惠妮·伊莉莎白·休斯頓(Whitney Elizabeth Houston,1963年8月9日-2012年2月11日)是位曾獲得葛萊美獎的美國R&B歌手、演員、電影製作人與並曾擔任模特兒。她以強而有力的嗓音、一字多轉音的感染力與寬廣的音域為世人所熟知,並成為國際樂壇天后。
在1980年代,惠妮是少數能夠在 MTV 獲得大量的播出機會的黑人藝人之一,而那時是男性為主的搖滾時代。AOL Black Voices 曾說「雖然她的成功如同避雷針 (lightning rod) 一般,但總是能夠從她那優美且有力的聲音中得到證明。」而封她為 "The Voice" 更是使她聞名。 她是唯一在美國擁有兩張最佳銷售前 35 名的專輯的女性歌手,更是唯一擁有在告示牌流行榜 (Billboard) 連續七週冠軍單曲紀錄的歌手。惠妮在全世界有超過一億 7000 萬張專輯的銷售紀錄。 根據 Ebony 雜誌,惠妮被認為是 20世紀中,世界最迷人的黑人女性前 100 名之一。
但自從在事業高峰時期嫁給 R&B 歌手 Bobby Brown 之後,使用禁藥與婚姻暴力的傳聞致使其唱片銷售量和公眾形象下降。在小報上出現有關對於她個人的麻煩事討論的次數,遠多於其音樂上的表現。惠妮開始不像一般歌手常會被看見或是聽見,她也停止在公開場合現身。惠妮在 2005年與 2006年接受兩次藥物治療計畫。在第二次(2006年)成功的完成治療計畫之後,惠妮與 Bobby Brown 離婚並且得到女兒 Bobbi Kristina 的監護權。並與音樂界的重量級人物、親近的朋友,以及良師益友 Clive Davis 一起,於2009年9月惠妮休斯頓發行她睽違7年的最新作品。
2012年2月11日,公關人員佛斯特(Kristen Foste)表示惠妮休斯頓已經去世,享年48歲,惠妮的屍體是在美國西岸比佛利山莊的希爾頓飯店內發現的,死因是服用阿普唑侖以及其他處方藥與酒精混合而導致中毒。
Whitney Houston Gives Michael Jackson Award 1989
Michael Jackson逝世時Whitney Houston哀悼的話
Whitney Houston
“It is so hard to express in words what Michael Jackson meant to me.
He was my friend.
He was one of the reasons I got into the music business.
He inspired me.
He taught me.
He laughed with me.
He paved the way for African American artists to be played on MTV which was huge.
My heart is full of grief for his family and his children and I pray that they take solace in the incredible legacy of his music and art.”
Whitney Houston Talks About The Last Time She Saw Michael Jackson09.16.2009
Says it was like looking in a mirror...
During the second half of her interview on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" yesterday, Whitney Houston opened up about her feelings towards Michael Jackson's death.
She revealed, "I have so many good memories of spending time with him. I've known his family for so many years that I thought, 'It can't be true.'"
Whitney says the last time she saw Michael was in 2001 at his 30th anniversary show, while she was still abusing drugs. She says she knew Michael was also on painkillers at the show. She says, "I just remember doing the anniversary special and I remember looking at Michael and I remember looking at myself and I was getting scared looking at him. I was looking at myself. I don't want it to be like this. Mike and I were very close."
Whitney says afterward that the two kept in touch on the phone, but Michael had no interest in seeing her.

Whitney Houston - Michael Jackson's 30th Anniversary Celebration, 2001

Says it was like looking in a mirror...
During the second half of her interview on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" yesterday, Whitney Houston opened up about her feelings towards Michael Jackson's death.
She revealed, "I have so many good memories of spending time with him. I've known his family for so many years that I thought, 'It can't be true.'"
Whitney says the last time she saw Michael was in 2001 at his 30th anniversary show, while she was still abusing drugs. She says she knew Michael was also on painkillers at the show. She says, "I just remember doing the anniversary special and I remember looking at Michael and I remember looking at myself and I was getting scared looking at him. I was looking at myself. I don't want it to be like this. Mike and I were very close."
Whitney says afterward that the two kept in touch on the phone, but Michael had no interest in seeing her.

Whitney Houston - Michael Jackson's 30th Anniversary Celebration, 2001

The Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Celebration - MSG- September 7, 2001

Michael Jackson與Whitney Houston,一直是相知相惜的好友,當年MJ的驟逝,讓惠妮重新省思自己的荒唐人生,致力讓自己過得更好,擺脫毒品、前夫所帶給她的種種不良影響。
當年所有MJ的追思活動,阿惠都選擇缺席。在我看來,阿惠應該是不想傳媒模糊焦點,把拿追她八卦的力道,來抹煞屬於MJ的最後一絲寧靜與尊嚴吧.....在2009-2010年的Nothing But Love World Tour巡演期間,阿惠在節目排程裡,作了一段向MJ致敬的橋段,有部份場次,她都選唱了MJ招牌名曲"Man In The Mirror"
當年所有MJ的追思活動,阿惠都選擇缺席。在我看來,阿惠應該是不想傳媒模糊焦點,把拿追她八卦的力道,來抹煞屬於MJ的最後一絲寧靜與尊嚴吧.....在2009-2010年的Nothing But Love World Tour巡演期間,阿惠在節目排程裡,作了一段向MJ致敬的橋段,有部份場次,她都選唱了MJ招牌名曲"Man In The Mirror"