來源:MJJCN.COM / huffingtonpost 翻譯:ilmj1314
作者:馬爾科姆·哈裏斯(Malcolm Harris)

2011年10月16日 — 正當我不情願的起床,撲通一屁股坐在電腦前,慢慢的例行公事式的流覽網頁,不論在哪里點到邁克爾•傑克遜(Michael Jackson)的名字,我總是被這樣的熱門話題震動。我立刻感到陣陣不安,因為我確定這個熱門要麼與康納德•莫里(Conrad Murray)案或者近期在英國舉行的備受爭議的家族致敬演唱會有關。但當我點擊到今日的熱門話題,可以想像到我高興的驚喜樣,首先跳入我眼簾的是《時尚》編輯拉舒卡•伯格曼(Rushka Bergman)和“流行音樂之王”(The King of Pop)。
原來是GoLightly先生(譯者注:作者本人)前晚出門時,忠實的《全美超模大賽》(America's Next Top Model)影迷被招待了一場三重時尚盛宴“卡戴珊姐妹(The Kardashians)、傑克遜家族(The Jacksons)和拉舒卡•伯格曼。給我片刻整理下思緒,這是所有傳說的彙集。自從直言不諱的Jay小姐(Miss Jay)退出了評委席,我個人停止了觀看《超模大賽》,但很明顯從今早和昨晚的網上討論可以看到,ANTM重獲活力了。於是我坐在椅上上,抿了一口熱氣騰騰的後悔藥,我恍然大悟我有99.9%ANTM觀眾夢寐以求的東西 — 伯格曼女士的移動電話號碼。

如果你們中任何人昨晚收看了這個節目,我確定你們可以想像到拉舒卡有別於其他人的回電話方式。“你好,親親親親親愛的,我是拉拉拉舒卡,拉拉拉舒卡•伯格曼。”我必須承認,每次聽到她的這種戲劇性口音和跳躍式的聲音,都感到一點小高興。她完全是個人物 — 就像戴安娜•威爾藍(Diana Vreeland)遇到了雅里安娜•哈芬頓( Arianna Huffington)。聰明、時髦、富有經驗、世故、自信,形容不完她。拉舒卡擁有一個時尚人士的所有神奇特質。

讓我告訴你們,與《義大利時尚》的伯格曼女士一同走在大街上真是珍貴的時刻。每個人都在盯著她看,但她只盯著你。拉舒卡就像是所有酷的、先進的和精細工藝的活百科全書。我甚至不認為在她的辭彙表中會使用時尚這個詞,它僅僅是她宇宙中心的天賦。所以她開始解釋和與我分享她下一個大項目的秘密計畫前,可以想像我與她坐下僅僅幾分鐘時的震驚。有段時間,我必須打量下這間奢華的義大利餐廳確保我不是被惡搞了。一旦我意識到越來越順利,立即求她讓我與讀者分享這些新消息。開始我的提議遭到了禮節性的拒絕,但慢慢的她透露出來了。在我職業生涯中,我有獨一無二的樂趣與一些超棒的藝術家、活動家和志願者工作,在這個過程中的總有某一刻當夢想家實現了超過他們想像的一個項目、理念和概念。所以想像下聽到從拉舒卡•伯格曼親口說出這個 — 邁克爾•傑克遜服飾展。
我不能控制自己 — 仍然狂喜於這個消息。傑克遜私人設計師、知己和朋友拉舒卡•伯格曼主辦邁克爾•傑克遜服飾展。這太棒了太有才了,幾乎讓GoLightly先生無法理解。
伯格曼女士已經秘密的為這個專案工作了幾年,並盡心盡力。我甚至感覺在邁克爾去世前,他和伯格曼都秘密的計畫著這個展覽。當我聽到她解釋這個專案是一場視覺盛宴,有服裝、設計師、收藏品、音樂、閃亮的珠子和手套時,我熱淚盈眶了。在她所有的計畫和想像中,有一件令我吃驚 — 從未提到錢、預算、名譽和盈利。這些天來這樣的話實在罕見,不論在哪聽到邁克爾•傑克遜的名字,隨之而來都是名和利的喧鬧。隨著伯格曼女士繼續用她和諧的英國、義大利、塞爾維亞方言描述著這個令人生畏的計畫時,我發現自己又起雞皮疙瘩了。我知道我不僅秘密的知道了這個可能是我們這輩子最盛大的服裝展覽之一,我還是見證背負著見證這個真正的愛的付出的責任。
隨著我午飯的結束,我不得不回到現實中來,地鐵、喧鬧和紐約。我不禁回頭看著伯格曼滿意的笑臉,心想“邁克爾•傑克遜肯定在某處對他的好朋友微笑著並祝福著她。”現在我平安無恙的回到家中,讓我看看能否找到大都會藝術博物館服裝學院(Costume Institute of the Metropolitan Museum of Art)館長哈樂德•哥達(Harold Koda )的電話,我知道我肯定有。如果哥達先生認為亞歷山大•麥昆(Alexander McQueen)的“原始之美”(Savage Beauty)創造了記錄,等著邁克爾•傑克遜的大駕光臨吧 — “流行音樂之王”將震撼神聖的大都會博物館。
Michael Jackson's Stylist Rushka Bergman: "The King of Pop" Costume Exhibition
Well, it turns out while Mister GoLightly was out and about in the city that never sleeps, faithful America's Next Top Model fans were being treated to a trilogy of fabulousness, "The Kardashians, The Jacksons and La Rushka Bergman." Give me a moment while I collect myself from the thought of all this fabulosity in one place. Personally, I stopped watching Top Model after the outrageous and outspoken Miss Jay was removed from the judges' panel, but clearly from all of this morning and last night's online chatter, ANTM has life left in it yet. So as I sat in my chair, sipping a hot, steaming cup of regret, it suddenly dawned on me that I possessed something that 99.9 percent of the viewers of ANTM could only dream of -- Ms. Bergman's mobile number.
So, before my brain could catch up with my index finger, there I was, feverishly dialing one of the most genius and brilliant, not to mention busiest, fashion editors in the world hoping she would spare five minutes for an impromptu interview.
If any of you guys were tuned in the other evening, I am sure you can imagine that Rushka has a way of answering the telephone like no one else: "Hello daarrrllliiinnnggg -- It's Rrrrrrushka. Rrrrrrushka Bergman." I must admit, I'm always just a little tickled everytime I hear her sparkling voice accompanied by her dramatic accent. She is a total character -- a sort of Diana Vreeland meets Arianna Huffington. Smart, sassy, sophisticated, worldly, confident -- the list goes on and on. Rushka truly possesses all those magical qualities that one wishes for in a person that lives, breaths and worships fashion.
No matter what the topic, one is always struck by her honesty and compassion for her fellow creatives as well as the creative process. So there we were, all connected, with me dying to get her opinion on her latest television appearance on ANTM. But before I could get a word in edgewise, between the darlings, sweeties, and divines -- Ms. Bergman had invited yours truly to drop everything and meet her for an early lunch. Now, to the average fashion enthusiast, this might not seem like a big deal, but in my world this is like being granted an audience with the Pope, or at least the High Priestess of Chic. So I quickly rearranged my schedule, got myself all spruced up and off I went "lightly" into Gotham City to break bread with the fabulous Rushka Bergman.
Let me tell you, to walk down the city streets with Ms. Bergman of Italian Vogue is absolutely priceless. Everyone is staring at her -- but she is staring only at you. Rushka is like a walking encyclopedia of all things cool, next level and fine art. I don't even think she actually uses the word fashion in her vocabulary -- it's simply a given that it is at the epicenter of her universe. So imagine my shock once we had been seated for only a few minutes before she began explaining and sharing with me her top secret plans on her next big project. At one point I had to survey the lavish Italian restaurant to make sure I wasn't being punk'd. Once I realized it was all on the up-and-up, I immediately begged her to let me share this new information with my readers. At first my proposition was met with gracious and elegant resistance --but slowly I could see the catharsis taking place. I've had the unique pleasure in my career of working with some amazing artists, activists as well as revolutionaries, and there is always a point in the process when true visionaries realize that a project, idea or concept -- is much bigger than anything they could have ever envisioned. So imagine hearing these words come out of Rushka Bergman's own mouth -- Michael Jackson's Costume Exhibition.
can't contain myself -- I'm still swooning over this revelation. A Michael Jackson Costume Exhibit curated by his personal stylist, confidant and friend -- Rushka Bergman. It's almost too brilliant and genius for Mister GoLightly to comprehend.
It turns out that Ms. Bergman has been quietly working on this project for several years and has been holding it very close to her vest as well as her heart. I even got the feeling that perhaps Rushka and Michael may have been secretly planning this exhibition well before his passing. I will admit, at a certain point I became a bit teary-eyed as I listened to her explain the visual symphony of such an undertaking; the costumes, the designers, the archives, the music, the beads, the GLOVE. With everything she was planning and envisioning, one thing struck me -- there was never a mention of money, budget, fame or profit. This is so rare these days, as whenever you normally hear the name Michael Jackson it is always followed by the proverbial sound of "kerching-kerching!" As Ms. Bergman continued to describe her daunting plans in her harmonic English meets Italian meets Serbian vernacular, I found myself once again covered in goose bumps. I knew that not only was I privy to listening to the beginning stages of perhaps one of the greatest costume exhibits of our life time, but I was also bearing witness to a true labor of love.
As our lunch date came to an end and I was forced to go back to my reality of subways, sirens and Gotham -- I couldn't help but look back at Rushka's smiling and satisfied face and think to myself, "Michael Jackson is somewhere smiling down on his dear friend and giving her his blessing."
Now that I'm back home, safe and sound, let me see if I can dig up the number to Harold Koda, Curator of the Costume Institute of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I know I must have it somewhere (because I keep track of these things)... If Mr. Koda thinks he had a record breaker with Alexander McQueen's Savage Beauty -- just wait until Micheal Jackson -- THE KING OF POP hits the hallowed halls of the MET!
Photos courtesy of Rushka Bergman Studios.
ANTM photo (center) courtesy of the CW.