中文來源:mjjcn.com 翻譯:Sara Lee

MJ 與Hazel (沃爾特迪士尼的護士)
美國記者兼作家BOB THOMAS 曾寫過一本有關沃爾特迪士尼的傳記,這本書被公認為比較有權威性。作為迪士尼的鐵杆粉絲,MJ 在80年代中期,有一次還特意給BOB 打電話,請他到位於Encino 的家裏來做客,當面向他詢問了一些關於沃爾特迪士尼的事,期間他還把這次談話都錄了下來。

MJ 與Hazel (沃爾特迪士尼的護士)
美國記者兼作家BOB THOMAS 曾寫過一本有關沃爾特迪士尼的傳記,這本書被公認為比較有權威性。作為迪士尼的鐵杆粉絲,MJ 在80年代中期,有一次還特意給BOB 打電話,請他到位於Encino 的家裏來做客,當面向他詢問了一些關於沃爾特迪士尼的事,期間他還把這次談話都錄了下來。
那個時期MJ 非常忙,所以幾個月後,當BOB 又一次接到MJ 打來的電話時,他確實吃了一驚,下面就是BOB 對當時情形的回憶:
這次Michael 在電話上問我知不知道Hazel George 是否還在世?Hazel George 曾是沃爾特的護士,在他身邊工作了許多年,與沃爾特很熟,兩人甚至還經常在一起八卦當時電影圈裏的那些人和事。我說這個我不太清楚,不過可以去打聽一下。後來得知Hazel 早已退休,不過還住在狄斯奈樂園附近的Burbank。Michael 說:“我很想見見她,你能幫忙安排一下嗎?”我答應了,幾天後我們就一起坐著MJ 的豪華轎車來到了Hazel 的家——一所很簡樸的平房。
與上次我寫書採訪她時相比,Hazel 看上去老了許多,記憶力也大不如前了,談話中,我不得不經常提醒她。幸虧當時我還帶來了上次採訪她時的錄音磁帶,所以我們可以邊放錄音邊聊天。
Michael 顯然被我們的談話內容深深吸引住了,但整個交談過程中,他幾乎都沒說過一句話。後來我們告辭時,Hazel 跟Michael 說:“記著回來看我,不過下次就別再帶他來了。”她說的那個“他”指的就是我!(Sara:老太太這不明擺著是“過河拆橋”嘛,還當著人家的面這麼說,估計這下BOB 可要鬱悶啦,哈哈。。。)
後來,幾個月後,Michael 又約BOB 到他正在工作的錄音室見面,因為他還想瞭解更多的有關沃爾特迪士尼的事。這也是他們兩人的最後一次見面。

後來的十年中(一直到Hazel George 在96年走完人生旅程),MJ都時常去看望她,給她送鮮花,還有一些古典音樂CD做禮物···(多貼心的孩子啊,還送鮮花哎)···

“Hello,Bob,this is Michael.”
The wispy voice caused me to review the Michaels I knew.I was stymied until the voice asked, “Did you write a book about Walt Disney?”
I admitted I had authored “Walt Disney,An American Original.” I also recognized the voice by now — Michael Jackson — remembering he had a passion for all things Disney.
“I’d like to talk to you about Walt,” he said urgently,and I agreed.The date was set for the following evening at his family compound in the San Fernando Valley community of Encino,which is just a few blocks from my house.
I arrived at the property and announced myself to a receptionist on the other end of an intercom.A massive gate opened slowly and I drove down a narrow passageway and stopped in front of a building containing offices.I looked around and thought I saw a tall tree nearby.I looked again; it was a life-sized giraffe.
An assistant said Jackson would be ready soon,and I spent 20 minutes inspecting a wall full of Jackson photographs with Frank Sinatra,Ronald Reagan,Elizabeth Taylor,Elvis Presley and other celebrities.
Finally,Michael was ready.I was introduced to him in an elaborate dining room and then followed him upstairs to the library,which featured a life-sized studio portrait of Walt Disney.
“Do you mind if I record our talk?” he asked.
“Not if you don’t use it commercially,” I replied.
He started by asking a few questions and I explained how I approached an interview with Walt.When he ran out of queries,I provided some memories of Walt.
Toward the end of the conversation,Michael hesitantly asked whether Walt ever used a certain expletive.Without thinking,I replied I had never heard him utter it.
The interview was over and Michael escorted me to the photographs I had already perused.
Meeting with Disney’s nurse
He was busy in the mid-1980s and I didn’t expect to see him again.Yet a few months later he called. “Hello Bob,this is Michael,” he said. “Do you think Hazel George is still alive?”
I said I didn’t know but would find out.George was Disney’s longtime nurse who also exchanged studio gossip with him.I found out that Hazel was retired yet still living near the Disney lot in Burbank .
“I’d love to talk to her,” Jackson said. “Can you arrange it?”
I did,and a few days later, Jackson picked me up at my house in his chauffeured limo and I directed the driver to Hazel’s bungalow.
Hazel had aged since I interviewed her for the biography and I found that I would have to prompt her.I had recorded the stories she once gave me and had brought the tapes along,so I played them back and let her deliver the punchlines.
Jackson was fascinated but scarcely said a word.When we finished,Hazel said to Jackson , “Come back and see me,and don’t bring him.” She meant me.
A few months passed and then another call: “Hello Bob,this is Michael.”
He wanted to know more about Walt Disney and wanted me to join him at a San Fernando Valley recording studio.I arrived on time and waited an hour until he finished a session.We sat down in an office and he again asked questions about Walt,most of which he had asked in our first visit.
He also asked again whether Walt had ever used a certain expletive.This time I remembered that he had on at least one occasion and I proceeded to explain the humorous circumstance.
“Oh,” he said.
I never saw Michael after that.
by Bob Thomas