邁克爾·傑克遜中國網/Bookshawaii.net by Supernannan 2006年5月12日
曾經引介Michael Jackson於1997年開演唱會的夏威夷主要宣傳者兼DJ,Tom Moffat(被當地人稱為Tom叔叔)在作家Jerry Hopkins的幫助下發行了一本自傳。
這本書詳細記載了Tom叔叔的生活和經歷,從在夏威夷的各個電臺作DJ到推薦和邀請世界上的傳奇藝術家來夏威夷。這些藝術家當中包括流行樂之王Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Elvis Presley, Rolling Stones, Frank Sinatra, Liza Minelli, Sammy Davis, Jr, ‘Nsync, 還有更多。
這本書的名字叫“太平洋上的表演者:電臺和搖滾巨星的50年”,其中包括了數不清的黑白和彩色照片。然而,只有少數的傳奇藝術家獲得了獨占一整張插圖的榮耀。Michael Jackson就是其中之一(194頁)。Michael也是封面組圖中的第一張,在右上角,挨著Tom叔叔和貓王的合影。圖中的Michael攝於1997年1月2日,他到達夏威夷入住希爾頓夏威夷村酒店的時候。
“Michael當時為65,000人表演,這是一個連Rolling Stones都不能打破的夏威夷紀錄。”(196頁)
本書中Tom叔叔與大家分享了他邀請Michael Jackson來夏威夷表演的經歷:
“至今為止,夏威夷最盛大的演唱會當屬1997年的Michael Jackson演唱會。97年以前,體育場裏舉行過很多演唱會,但是從來沒有銷售一空的情況發生。我與Paul Gongaware握了握手就做成了這筆交易,後者當時代理Michael的世界巡演,我問他如果我們第一天早上就把票賣光的話我們該怎麼做,因為我估計會這樣。Michael當時在東南亞,夏威夷時間早上的時候我們知道票已經賣光了。我們在東南亞時間很早的時候給那邊打了電話,敲定了第二場演唱會。但是他們不知道Michael想要兩天開兩場或者中間想休息一下。他正在睡覺,他們叫不醒他所以不知道該如何決定。我們不想失去機會,於是中午的時候我們開始賣票,而時間和日期待定。在傍晚前又是銷售一空。那也許是世界上第一次發生大型演唱會門票上沒有時間和日期而又被銷售一空的情況。”
之後的一周,Michael打來電話說想讓一些當地的演出為他的演唱會暖場。考慮之後,我認為出其不意的表演會達到更好的效果。所以我們在宣傳的時候並沒有指出暖場演出者的名字,只在演唱會當天作介紹。我感覺出其不意的元素很重要。我想要的是甜美聲音的Israel Kamakawiwoole,這個大傢伙,夏威夷藝術家,但是我並不想以他是暖場演出而出賣“Bruddah Iz”。這個秘密還是被洩露了。
Promoter, Hilton Workers Remember Jackson 's Visit
Moffatt Says Jackson Was Biggest Concert He Handled
HONOLULU --Michael Jackson's Hawaii concert in 1997 was one of the biggest shows ever performed in the islands
Concert Promoter Tom Moffatt said bringing Jackson to Hawaii was the biggest job he ever handled.
"Just the fact that he sold out two Aloha Stadium concerts, nobody's ever done that," Moffatt said.
More than 60,000 people packed into Aloha Stadium those two nights with long lines of fans standing in the rain to see what Moffatt called one of the best shows ever staged in the islands.
Wherever Jackson went while in the islands he created frenzy, including at the Hilton Hawaiian Village in Waikiki , where he stayed for four nights.
Lani Bjork is the head of hotel security and had convinced Jackson 's security director to forgo the barricades the star normally requested.
"It was really the first time he'd come into a hotel at the front of the house and not in the bowels of the tower, and his security director was pretty impressed that he was so happy," Bjork said.
"He said to me, 'Are you Lani? I said, 'I am.' He said, 'I am so thrilled. I want to come back to Hawaii . The way you brought me into your hotel was just exciting,'" Bjork said.
Lora Gallagher recalled trying to keep the crowds controlled while being star-struck.
"We were asked to be human fences and kept people back and it was crazy. It was fun, but it was crazy," Gallagher said.
Jackson spent most of his time in his hotel suite on the 14th floor. Fans camped out underneath his room day and night.
"He came out on the lanai and waved," Bjork said. "You could hear that wave of 'Michael! Michael!' throughout the evening."
Moffatt compared Jackson 's death to the death of Elvis and said the music world has lost an icon.
"I think because of his ex-father-in-law known as the King of Rock and Roll Elvis, Michael wanted to be the King of Pop, and he certainly was," Moffatt said.
Moffatt said he had just been talking with Jackson 's concert promoter in London about possibly bringing him back to Hawaii for a performance, especially if he was going to be touring through Asia . Jackson had made it clear through several people years ago that he loved Hawaii and wanted to come back, Moffatt said.
Source: Examiner.com
RIP Michael Jackson, 20 feet of letters spelled out in white coral on black lava appeared almost immediately after the star’s death. Graffiti of this type, white coral on black lava, is Hawaii ’s own version of social networking. On the Big Island from Kona to Kohala this type of graffiti adorns the lava fields. Reading the messages as you drive is a welcome diversion from the miles of stark black lava.
It is an island tradition to communicate with friendly messages, nothing like the hateful graffiti spray painted on bridges and walls in cities. The coral rocks are rearranged and often change day by day. “Amanda will u marry” me soon morphs into “Happy Birthday Mom”. Hopefully the message lasted long enough for Amanda to answer. Companies promoting their conventions often decorate the lava with their logos. Tourist spell out their names and sports enthusiast embellish the lava with the names of their favorite teams. Artwork is created in the rocks, and lost loved ones are memorialized in coral.
A few of these coral graffiti messages are left untouched, a beautiful turtle, a heartfelt plea for love, perhaps RIP Michael Jackson will be one of the messages that remains for a very long time.