




Stop the war
   我痛恨戰爭,仇視侵略 我嚮往永久的和平, 祈禱永久的安寧  是戰爭,讓美麗的村莊變成了荒涼的墳墓;   是戰爭,讓可愛的孩子變成了無助的孤兒;   是戰爭,讓幸福的妻子變成了悲痛的寡婦;   是戰爭,讓白髮的雙親送別了黑髮的兒子;   是戰爭,毀滅了這世上所有的美好……   挑起戰端的人啊, 請快收回你侵略他人的野心吧! 我看到 頭頂,只有轟炸機在狂轟, 沒有和平的鴿子在飛翔 停止戰爭  讓戰爭停止吧  聽,   是上帝在哭泣,   聽,   是地球在哭泣,   聽,   是孩子在哭泣, 
   是我的心, 和著我的眼淚,在哭泣 聽, 是我的心 和著我的血,在哭泣!”  挑起戰端的人啊, 請快收回你侵略他人的野心吧! 停止戰爭  讓戰爭停止吧  讓我看到 天空,沒有轟炸機, 只有和平的鴿子在飛翔
The image is from Michael's 7th grade yearbook, when he was approximately 13 years old, from the Walton School in Van Nuys CA (1971). Drawn in protest at the Vietnam War, it shows a figure with arms outstretched in front of a battle scene complete with bombers, machine-gun posts and a helicopter under the slogan "stop the war".
"I have been an ambassador of goodwill all over the world spreading this message."
~ Michael Jackson ~
Michael drew this for his protest against the Vietnam War, it was a big war, cost lots of people died, injured, children lost their parents, and parents lost their children..
But tell me, does war exist right now, in our everyday world? in our small world?
The word of "war" also means attacking, insulting, backstabbing, cursing, barking against each other... that's my opinion tho..
Remember his message: "Follow the Golden Rule. Be kind to your neighbors, love them as much as you would love yourself, do unto others...." ~ Michael Jackson ~
And he added: "I get angry, yeah. But I know that is the way of the world. That's the theme of my world show: Be kind, heal the world. Let's walk out of here a different human being.." ~ Michael Jackson ~
Michael, in his own words...
"I don't like war. I like peace. I'm a peaceful person." ~ Michael Jackson ~
"I hope that our next generation will get to see a peaceful world, not the way things are going now." ~ Michael Jackson ~
"I pray for peace all the time." ~ Michael Jackson ~
Man of war...
Don't go to war no more
Why don't you...
Why don't you study peace
Man of war...
Don't go to war no more
Study peace...
Cause peace is what we need

Little Michael 's peace and love heart ring

