在《我要卑微》(I Go Humble)的現場版本中,比約克(Bjork)在曲末加了一句邁克爾·傑克遜(Michael Jackson)的歌詞——“將要發生一些事”(got to be starting something)。
傳聞說《催醒電話》(Alarm Call)這首歌的靈感來自邁克爾·傑克遜,一開始這首歌取名為“傑克”。
Björk & Michael Jackson (2003)
During some live versions of "I go Humble" Björk adds a Michael Jackson lyric at the end - "got to be starting something".It is rumored that the song "Alarm Call" was inspired by Michael Jackson, which would make sense since the working title was "Jacko".
At the 2000 Golden Globe awards, Björk wore a dress with Michael Jackson's face - all in sequins! Why did she wear such a thing? "Because he's the king!"
She also has been seen wearing another skirt like this, but in different colors.
In 2003, Björk did an In Camera interview at showstudio. One of the questions came from the King of pop himself!
Michael Jackson, Santa Barbara , California : I have always loved and admired your creativity. Nature's struggle to survive alongside mankind has been an inspiration for me: given the natural beauty of your Icelandic homeland, how does nature inspire your work?
Björk: I hope this doesn't sound too naff, but being alone in nature, especially after walking for hours, just puts you in your place and you realise how small you are and how plenty of everything is all around you. Then you just let go and surrender, become part of it. I'm so chuffed you asked me a question! I have to say you're the best, keep fighting and it angers me how cruel everybody is to you. It's like in the US right now, it's illegal to be an eccentric. Maybe people would have been more understanding if you were a contemporary of Ludwig II of Bavaria , who comissioned Wagner and lived with the swans. I listen to Butterflies off your last album all the time. You are a true artist! Thanks for fighting and believing in magic even though the rest of the world have forgotten about it.
Source: Bjorkish.net FAQ
本哈德·威荷姆 (Bernhard Willhelm) 的設計在巴黎火速得到各時尚傳媒報導,而使他的名字得到外界的認同和賞識,冰島天后比約克 (Bjork) 功不可沒。比約克 (Bjork) 在發佈其第六張專輯《Volta》時,本哈德·威荷姆 (Bernhard Willhelm) 便已被熱炒了一回,封面上,比約克 (Bjork) 被他包裝成了一隻色彩斑斕、圓肚巨足的小精怪。2001年1月的全球頒獎禮上,比約克 (Bjork) 穿了邁克爾·傑克遜 (Michael Jackson) 圖樣的連衣裙,瞬間成為焦點報導,本哈德·威荷姆 (Bernhard Willhelm) 也是繼傑瑞米·斯科特 (Jeremy Scott) 與 Marjan Djodjov Pejoski 之後,成功被比約克 (Bjork) 青睞的新晉設計師。就因為多虧比約克 (Bjork) ,本哈德·威荷姆 (Bernhard Willhelm) 的名字才被人注意,尤其是在日本更引起轟動,2001年中他就獲得了日本時裝公司Miniman簽訂合作計畫書為旗下品牌Germany推出系列。