2004-9-23 來源:《洛杉磯時報》/搜狐 發佈:阿力/Keen
一代好萊塢傳奇巨擎馬龍·白蘭度終於塵埃落定。據他的兒子昨日透露,馬龍·白蘭度的骨灰在一個低調的追悼儀式後,已經分別被撒向了塔希提島和加利福尼亞州的死亡穀。而馬龍·白蘭度生命中最後的時光,是和流行音樂之王Michael Jackson一起度過的。
馬龍·白蘭度於今年7月1日死於肺功能衰竭,享年80歲。據《洛杉磯時報》的報導,馬龍·白蘭度的追悼儀式於今年7月底在其朋友好萊塢製片人邁克·麥德沃(Mike Medavoy)家中悄然舉行,流行巨星Michael Jackson(邁克爾·傑克遜)、影星Warren Beatty(沃倫·比蒂)、Jack Nicholson(傑克·尼科爾森)和Sean Penn(西恩·潘)等圈中好友出席了這個悼念儀式。總共出席的親友大約有100-120人。
“參加的人數不多,但他很多家人都到場了。(當時的場景)很感人,很美好。” 白蘭度的50年的老友傑伊·坎特(Jay Kanter)告訴記者說,“我還看到Warren、Jack和Sean Penn都來了,Michael Jackson 也在那兒。”
白蘭度的兒子米科·白蘭度(Miko Brando)告訴記者說,一部分骨灰撒向了加州死亡穀沙漠(國家公園),這是白蘭度生前一直希望的,另一部分骨灰則撒向了塔希提島,白蘭度在那裏安有一個家。
儘管晚年的白蘭度幾乎過著隱居的生活,但是在他去世前的一年多時間裏,他還是不顧媒體異樣的眼光和他惡化的健康,前往Neverland場看望被“孌童案”官司纏身的Michael Jackson。他們兩人是在20世紀80年代通過音樂家昆西·鐘斯首次認識的,後來成為至交。Jackson還是白蘭度九歲的孫女普魯登斯(Prudence)的教父,米科·白蘭度則一直擔任他的保鏢,並長期以來為Jackson辦事,他告訴記者說:“我父親生前最後一次離開家去做的事情,那就是看望Michael Jackson……他喜歡這樣,在那裏我父親享有24小時服務的大廚、保鏢、救護、廚師、女僕。簡直就是全權委託。”
馬龍·白蘭度現在已經是長眠地下了,避開了人世的紛紛擾擾。可是他的至交、一代天王Michael Jackson卻依然身陷“孌童案”官司,至今還在等待法院的最後宣判。
“Marlon Brando是我最親密最信賴的朋友。我無法描述他教會了我多少東西。我們坐下來一談就是好幾個小時。他給我講述了許多關於電影的事情。他是一位傑出的演員,他和電影業界內許多的巨擎都曾有過共事——無論是演員還是攝影師。他對電影製作的藝術價值有著讓我敬畏的尊重。他就像我的父親。”——Michael Jackson,摘錄於自傳《太空步》 Marlon Brando has become a very close and trusted friend of mine. I can't tell you how much he's taught me. We sit and talk for hours. He has told me a great deal about the movies. He is such a wonderful actor and he has worked with so many giants in the industry - from other actors to cameramen. He has a respect for the artistic value of filmmaking that leaves me in awe. He's like a father to me. -Michael Jackson, "Moonwalk"
《Gold Girl》2002年訪問
GG:去年你拍攝了一部音樂錄影《You Rock My World》,馬龍•白蘭度友情出演。和這位大師合作有什麼感覺?
Magdalena: If you could work with anyone, alive or dead, who would that be?
Michael: If I could work with anybody it would be Charlie Chaplin, who I love so much. Also, Laurence Oliver was a genius, really.Those two guys, I think. And also the king, Brando.
Magdalena: Last year you put together a short film, ‘You Rock My World’, with the assistance of Marlon Brando. What was it like working with the master?
Michael: Brando is a good friend of mine. He’s very much like me. He doesn’t go many places. He comes to Neverland or he stays in my house in Mulholland Drive , or he goes to Tahiti . His son worked for me for more than 20 years, and his other son was in my class in private school. He’s just a giant. You see, Brando’s smart, because when he works with me he always says, “I know what buttons to push to get emotion from you.” He knows me so well. He knows how to get me ticked off, so he’ll say certain things to get me really geared up. He’s a genius. He’s a king. He’s the last of that generation. He’s a brilliant man, a lovely person. I love him and he’s my good friend.
他們兩人是在20世紀80年代通過昆西·鐘斯認識的,後來成為至交。在電影演藝事業上,MJ非常依賴馬龍•白蘭度的指導,他們常常坐下來聊幾個小時關於電影的事。某種程度上,他們就像一對父子。MJ的Neverland莊園是白蘭度躲避媒體和醫治病痛時的避難所和樂園,那裏有他的專用房間。而在白蘭度家裏,他們也曾度過許多快樂的時光,一度,MJ甚至在白蘭度家搭了個帳篷住在那裏。2001年,77歲高齡疾病纏身的白蘭度應邀在MJ的MV《You rock my world》中出鏡,飾演一個教父式的黑幫老大。雖然他只拍了一天,但MJ仍付給了他六位數的酬勞。
Miko Brando Blogs About MJ
"LKL WEB EXCLUSIVE: Michael Jackson’s Friend and Marlon Brando’s Son on the Michael Jackson He Knew
Miko Brando, son of actor Marlon Brando, has been friends with Michael Jackson for over 25 years. Miko will be a guest on LKL tonight. Miko’s commentary is an LKL Web Exclusive.
Michael was my idol. He’s been my father figure since my father died. It’s strange living without him. I will never be the same, and I don’t know if I’ll ever get over this loss. It’s like losing your companion, someone you always thought would be there. It’s just not right. He meant a lot to me. I feel like a different person than I was before Thursday. I feel numb — lost. He was a good friend for so many years.
I treasure the time I spent with Michael. We’d go shopping together, go to Disneyland , take trips, spend time at Dad’s house. He’d just come over and set up camp at my dad’s house for a while. I enjoyed talking about music, eating together and having fun with Michael. We were just good friends, that’s the best way I can put it. He was always there for me when I needed him, and I’d like to think I was always there for him.
I don’t really have a single memory of Michael that sticks out. It’s hard to do when you’ve been friends as long as we have. My best memories are of the time we spent talking, him hugging me, having good conversations, and making him laugh — I really enjoyed making him laugh. I could say some things — just a few words in his ear, and I could get a laugh out of him. And boy, did he have an infectious laugh.
Above all, Michael was a very caring person. He had a lot of love in his heart. He cared about everybody, especially the people on the street. He wasn’t stuck up — he had no ego, and he tried to make time for everybody because he didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. If he thought he did something wrong, it would really bother him. He had more love than anyone I know.
The Michael I saw everyday was one that loved his kids. They were his main focus. He was a very busy man, but he always made sure the kids were being looked after.
What a lot of people may not realize about Michael, is how good a businessman he was. The tour he was planning is a perfect example. He was a perfectionist, and he knew exactly what he wanted and how to get it. Everything regarding the tour had to be approved by Michael. Just because he hasn’t been on TV or out in public a lot recently, that doesn’t mean he wasn’t busy and active. A lot of people have speculated he was really stressed over the tour, but I don’t think he was. He went through the same routines he did for past tours.
I’ve thought about whether there were any similarities between Michael and my dad, and I cannot think of a single one. You’ve heard opposites attract? I think that explains their friendship. They had absolutely nothing in common, but when you got them together, you couldn’t tear them apart. He loved my dad, and they spent many days together at Dad’s house and at Neverland. They were very close.
Michael was instrumental helping my father through the last few years of his life. For that I will always be indebted to him. Dad had a hard time breathing in his final days, and he was on oxygen much of the time. He loved the outdoors, so Michael would invite him over to Neverland. Dad could name all the trees there, and the flowers, but being on oxygen it was hard for him to get around and see them all, it’s such a big place. So Michael got Dad a golf cart with a portable oxygen tank so he could go around and enjoy Neverland. They’d just drive around — Michael Jackson, Marlon Brando, with an oxygen tank in a golf cart.
Some of the best times I spent with Michael were just sitting on a bench at Disneyland ’s “ Main Street .” We would just sit there and people watch. Sometimes Michael would be in a getup so people wouldn’t recognize him — but they always did. When he was in a bad mood or a little down, I’d just say “Michael, the bench,” and that would bring him out of it. If I knew he wanted to have fun, or just get away, I’d say “let’s go to the bench,” and we were gone.
Of course, Michael Jackson in a public place like Disneyland was bound to draw crowds, and sometimes we would have park security with us. But they weren’t there to protect Michael, they were there to protect the crowds. He was never really concerned about himself, but that someone would get hurt in the crush of people that wanted to see him. People would just go crazy when they saw Michael Jackson.
Michael rarely cried, but I think he’d be in tears over the reaction to his death. He’d be overwhelmed and happy that so much of the love he gave was returned by the people he loved. I think he’d take a deep breath and just say thank you.
The family is still planning the funeral, but I think Michael would want it to be a celebration. He would want everybody there. He loved his fans. I’ve been around plenty of big movie stars, but Michael’s fans are beyond fans. He knew the fans were what made him, and he wouldn’t want to leave anyone out. Everywhere he went, fans would be there. He’d tell me the fans always knew what he was doing. I don’t think anyone has ever had fans like that. So Michael would want a funeral that included his fans and made them happy. He would want it to say: “I’m still with you and we’ll always be together.” He was happy, and he wanted to make everybody around him happy. Finally, he would want love. Above all, Michael was about love."
很多人可能意識不到邁克爾是個多麼精明的商人。他計畫的巡演就是個很好的例子。他是一個完美主義者,他很明確自己要什麼,怎麼做到。關於巡演的一切全都經過了邁克爾的同意。只是因為他最近一段時間淡出人們的視線的時間太長了,但那並不代表他不忙或者不積極了。很多人都在想他一定被巡演搞得壓力重重,但我並不這麼認為, 他就像之前的巡演一樣走著常規的路。
來源:http://larrykinglive.blogs.cnn.c ... it-its-all-michael/
中文來源:mjjcn.ocm 編譯:ilmj1314
馬龍白蘭度的兒子看完This is it的感言
幾周前,我接到伊莉莎白.泰勒爵士的電話,她問我是否想去索尼公司看邁克爾的電影“This is it”,好的,我怎麼會拒絕這樣的邀請呢?
我最喜歡的一段是邁克爾表演“Human Nature”。這首歌很難在電臺或CD裏聽到,但能看到他在臺上演繹—我被深深的吸引了。我不知道為什麼這首歌比其他歌能讓我更偏愛,我喜歡他在臺上表演這首歌的方式。它對我有一些意義。
Miko Brando on "This Is It" - It's All Michael
A few weeks ago I got a call from Dame Elizabeth Taylor. She asked if I wanted to go see Michael's new movie, "This Is It," at the Sony Studios lot. Well, how do you turn down an invitation like that?
Before I go into the movie, let me say it was an honor to be invited by Dame Elizabeth. She looked great, and it was really nice to see her. Michael had her over all the time, and we got to spend a lot of time together. She's about as good as they come, and she and Michael were great friends. They shared a mutual love, respect and admiration for each other.
Now, the movie. Dame Elizabeth loved it, and so did I. It was like he was still here, which made it a little bit eerie for me, and very emotional. Thank God I had my Kleenex handy.
The movie follows Michael through the last few months at rehearsals for the "This Is It" concerts. It's a lot of backstage footage of him through the process.
Michael's fans will really enjoy this movie. His creative brilliance comes out in the film. It will prove he was ready to go - he was there, just days away from going to London and doing these 50 shows. He was 50 years-old, and he looked and sounded amazing - a genius to the end.
I'm not trying to sell anything to anybody, but this movie shows Michael was a normal person. He went to work, and did his job, his job was just a bit different. It will also show he was great, up to the very end.
My favorite part of the film was when Michael performed "Human Nature." It's a hard song for me to hear it on the radio or on CD, but to see him perform it on stage - it gets to me. I'm not sure why that song more than any other, but I always enjoyed the way he performed it on stage. It did something for me then, and it still does.
As much as I enjoyed the movie, it was hard for me to watch. I still don't watch movies of my dad. It's just too tough. I have the same feelings about seeing Michael on screen. It's hard to watch someone I've spent so many years with - someone who was such a part of my life - look so vibrant on screen, and know he's not with me anymore. I've had so many losses in the last few years, they're stacking up for me.
I'm told some are speculating there was a Michael "double" in parts of the movie. I can tell you that is simply NOT TRUE. I was there for all the rehearsals. That's all Michael. It's Michael Jackson, and only Michael Jackson. They just want to make a stupid story out of nothing.
I think people will leave the theater after seeing "This Is It" saying "WOW!" Wow because he was about as close to genius as you can get, and the film gives us a rare look at that genius. You can't take your eyes off of him because he's so electrifying. I'm proud of it, and I'm sure he would be too.
新浪娛樂訊 北京時間6月28日,國外媒體播出邁克爾-傑克遜的密友米克-白蘭度接受採訪的片段。
拉裏: 康拉德-穆銳(Conrad Murray)醫生當時在他家中,你知道嗎?