Dear Michael,
My Daughter Sarah woke me up this morning at 7am to tell me of your passing. I was hoping this was some type of publicity stunt that only you or Houdini could pull off.
I remember the first day we met in the summer of 1979 when my family as on tour with your family. The Jacksons and The McCrarys. Did you know we used to be called The McCrary 5? Oh never mind, long story.
When my sister Charity introduced me to you with my brothers Alfred and Sam at that swanky Texas house party you asked me if I was married and I told you I was separated from my wife Chaye and we were going through a divorce. That’s when you folded your hands and said, “I will be praying for you.” Then you introduced me to your beautiful cousin Jackie and folded your hands again and said, “I’ll be praying for you.”
10 minutes later you went to the other side of the room and made the praying gesture and smiled as you pointed at your cousin. I remember you doing this two more times before finally saying good night again saying “I will be praying for you.”
Michael right now I am praying for you. I am praying for your beautiful parents you introduced me to at The Omni Hotel in Los Angeles on your 45th private birthday party the evening your sister Janet asked me to play ‘Triste’ and her fiancée Mr. Dupree seemed a little upset as she held both my hands to thank me from her heart for 2 or or three full minutes for playing one of her favorite songs. It was so good to see Jackie that night and Tito and Randy too. Latoya was looking so beautiful as well. Every member of your family are so beautiful and gifted. I remember meeting up with Jermaine at Cocscos and as we shopped together we would talk all about you.
Do you remember that Christmas morning at your home in Beverley Hills when you and your children wanted to hear the children sing?
Seth Riggs called me and at your request asked me to arrange a choir of 12 children to sing at your home on Christmas morning. I called my sister Charity and we contacted 12 of the best singing kids we knew, of course some of them being our own family members. We had less than 48 hours to rehearse an coordinate this private production before the children got into the limousines from me and Tammy’s home from Sherman Oaks to be convoyed to your Beverly Hills Estate.
Seth proudly was there that morning to vocalize all the young ones as I conducted as the children sang with charity accapella, ‘Heal The World, Silent Night, Santa Clause Is Coming to Town (’Jackson style)’ amongst other songs as they sang on you staircase and you and your children and family sat in that grand foyer combined with the Cathedral like acoustics I could hear additional voices of angels that morning. It was a sacred moment for us all.
As you hugged Charity and I to thank us we did a group hug with Seth and sumptuously enjoyed The Christmas Buffet you prepared for all of us. For these children it was a Christmas dream come true. If any of you children are reading this letter please share what that morning meant to you.
Your children Michael looked like cherubs. You were such a loving father.
Michael I could never understand how could the press could be so ruthless towards you. You are Michael The Angel.
I will never forget when I had the joy to work with Andre and Sandra Crouch on your Dangerous CD at Westlake Studio and we were recording the background vocals on ‘Keep The Faith‘ and as Andre was conducting we came to an impasse for over 20 minutes until Andre turned to me and said, “Howard fix it!”
So I gave out the parts to the ascending figure of the word ‘FAITH‘ leading to the release and you jumped up and down in the control room saying, “I Love It!”
It was that day you invited me up to the green room with my son Darius who was 12 years old at that time. He was part of a new TV sitcom called Family Matters and you told him, “I hear you have been hanging out with Bobby Brown, he is not a good influence. Here take my number and call me anytime. If you need someone to talk to or spend time with, I’ll be there. The only thing is when you call don’t ask for me or they won’t put you through, ask for Norma Jean, it’s the code name.”
For the rest of that day at West Lake Studios he spent with you and was in heaven.
All the way home he held your private phone number in his hands aglow and raving about his new awesome friend. As soon as we got home he asked if he could call you and I said yes of course. So very excitedly Darius dialed the number and ask for Michael…click! Then he remembered the code name, called back and asked for Norma Jean…click!
Even still to this day he talks about that wonderful day he spent with you at the studio and learned the lesson of how important it is to follow instructions.
Once again and lastly when you went to trial in Santa Barbara and it seemed like the whole world turned their backs on you, at another session producer Bruce Swedien pulled my sister Linda and I to the side and said, “Howard and Linda , don’t believe The Press. Michael is an angel… he would never hurt the children.”
I never stopped believing in you or the pure soul that you are. I remember when you thanked my sister Charity and I for bringing 10 busloads of ministers and some of their members to support you during your trial at The Santa Barbara Courthouse. We had singers singing on behalf of your innocence and ministers interceding on your behalf for justice.
Thank you for graciously hosting all of us at Neverland not once but twice as we came to show you how much we loved you and believed in your innocence.
It is an outrage what some people will do for money. Greed, Delusion, and Anger is something you wanted to see our world healed of. Michael it’s not too late. I know there are others like myself who believe in your dream that we can have a better world if we only Keep The Faith.
As I began writing this letter the sun was shining in Hong Kong and now as I close we are in a Typhoon…strange but Michael…I am not surprised you were always bigger than life and now we know that you are.
You and your music, your smile, your dance, but most of all your message will live in our hearts forever.
You not only are ‘The King of Pop’, you are also…‘The King of Hearts’
We Love You Michael!
-With Love, Howard

Howard McCrary is an African-American musician, entertainer, and actor. He was nominated for Grammy award in 1986 for a gospel record. Credited for vocal performances and arrangements on the music albums of Chaka Khan, Quincy Jones, Michael Jackson, Earth, Wind & Fire and many others. He also appears in the first Gospel Album The Chimes (released on July, 2009) of The Chung Brothers (Henry & Roger Chung) in Hong Kong , acting as arranger, pianist and singer in the song Soul Seranade, Part II.
He guest-starred in the television series Amen, and Martin.