president Clinton calling. Ladies and Gentlemen, on the phone, put your hands
together and show your love. For the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. You don't hear
me...you don't hear me...you think I'm lying....you don't feel me...watch what I'm
saying...hey Mike?
Michael: Steve?
Steve: How you doin' playa?
Michael: Wow...how are you?
Steve: What's up playa. How you feelin' man?
Michael: I went to bed early so I could wake up and speak to you. I'm a really big fan
of yours.
Steve: Hey man.
Michael: I told you, I saw your show 'The Kings of Comedy' and you did a skit about
the Titanic, and I thought that was one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my
Steve: [laughs]. Um, Michael and I met, uh...
Michael: Yea, in my trailer.
Steve: On the set of Rock my World.
Michael: Yeah
Steve: Yea, this year....he invited me. And I didn't come on the air and tell anybody,
because I considered that a private thing just between us, you know. I'm not goin' yea
I was in Michael Jackson's trailer....you know, the brotha invited me to his trailer, and
I met his kids. Great kids man...Michael, great kids man.
Michael: Thank you very much
Steve: Can I pay you this compliment? Your kids didn't act like little rich kids.
Michael: Ok...[laughs embarrassed]
Steve: You know what I mean? They have manners they were real nice. I was playing
ball with your little boy. He didn't want to stop, man. He just kept throwing me the
ball. After a while I just got right in to it. I said alright little Prince here you go.
Michael: [laughs]
Steve: I'm goin' throw you a hot one - catch it!...Mike?
Michael: Yes…
Steve: Man, I can't tell you how big this is man, for us here at The Beat, man.
Michael: Well, God bless you, you're just a great talent. You're really
incredible...you're very funny. Gosh, seriously, you have me screaming when I watch
your thing man, I watch it all the time...
Steve: [laughs]
Michael: [Laughs]
Steve:...This dude is funny man, when we were in his trailer...
Really really nice people in this business man, really nice people in this
business....and I tell you what, I got something for you. I talked to your personal
assistant, and I got this new DVD out, and I'm sending you that. You have that today.
Michael: Wow! Cool! Thank you.
Steve: ...Playa, playa....thank you Mike. Mike Jackson on the phone! I don't even
know what to ask....
Hey, Mike I got another one for you!
Michael: Yea?
Steve: Hey man, let me ask you this question. When you were performing on the 30th
anniversary special. Did you have an emotional moment when you and your brothers
was on stage? Cause there was a moment when you were performing and you kneeled
down and you stayed there and your brothers were looking at you like, OK Mike,
come on. Was that real, dog?
Michael: It's always real...and I take that moment and I try not to cry, and I usually
do. But it all goes back for me, you know, to conception, you know, when we were
really little babies and children. And we see all the adulation and notoriety...and it
just…it's a work from God, and it all goes through me really fast.
Steve: Oh yea.
Michael: And it all goes through me....it's a real blessing. I just break down and I cry
at that moment...I try not to show it to the audience, but I can't help it. You know?
Steve: Yea. Well, I saw it and I thought that was real you know. I think, uh, I think
people, when they see those things in you brotha, when you let them see a glimpse of
the real Michael Jackson that oftentimes your closest friends only get to see...I
thought that was my favorite part of the show. I always said if I get a chance to talk to
this bro' I'm going to ask him about it.
Michael: Yea.
Steve: That was hot man, that was real hot. Hey man, there's so much man, that we
can talk about. Your career and everything….Your sister called the radio station.
Michael: Oh yah?
Steve: Janet called. About a few months ago, Janet called...First of all Michael, let me
introduce you to uh, my co-hosts on the show; Shirley Strawbery and Dominique
De'Creme, cause they are busting to say hi.
Shirley/Dominique: [laugh] Good morning Michael!
Michael: Good morning!
Shirley/Dominique: Hi Michael!
Michael: How are you?
Shirley/Dominique: Great! Oh, we are such big fans of yours.
Michael: Oh! Thank you so much.
Shirley/Dominique: Huge fans. Oh, I love your album. I really, really do love your
Michael: Thank you so much.
Steve: The new album Mike!
Shirley/Dominique: We really love it, seriously!
Michael: Thank you so much.
Shirley/Dominique: Break of Dawn...I keep playing Break of Dawn over and over
and over again.
Michael: Oh, thanks!
Shirley/Dominique: It's so sexy....ah!
Steve: Hey Mike, listen to this. We had the O'Jays on the show on Monday, and we
were talking about your album.
Michael: Uh huh.
Steve: And the O'Jays...this is Eddie Levert's take on your album. He said, "Mike
threw 'Rock My World' out there at 'em. Then, just said hold up, you ain't seen nothin'
yet. Then you drop 'Butterflies'..."
Shirley/Dominique: Oh! Ah!
Steve: ...and Butterflies man, I'm telling you, on this station right here, I play
Butterflies at least twice a morning, and in 4 hours that ain't right on the radio.
Michael: [laughs] Thanks!
Shirley/Dominique: Sounds right to me!
Steve: [laughs] Hey Mike, where did you get Butterflies from?
Michael: Well, Butterflies is um...it was these 2 girls named Floetry, and they came
with the song, and uh, we kinda worked together. Uh, it's mainly these other 2 girls
who mainly composed that one.
Steve: Wow.
Michael: And um, I think they're British. Yea, they're British girls...They're black
British girls, and they were just phenomenal. And I thought it was something that I
just really, really liked and we did some kind of counter hooks and lines, and just
kinda painted it with different sounds and everything, different colors, and so we
produced it, and I produced it, and just created something that was just acceptable and
it ended up going on the album. 'Cause I'll do at least over 100 songs, until I come up
with about 20 or 30 that I like.
Steve: No doubt...
Michael: And I'll decipher it down...
Steve: Wow, 100 songs, dog, before you come up with 20 or 30 you like?
Michael: Yea, it was more this time, actually, than 100.
Steve: Gee.
Shirley/Dominique: Well, he is Michael Jackson, you know....he's Bad...he's
Dangerous....he's working day and night, that's what he is...Yes he is!
Steve: Wow! [laughs] Yea....hey man, Mike, I know you ain't this kind of bro' but I
am, so I'm just going to put it out there real like that....ever since you came back, I
told Usher and Sisquo that they gotta go put their shirt back on!
Michael: [laughing]
Steve: [laughs] Put your shirt back on....Mike is back!! You take that glove off your
elbow, and all that man, the King is back, baby!! [laughs] That's how we be rockin'
that one. Hey man, we have gotten over the years, all of us...your true fans, Michael...
Michael: Aw...
Steve: ...are still out there in the streets man, and I can't even tell you, um, I speak at
prisons across the country often times, and I was at Pritchard's Detention Centre out
here, and one of the brothas that was locked away said 'Steve, the love that you be
givin' Michael Jackson on the air...he said, if you ever, ever talk to him, tell him that
we up in here, man, we been feeling his music for a long time'.
Michael: Wow, that's beautiful.
Steve: Yea man, that's a great compliment, man. For what you've been to people,
Mike, for all these years, man...I mean, brotha, I don't know if any body's ever said
thank you to you for the way you put it down, for all of the music that you gave us
that's still in our hearts, man, and I don't know if nobody ever said thank you to you
Michael: Well god bless you, that's so beautiful...I appreciate it. It's not easy being in
my position because; you create so much sensationalism and tabloids...people lie.
Steve: Come on man...
Michael: The create rumors and stories and none of it's true.
Steve: Yeah.
Michael: And it's very, very difficult, you know....it's not easy, it's very hard. And
you end up, you hurt sometimes, and you try to be as resilient as possible...
Steve: Right.
Michael: But it's very, very difficult because there's tabloids and lies...they
hate....they're very jealous.
Steve: Yea, I dig it.
Michael: They just...when you read this stuff, it's a lie, don't believe it. Burn it. We
should have a tabloid burning...
Steve/Shirley/Dominique: [laugh]...Yea, dig it.
Michael: We should have a tabloid burning. Make a mountain of them and just throw
the match....cause they...
Steve: Yea, man!
Michael: …'cause they just hate to see us grow and build and build, and there's
nothing wrong with that. They can, but that's OK. But, what can I do but to reinforce
the talent God gave us, and that's all I wanted to do.
Steve: Yea...
Michael: Just share the love and gifts of entertainment. That's all I want to do. I don't
want to hurt anybody.
Steve: No. That's real, and man, you know what man....um, I'm just going to say this
man, um, I talked with your mom off the air before through Jermaine...he and I had a
conversation on the air, and then he called me off the air and I was talking to you
mother, Mrs. Jackson, off the air...
Michael: She's wonderful.
Steve: Aw, man, your mother is....and I gave her her propers too. I told Ms. Jackson, I
said a phenomenal job you've done in raising as many talented children that you have
and still maintain them as a family. And she was uh, thanking me because I had came
forward on your behalf on more than one occasion, concerning several issues, man,
and they were just totally false about you. And I prompted everybody to go get a copy
of the GQ article, from 1994.
Shirley/Dominique: Oh, yea...
Steve: And uh, GQ had a lot of back issues re-ordered because of this. And um, a lot
of people read the article and found out the real truth behind a lot of things that were
so false man, and um, your mom was thanking me for saying that on the radio. And I
just wanted to say man, that there are a lot of people out here man, that really feel you
playa, and wish that they could just feel you some more, and a phone call like this
Mike. I gotta tell you playa, it goes a long way, man.
Michael: Well thank you so much. I don't do it often at all. I never do it, I never do it.
Steve: Thank you Mike.
Micahel: This is a first.
Steve: [laughs] Yea!
Shirley/Dominique: It is the first and thank you! Wow!
Michael: Well, I'm happy to do it for you. And it's from the bottom of my heart.
You're just so kind, and wonderful to me. Somebody...people used to tell me different
places; there's this guy who talks about you everyday!
Steve/Shirley/Dominique: [laugh]
Michael: And he uh...and I'd go, 'Who is it', and they'd go, 'His name is Steve'. I'd go
'Steve'...and then I saw the Kings of Comedy show, and I go 'This is the guy?'
Steve/Shirley/Dominique: [laugh]
Michael: And I said, Oh my god, I said, I'm a fan of him now!
Steve: Yea, and it was...and you gave me a call and it was like really crazy. Cause
you know going to see Mike ain't no...you don't just walk up and go 'Hey, Mike,
how's it going'. No, you gotta go through some channels. But it was great, man, and
you helped me out.
Hey Mike, listen man, um, can you tell us exactly what is Never, Never land. Can you
clear that up for the listeners?
Shirley/Dominique: NEVERland!
Michael: Sure, sure...
Steve: Oh, I thought it was Never, Neverland...but that ain't right, no...
Michael: That's OK too if you want to call it Never, Neverland. It's just a serene and
tranquil place, to just relax and enjoy yourself and leave your troubled mind and those
things that irritate you in your heart and your soul, behind. And once you enter the
gates, you're just in a very wonderful, quiet, loving place. And there's lakes, and you
know, rolling hills and grass and trees and, you know, rides and trains, and....
Steve: How big is it Mike?
Michael: It's 3000 acres.
Shirley/Dominique: Woo hoo...sounds like paradise!
Michael: Yes, well...
Steve: Yo, 3000 acres...
Michael: Yes.
Steve: I got 70 acres in Texas, and I thought I was king!
Michael: [laughs]
Steve: I got 70 acres, you got 3000!
Michael: Well, I get to compensate for the loss, you know in my childhood that I
never got to enjoy those child-like things, but it's...it's for everybody. And we have
handicapped, kids with cancer, terminally ill children, leukemia kids...Make A Wish
Foundation, Dream Street...we've been doing for like over 9, 10, uh...11 years!
Steve: Wow!
Michael: Yea, and uh, I did it before at my mother's house in Encino. We never wave
a flag, we never try to get press for it. I do it quietly.
Steve: Right, absolutely.
Michael: We have....by the busloads they come. We don't allow cameras or videos. I
do it quietly. 'Cause real charity is from the heart, you know.
Steve: Yea.
Michael: Not to say, look at me, look what I'm doing. But I do it quietly from the
Steve: Oh, yea, that's real.
Michael: And uh, I've done this for years. Many, many years. And uh, one day maybe
you can meet me there and we can say hello.
Steve: You know, that would be great. You know what Mike. I've got a....for
everybody who's just tuning in, we're interviewing live on the radio Michael Jackson.
I mean this is like, this is the bomb, this is the bomb interview, this tops it for me!
You know Mike, I've had President Clinton call me from Air Force One before, and
uh, it did not have this impact! Believe me, cause Clinton cool and everything, but....
Michael: I really like him.
Steve: Yea, he ain't Michael though. He ain't one bit Billie Jean, and Beat It and
Michael: [laughs]
Steve: [singing] ..."looking through the windows, window..." wow!
Michael: [laughs]
Steve: That was my jam....[singing] "I'll be there....come on everybody...I'll be
Michael: [laughing]
Steve: That was my jam, Mike!
Shirley/Dominique: Aw, man.
Steve: [still in the background, singing] ..."Man in the Mirror"...ow!
Michael: [laughing loudly on top of Steve's singing]
Steve: [singing]..."I'm asking him to change his ways”....ow!..."and no message could
have been any clearer"..."if you wanna make a change, da da da da da...."
Michael: [laughing loudly]
Steve: ...Man, I got the King of pop on the floor....no, I am the king! Hey Mike man,
you invite me out to Neverland but let me ask you this.
My wife and I, we got a foundation, it's called the Steve and Muriel Harvey
Foundation, and we been trying to put together man, you know there are so many
children out here in the LA school districts that just don't have books. They just do not
have a book, man...
Michael: Wow.
Steve: ...and they, with all these budget cuts that goin' down. Most of these uh,
schools that's in, uh, really, really impoverished neighborhoods and they just not
getting the education.
We, for example, Mike, I walked into classrooms with children in it, where they had
38 children, 23 books...no, 23 desks, and 8 books. With 38 kids, 23 desks and just 8
books, and it broke my heart man. So I took some news cameras down there. So,
instead of having me come to Neverland, because I know it would be great for me,
but, if my foundation got together a bus of really, really, uh, inner-city kids, man, that
were real young and had never been out of their neighborhood and never saw
anything great, if I could arrange it through your people man, if I paid for the bus and
everything...If we could get a bus load of kids man....
Michael: You got it, we'll do it. That's what we do.
Shirley/Dominique: Oh! Wow! [clapping]
Steve: Thanks, man.
Michael: I would be more than pleased and happy to do that.
Steve: Yea, so...
Michael: That's what we do.
Steve: Mike, what I will do is, I'll put a little contest together on the radio and we'll go
to the schools that have the least and we'll....because if these children man, if they
could get a chance to see something outside of their neighborhood, something - some
of these kids have never been to the beach out here. Some of these kids never been to
Beverly Hills out here. If we could get that worked out man, at the top of the year, my
foundation would happily pay for the busses and the lunches, but I know you'd take
care of them out there.
Michael: Of course!
Steve: I think that would be great...
Michael: Wow, I'd love to do it.
Steve: Cool that's what I mean man.
Michael: I'd love to do it!
Steve: That's the bomb deal right there. Hey Mike, hey man, if you could say...um,
the new album's out, and it's called Invincible for those of you who are listening...
Shirley/Dominique: It really is good!
Michael: Thank you.
Steve: ...and he didn't call in to promote the album, that's not what the call is
about....it's just playa to playa...
Michael: Mmmhmmm..
Steve: ...brotha to brotha....dog to dog...
Michael: [laughs]
Steve: ...Steve to King.....king to king...
Shirley/Dominique: We just want him to know we appreciate it, that's all. I mean the
good music, he's still as good as he was years and years ago, we just love it!
Michael: Thank you so much.
Shirley/Dominique: We're big fans of you Michael, big fans.
Michael: Thank you, thank you, God bless you...thank you so much.
Steve: Hey man, that's the one thing, man that I want to get across to people, that the
brotha on the phone has been a real brotha the whole time. Regardless as to what you
hear in the media, or what you read about...the tabloids, they're garbage, they print
stuff about everybody false all the time.
Michael: False, false.
Steve: They just...this cat right here is one of the nicest people in this business, and
been that way a long time. And has not harmed a hair on anyone's head, but people
have gone after him for monetary gains, just to get money, man....
Michael: That's right.
Steve: If you read the GQ article in 1994 [see EMJ's Interviews/Speeches page for
this article] get a copy, and send off, and read the article...with the cover, with
Michael Jackson on the cover, it will tell you this whole story and exactly what
happened. And I mean man, it was very revealing, and I was stunned, but then not
really, cause I know how people are. 'Cause I only get a taste of it, and I ain't even, I
ain't even Michael Jackson...I mean, I'm dangerous. When you come in here, I cuss,
spit, and do all kinds of things....
Michael: [laughs]
Steve: I got, friends in low places....hey Mike, if you need a couple of them friends,
roll out some hammers and fight....but no, real Michael, the tabloids they really on
your nerves, we can get the tabloid building burnt down!
Shirley/Dominique: You are such a thug.
Michael: Good...We need to...we need to do it.
Steve: Let's be real Mike, let's be real...
Michael: We need to do it!
Steve: I've got some boys that can get over there dog, I'm talking from low places...
Michael: Yea, they're disgusting. Then there are those that disguise themselves as
legitimate, and they're just as tabloid, no they're worse!
Steve: Yea! I've read a couple of 'em newspapers, too!
Michael: Yea, they're worse!
Steve: Yea, I bet them that! Hey man, I think it's great for the masses to hear you, and
man every now and then Mike, just give me a call. My interview with you is always
this way. The morning show is motivational and always uplifting. We're not here to
tear nobody down...
Michael: Wow!
Steve: ...to poke fun, I got about a million jokes, I can do about anything else, but I
know I don't get off on any body's personal lives, but you brotha, you have meant a lot
to people man.
Michael: Well, thank you so much.
Steve: And I want to say something special to you too man, cause a lot of people
don't give this one to you. But I gotta tell you somethin’' you mean something to black
people, man. Don't ever think you don't and you haven't.
Michael: Wow!
Steve: Cause you have made a difference for a lot of minorities across this country,
and you remember that about your music, man, you remember that about your videos.
You touch us that way. And I'm giving you something man, just from one brotha to
another that the mainstream American can't give to you. That is, what you have done
in representing black people...
Michael: I'm proud of my heritage.
Steve: Go on and say it...
Michael: I'm proud to be black, I'm honored to be black. And I just hope that one day
that they will be fair, and portraying me the way I really, really am; just a loving,
peaceful guy, wanting to make a wonderful, unprecedented entertainment in songs
and music and film, uh, for the world.
Steve: Yea.
Michael: You know, and that's all I want to do. No threat, I just want to do that, you
know? That's all I want to do, bring joy to the world.
Steve: You been doing it man, you been doing it for a long, long time....
Michael: Thank you.
Steve: ...Usher, put your shirt on! Mike is back...the King of Pop is back!
Michael: [laughing]
Steve: ...put your shirt on, and let's put your hair back on...
Shirley/Dominique: He's crazy, Michael, he's crazy!
Steve: ....put your hair in a bun, and put your hat back on....cause the King is back!
Michael Jackson, Steve Harvey and the morning show....We've got big love for you
Michael: I love you more.
Steve: Big love brotha, call us again.
Michael: I love you all, thanks...
Steve: You all show your love for the one and only King of Pop...
Shirley/Dominique: Michael Jackson!! [screams]
Michael: I love you!
Steve: We love you too, man.