翻譯:邁克爾傑克遜-音悅Tai飯團 / 小茵Ronnie,Gloria

翻譯:邁克爾傑克遜-音悅Tai飯團 / 小茵Ronnie,Gloria

在錄製《天下一家》期間,他真的把自己孤立起來了。 這裡有一屋子世界上最有名的歌手——鮑勃·狄倫 、布魯斯·斯普林斯汀 、威廉·羅賓遜、保羅·西蒙、雷·查理斯——他們都在互相握手問好,談笑風生。他們其中的一些人之前從來都沒有見過對方。這就像是全世界最精彩的派對,也像做夢一樣——你被來自流行和搖滾界最著名的歌手圍繞著。但是邁克爾卻遠離他們,站在一棵位於角落的盆栽棕櫚樹後面。他的行為相當奇怪;他並沒有出來跟大家打成一片,而是獨自站在一旁,仿佛這一切讓他喘不過氣似的。那也是我最後一次見到他本人。
Michael Jackson:
The Boy Who Brought Me to Tears
Renowned photographer Henry Diltz, whose work has appeared in Life, Rolling Stone and the New York Times, captured the Jackson 5 multiple times in the 1970s. He reconnected with their lead singer Michael Jackson, who had since become the biggest pop star on the planet, in 1985 to document the famed 'We Are the World' charity single recording sessions. He witnessed Michael the boy, the man, the transcendent genius and the troubled superstar, from two feet away.
Michael was
always very quiet. His older brothers were a lot more loose and outgoing,
always joking and laughing. But Michael came alive onstage -- almost like he
lived for those moments.
In the early
'70s, I went to a small concert at a school for blind children in L.A. I was
sitting cross-legged two feet away from Michael with all these kids in the
front row. His voice had such a pure quality to it that it just released
something in you. I could see all the kids listening and moving, so enthralled
by the music. He just sang so amazingly beautiful. It was so joyful and such an
outpouring of angelic sound that it released something in me, and tears started
rolling down my face.
At 'We Are the
World,' he really isolated himself. Here was a whole room of the most famous
singers in the world -- Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Smokey Robinson, Paul
Simon, Ray Charles -- and they were all shaking hands laughing and talking.
Some of them had never met each other before. It was like the most amazing
party, like a dream where you're surrounded by all the hero singers in the pop
and rock world. But Michael kind of stood off in the corner behind a potted
palm tree. It was quite odd; he didn't really come out and mix with everybody.
He was off by himself, like it was overwhelming. That was the last time I saw
him in person.
He changed his
appearance so dramatically from the shots I took when he was a little boy to
the way he looked in the end you'd never know it was the same person. He was
obviously always troubled by something. He had this heavy thing on his
shoulders. He was very internal, very introspective, and he lived in his head.
Life is meant to be joyful, we're supposed to have fun, and it was sad that he
was so isolated.
I'm sure that
Michael is finally released from the torment that he had in this lifetime. He's
free and he doesn't have to deal with that anymore. It's all of us who he left
behind who are unhappy, because we don't have him here. But we certainly have
all of his records and videos, which is fantastic.