
Michael Jackson's Official Statement on victims of 2004 Tsunami in Indonesia



In Photos: Michael Jackson and Japanese children during his Bad Tour in 1987. Michael's Bad World Tour started in Japan with 14 nights concerts in 4 cities namely Tokyo , Hyogo, Yokohama and Osaka .
This is a statement Michael Jackson issued after the tsunami disaster that hit Indonesia and other countries in December 2004. Michael is not here anymore to express himself about the recent disaster in Japan , but I’m sure he would have said the same thing to the Japanese people and the world.
This is a statement Michael Jackson issued after the tsunami disaster that hit Indonesia and other countries in December 2004. Michael is not here anymore to express himself about the recent disaster in Japan , but I’m sure he would have said the same thing to the Japanese people and the world.
Michael Jackson's Official Statement on victims of 2004 Tsunami in Indonesia
Tuesday, January 04 2005
My family and I would like to send our prayers and heartfelt sympathy to the families, friends and loved ones of those who recently perished from the horrific earthquake and tsunami, which swept through Indonesia, Asia, India, Somalia and other countries.
Our love is also being sent to those who have miraculously survived this tragedy and to those who are so courageously on-site, helping to spearhead the relief efforts. We pray for your strength, your safety and the success of your life-saving missions of love.
Words cannot adequately express the shock, horror and grief we’ve felt, while watching news reports which have captured the massive devastation and despair. It has been especially painful for me, as I have visited these areas many times and I remember the love, kindness and warmth of the people I met there.
I would like to encourage all of my friends, and fans, to contribute to agencies and organizations assisting in these efforts. In times like these, we need each other... we must bond together in spirit and in service.
God Bless.
Michael Jackson
2005年1 月4日
Michael Jackson於今日對2004年12月26日東南亞海嘯災害地區和受災人民發表了如下聲明: 我和我的全家想要向所有那些因為掃蕩印度尼西亞、亞洲地區、印度、索馬裏以及其他國家的恐怖大地震和海嘯而失去家庭、朋友和愛人的災民致以最衷心的祈禱和慰問。
Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson