June 27, 2010

I, like everyone else, have spent the last several days watching and listening to all of the one-year tributes to Michael Jackson….The King of Pop. So many words come to mind…..incredible talent, incredible tragedy. There is no doubt that he will be on of the few people throughout history who can define an era. He touched so many and attracted so much attention. He was special and I think we will all miss him. I created this painting as a tribute to his iconic essence. I started it soon after he passe away and worked on it for about two months. I felt it was appropriate to post it here this weekend.
Goodbye Michael, we can never repay you for the way you’ve touched all of us. You were most definitely…The King!

I, like everyone else, have spent the last several days watching and listening to all of the one-year tributes to Michael Jackson….The King of Pop. So many words come to mind…..incredible talent, incredible tragedy. There is no doubt that he will be on of the few people throughout history who can define an era. He touched so many and attracted so much attention. He was special and I think we will all miss him. I created this painting as a tribute to his iconic essence. I started it soon after he passe away and worked on it for about two months. I felt it was appropriate to post it here this weekend.
Goodbye Michael, we can never repay you for the way you’ve touched all of us. You were most definitely…The King!
美國3D波普藝術大師Charles Fazzino在邁克爾傑克遜去世後,花兩個月時間創作了這幅驚世之作。他寫道:“我和大家一樣聽了看了所有的MJ致敬,太多辭彙浮現腦海……難以置信的天才,難以置信的悲劇。他是少數能定義時代的偉人。再見MJ,我們永不能回報你帶給我們所有人的感動。你是最絕對的……國王!”