英國藝術家薩維奇利用樂高積木人配襯不同的髮型、衣服和面部表情,砌出一張張經典的唱片封套,為令封套更唯妙唯肖 ,他更特意用多個星期在eBay上搜羅合適配件。他製成的唱片封套大衛寶兒《Aladdin Sane》、米高積遜《Thriller》、blur樂隊《 Best Of》等。
British artist Aaron Savage has unveiled his greatest bricks - legendary album covers made out of Lego.
The 21-year-old gave the yellow Lego men different haircuts, clothes and facial expressions to make them look like his idols for his musical project.
He then spent days arranging the figures and bricks to recreate his favourite LPs - including classics from Queen, David Bowie and Blur.
英國藝術家薩維奇利用樂高積木人配襯不同的髮型、衣服和面部表情,砌出一張張經典的唱片封套,為令封套更唯妙唯肖 ,他更特意用多個星期在eBay上搜羅合適配件。他製成的唱片封套大衛寶兒《Aladdin Sane》、米高積遜《Thriller》、blur樂隊《 Best Of》等。
British artist Aaron Savage has unveiled his greatest bricks - legendary album covers made out of Lego.
The 21-year-old gave the yellow Lego men different haircuts, clothes and facial expressions to make them look like his idols for his musical project.
He then spent days arranging the figures and bricks to recreate his favourite LPs - including classics from Queen, David Bowie and Blur.
