攝影師Lynn Goldsmith 曾為MJ 工作過大約八年的時間。關於
這張照片,Lynn 回憶說:
那天黃昏我們在酒店,時間大概快七點了,太陽正在慢慢地落下去。我跟Michael 說:“ 知道嗎,Michael,這個時候樓頂上的光線看上去很神奇,”他說:“ 神奇的光線!” 我說:“是的,你想上去看看嗎?”他回答說想。於是,我們倆就偷偷地爬到了樓頂上,到那兒後Michael 忽然就開始一件一件地把身上穿的衣服脫下來扔到了地上,當然他並沒有全脫光,只脫了上身穿的衣服。他的身材不屬於那種健美先生型的,所以,我還真沒搞明白他當時到底在想什麼。不過,能在那種情況下給他拍照,還是很讓人興奮的,至少對我來說是這樣XD!

這張照片,Lynn 回憶說:
那天黃昏我們在酒店,時間大概快七點了,太陽正在慢慢地落下去。我跟Michael 說:“ 知道嗎,Michael,這個時候樓頂上的光線看上去很神奇,”他說:“ 神奇的光線!” 我說:“是的,你想上去看看嗎?”他回答說想。於是,我們倆就偷偷地爬到了樓頂上,到那兒後Michael 忽然就開始一件一件地把身上穿的衣服脫下來扔到了地上,當然他並沒有全脫光,只脫了上身穿的衣服。他的身材不屬於那種健美先生型的,所以,我還真沒搞明白他當時到底在想什麼。不過,能在那種情況下給他拍照,還是很讓人興奮的,至少對我來說是這樣XD!

Photographer Lynn Goldsmith worked for Michael for 8 years. Of this photoshoot with Michael Lynn says “We were in his hotel and it’s about 7’ o clock, and that’s when the sun was setting and I said ‘You know Michael, up on the roof there’s m…agic light’ so he said ‘Magic light!’ so I said ‘Yeah, you wanna go up there?’ so he said ‘Yeah’ so we snuck out and and we went up to the roof and it was something that he did, Michael started taking his clothes off on the roof which I thought I would get into big trouble for, I mean, he didn’t completely undress but even just taking his shirt off, this is not, you know, a body builder and so you never really knew what he was thinking and that made photographing him very exciting, for me.”
~Lynn Goldsmith Plum TV Interview. 1981 Boston .

MJ 當時在樓頂上拍的半裸照(HaHa。。。)